Wikipedia:WikiProject Academic Journals/Journals cited by Wikipedia/Publisher22

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Rank Publisher Entries (Citations, Articles) Total Citations Distinct Articles Citations/article

1421 Botanical Survey of India | {{doi|10.20324}}
9 8 1.125
1422 Eastern University (United States) | {{doi|10.18251}}
9 8 1.125
1423 Federal University of Pernambuco | {{doi|10.51359}} · {{doi|10.57253}}
9 8 1.125
1424 Flinders University | {{doi|10.22356}}
9 8 1.125
1425 International College of Surgeons | {{doi|10.9738}}
9 8 1.125
1426 National University of Rosario | {{doi|10.35305}}
All 8 National University of Rosario-related entries
9 8 1.125
1427 NeuroQuantology | {{doi|10.14704}}
9 8 1.125
1428 Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia | {{doi|10.19053}}
9 8 1.125
1429 Russian State University for the Humanities | {{doi|10.28995}}
9 8 1.125
1430 University Press of Mississippi | {{doi|10.14325}}
9 8 1.125
1431 University of Wyoming Libraries | {{doi|10.13001}}
9 8 1.125
1432 University of the Bahamas | {{doi|10.15362}}
9 8 1.125
1433 World Resources Institute | {{doi|10.46830}}
9 8 1.125
1434 Yukon University | {{doi|10.22584}}
9 8 1.125
1435 Forum on Education Abroad | {{doi|10.36366}}
9 7 1.286
1436 Juta and Company | {{doi|10.47348}}
9 7 1.286
1437 Kagiso Media | {{doi|10.47348}}
9 7 1.286
1438 ScienceOpen | {{doi|10.14293}} · {{doi|10.47622}} · {{doi|10.47959}} · {{doi|10.54081}} · {{doi|10.54947}} · {{doi|10.55914}} · {{doi|10.58647}} · {{doi|10.59081}}
9 7 1.286
1439 Tilburg University | {{doi|10.56675}}
9 7 1.286
1440 National Law School of India University | {{doi|10.55496}}
9 6 1.500
1441 University of North Carolina Press | {{doi|10.1493}} · {{doi|10.5149}}
9 6 1.500
1442 National Academic Advising Association | {{doi|10.12930}}
9 2 4.500
1443 ArXiv | {{doi|10.48550}}
All 8 ArXiv-related entries
8 8 1.000
1444 Caister Academic Press | {{doi|10.21775}}
8 8 1.000
1445 Cambridge International Law Journal | {{doi|10.7574}}
8 8 1.000
1446 Canadian Society for Clinical Investigation | {{doi|10.25011}}
8 8 1.000
1447 Comillas Pontifical University | {{doi|10.14422}}
8 8 1.000
1448 Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra | {{doi|10.17846}}
8 8 1.000
1449 Fundacio per la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya | {{doi|10.7238}}
8 8 1.000
1450 Gaziantep University | {{doi|10.21547}} · {{doi|10.31680}} · {{doi|10.52886}} · {{doi|10.55769}}
8 8 1.000
1451 Hong Kong Baptist University | {{doi|10.24112}}
8 8 1.000
1452 Ilia State University | {{doi|10.32859}}
8 8 1.000
1453 Institute of Aeronautics and Space | {{doi|10.5028}}
8 8 1.000
1454 Institute of Contemporary History, Czech Academy of Sciences | {{doi|10.51134}}
8 8 1.000
1455 Jorge Basadre Grohmann National University | {{doi|10.33326}}
8 8 1.000
1456 Kent State University | {{doi|10.1499}} · {{doi|10.21038}}
8 8 1.000
1457 Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters | {{doi|10.7245}}
8 8 1.000
1458 National University of the Northeast | {{doi|10.30972}}
8 8 1.000
1459 National and University Library of the Republika Srpska | {{doi|10.12670}} · {{doi|10.5825}} · {{doi|10.7251}}
8 8 1.000
1460 Petra Christian University | {{doi|10.9744}}
8 8 1.000
1461 Polytechnic University of Catalonia | {{doi|10.5821}}
8 8 1.000
1462 Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities | {{doi|10.34739}}
8 8 1.000
1463 São Paulo State University | {{doi|10.14572}} · {{doi|10.18675}} · {{doi|10.5016}} · {{doi|10.58980}}
8 8 1.000
1464 Universidad Externado de Colombia | {{doi|10.18601}}
8 8 1.000
1465 Universidad del Pacífico (Peru) | {{doi|10.21678}}
8 8 1.000
1466 Universiti Sultan Azlan Shah | {{doi|10.7187}}
8 8 1.000
1467 University of A Coruña | {{doi|10.17979}}
8 8 1.000
1468 University of Economics and Human Sciences in Warsaw | {{doi|10.5709}}
8 8 1.000
1469 University of Karachi | {{doi|10.46422}} · {{doi|10.46568}} · {{doi|10.56384}}
8 8 1.000
