Wikipedia:WikiProject Academic Journals/Journals cited by Wikipedia/Publisher26

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Rank Publisher Entries (Citations, Articles) Total Citations Distinct Articles Citations/article

1821 Württembergische Landesbibliothek | {{doi|10.53458}}
4 4 1.000
1822 BirdsCaribbean | {{doi|10.55431}}
4 3 1.333
1823 Ceará State University | {{doi|10.59040}}
4 3 1.333
1824 Chinese Chemical Society (Beijing) | {{doi|10.31635}}
4 3 1.333
1825 Dietitians of Canada | {{doi|10.3148}}
4 3 1.333
1826 European Optical Society | {{doi|10.2971}}
4 3 1.333
1827 Harran University | {{doi|10.22596}} · {{doi|10.30623}} · {{doi|10.46578}} · {{doi|10.53307}}
4 3 1.333
1828 Indonesian Agency for Agricultural Research and Development | {{doi|10.21082}}
4 3 1.333
1829 Institute of Archaeology and Art History, Cluj-Napoca | {{doi|10.14795}}
4 3 1.333
1830 International Association for Statistical Education | {{doi|10.52041}}
4 3 1.333
1831 Kraków University of Economics | {{doi|10.15678}}
4 3 1.333
1832 Lahore School of Economics | {{doi|10.35536}}
4 3 1.333
1833 Malaysian Palm Oil Board | {{doi|10.21894}}
4 3 1.333
1834 Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists | {{doi|10.31582}}
4 3 1.333
1835 Siberian Research Institute of Geology, Geophysics and Mineral Resources | {{doi|10.20403}}
4 3 1.333
1836 University of Cincinnati Press | {{doi|10.34314}}
4 3 1.333
1837 University of Kufa | {{doi|10.30572}} · {{doi|10.31257}} · {{doi|10.31642}} · {{doi|10.36077}} · {{doi|10.36317}} · {{doi|10.36318}} · {{doi|10.36319}} · {{doi|10.36320}} · {{doi|10.36321}} · {{doi|10.36322}} · {{doi|10.36323}} · {{doi|10.36324}} · {{doi|10.36325}} · {{doi|10.36326}} · {{doi|10.36327}} · {{doi|10.36328}} · {{doi|10.36329}} · {{doi|10.36330}}
4 3 1.333
1838 University of North Carolina | {{doi|10.56421}}
4 3 1.333
1839 University for Business and Technology | {{doi|10.33107}}
4 2 2.000
1840 Academy of Christian Humanism University | {{doi|10.25074}}
3 3 1.000
1841 Acta Physica Sinica | {{doi|10.7498}}
3 3 1.000
1842 Advocate Aurora Health | {{doi|10.17294}}
3 3 1.000
1843 Aligarh Muslim University | {{doi|10.46905}}
3 3 1.000
1844 American Association for Laboratory Animal Science | {{doi|10.30802}}
3 3 1.000
1845 Architectural Institute of Korea | {{doi|10.5659}}
3 3 1.000
1846 Art Institute of Chicago | {{doi|10.53269}}
3 3 1.000
1847 Autonomous University of Mexico State | {{doi|10.21854}} · {{doi|10.29101}} · {{doi|10.30878}} · {{doi|10.36677}}
3 3 1.000
1848 Bank Street College of Education | {{doi|10.58295}}
3 3 1.000
1849 Biologic Institute | {{doi|10.5048}}
3 3 1.000
1850 Brazilian Mathematical Society | {{doi|10.21711}}
3 3 1.000
1851 British Interplanetary Society | {{doi|10.59332}}
3 3 1.000
1852 Case Western Reserve University | {{doi|10.18062}} · {{doi|10.18581}} · {{doi|10.18582}} · {{doi|10.18695}} · {{doi|10.20411}} · {{doi|10.28953}}
3 3 1.000
1853 Center for International Forestry Research | {{doi|10.17528}}
3 3 1.000
1854 Center for Promoting Ideas | {{doi|10.30845}}
3 3 1.000
1855 Central University Library of Cluj-Napoca | {{doi|10.26424}}
3 3 1.000
1856 Central University of Ecuador | {{doi|10.29166}}
3 3 1.000
1857 Chiang Mai University | {{doi|10.12982}}
3 3 1.000
1858 Classical Association of New England | {{doi|10.52284}}
3 3 1.000
1859 Coastal & Marine Union (EUCC) | {{doi|10.1652}}
3 3 1.000
1860 Colorado Library Consortium | {{doi|10.29087}}
3 3 1.000
1861 EUCC - The Coastal Union | {{doi|10.1652}}
3 3 1.000
1862 EasyChair | {{doi|10.29007}}
3 3 1.000
1863 Economists for Peace and Security | {{doi|10.15355}}
3 3 1.000
1864 European Consortium for Political Research | {{doi|10.61675}}
3 3 1.000
1865 European Federation of Psychology Students' Associations | {{doi|10.59477}}
3 3 1.000
1866 Evandro Chagas Institute | {{doi|10.5123}}
3 3 1.000
1867 Ewha Womans University | {{doi|10.12771}} · {{doi|10.15854}}
3 3 1.000
1868 Facet Publishing | {{doi|10.29085}}
3 3 1.000
1869 Faculty of Teacher Education, University of Zagreb | {{doi|10.15516}}
3 3 1.000
1870 Far Eastern Federal University | {{doi|10.24866}}
3 3 1.000
1871 Federal University of Amazonas | {{doi|10.52894}}
3 3 1.000
1872 Federal University of Ceará | {{doi|10.4215}}
3 3 1.000
1873 Federal University of Tocantins | {{doi|10.20873}} · {{doi|10.21725}}
3 3 1.000
1874 Forest Research Institute (India) | {{doi|10.36808}}
3 3 1.000
1875 Fundação Getulio Vargas | {{doi|10.12660}}
3 3 1.000
1876 Fırat University | {{doi|10.18069}} · {{doi|10.36839}} · {{doi|10.55525}} · {{doi|10.58568}}
3 3 1.000
1877 Gujarat University | {{doi|10.37867}} · {{doi|10.47413}} · {{doi|10.55829}} · {{doi|10.56588}} · {{doi|10.62737}}
3 3 1.000
1878 Hebrew Union College – Jewish Institute of Religion | {{doi|10.15650}}
3 3 1.000
1879 Hinduism in Indonesia | {{doi|10.25078}}
3 3 1.000
1880 Indonesia Institute of the Arts Yogyakarta | {{doi|10.24821}}
3 3 1.000
1881 Indraprasta PGRI University | {{doi|10.30990}} · {{doi|10.30998}}
3 3 1.000
1882 Institut Hindu Dharma Negeri Denpasar | {{doi|10.25078}}
3 3 1.000
1883 Institute for the Study of Totalitarian Regimes | {{doi|10.53096}}
3 3 1.000
1884 Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences | {{doi|10.31696}}
3 3 1.000
1885