1470 University of Louisville | {{doi|10.18297}} · {{doi|10.55504}}
8 8 1.000
1471 University of Melbourne | {{doi|10.15638}} · {{doi|10.46580}}
8 8 1.000
1472 Western Sydney University | {{doi|10.12807}} · {{doi|10.51142}} · {{doi|10.61588}}
8 8 1.000
1473 Al-Farabi Kazakh National University | {{doi|10.26577}}
8 7 1.143
1474 Barcelona Centre for International Affairs | {{doi|10.24241}}
8 7 1.143
1475 Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland | {{doi|10.26509}} · {{doi|10.55350}} · {{doi|10.59695}}
8 7 1.143
1476 George Washington University | {{doi|10.1491}} · {{doi|10.4079}}
8 7 1.143
1477 Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai | {{doi|10.29024}}
8 7 1.143
1478 Institute of Cytology and Genetics | {{doi|10.18699}} · {{doi|10.31116}}
8 7 1.143
1479 International Labour Organization | {{doi|10.54394}}
8 7 1.143
1480 Jean Moulin University Lyon 3 | {{doi|10.35562}}
8 7 1.143
1481 Journal of Nepal Medical Association | {{doi|10.31729}}
8 7 1.143
1482 Mykolas Romeris University | {{doi|10.13165}}
8 7 1.143
1483 Parenteral Drug Association | {{doi|10.5731}}
8 7 1.143
1484 Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration | {{doi|10.22394}} · {{doi|10.32324}}
8 7 1.143
1485 Society for Social Studies of Science | {{doi|10.17351}}
8 7 1.143
1486 Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers | {{doi|10.5957}}
8 7 1.143
1487 The Press at Cal Poly Humboldt | {{doi|10.55671}}
8 7 1.143
1488 Communications in Information Literacy | {{doi|10.7548}}
8 6 1.333
1489 Neotropical Ornithological Society | {{doi|10.58843}}
8 6 1.333
1490 Pediatric Rehabilitation | {{doi|10.36711}}
8 6 1.333
1491 Pontifical University of Salamanca | {{doi|10.36576}}
8 6 1.333
1492 Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv | {{doi|10.17721}}
8 6 1.333
1493 Alberto Hurtado University | {{doi|10.53689}}
7 7 1.000
1494 American Society of Consultant Pharmacists | {{doi|10.4140}}
7 7 1.000
1495 Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series | {{doi|10.26624}}
7 7 1.000
1496 Belgian Mathematical Society | {{doi|10.36045}}
7 7 1.000
1497 Brazilian Chemical Society | {{doi|10.21577}}
7 7 1.000
1498 Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists | {{doi|10.4212}}
7 7 1.000
1499 Cornell University Library | {{doi|10.37513}}
7 7 1.000
1500 Coventry University | {{doi|10.18552}}
7 7 1.000
1501 Digital Games Research Association | {{doi|10.26503}}
7 7 1.000
1502 Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis | {{doi|10.21034}}
7 7 1.000
1503 George Mason University | {{doi|10.13021}}
7 7 1.000
1504 International Neuroscience Institute | {{doi|10.17795}}
7 7 1.000
1505 Iğdır University | {{doi|10.21597}} · {{doi|10.21643}} · {{doi|10.47110}} · {{doi|10.54600}} · {{doi|10.55169}} · {{doi|10.58618}}
7 7 1.000
1506 Journal of Central European Agriculture | {{doi|10.5513}}
7 7 1.000
1507 Korean Mathematical Society | {{doi|10.4134}}
7 7 1.000
1508 Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts | {{doi|10.31866}}
7 7 1.000
1509 Loyola Marymount University | {{doi|10.15365}}
7 7 1.000
1510 Malaysian Nature Society | {{doi|10.62613}}
7 7 1.000
1511 Mehran University of Engineering & Technology | {{doi|10.22581}}
7 7 1.000
1512 Moscow State University | {{doi|10.24249}} · {{doi|10.24290}} · {{doi|10.26089}} · {{doi|10.30547}} · {{doi|10.56429}}
7 7 1.000
1513 Mycological Society of Japan | {{doi|10.47371}}
7 7 1.000
1514 National League for Nursing | {{doi|10.5480}}
7 7 1.000
1515 New York University | {{doi|10.33682}} · {{doi|10.35240}}
7 7 1.000
1516 Peer Community in | {{doi|10.24072}}
7 7 1.000
1517 Pontifical Bolivarian University | {{doi|10.18566}}
7 7 1.000
1518 Sheffield Hallam University | {{doi|10.3351}} · {{doi|10.7190}}
7 7 1.000
1519 South Ural State University | {{doi|10.14529}}
7 7 1.000
1520 Sultan Qaboos University | {{doi|10.18295}} · {{doi|10.53539}} · {{doi|10.53540}} · {{doi|10.53541}} · {{doi|10.53542}} · {{doi|10.53543}} · {{doi|10.61191}}
7 7 1.000

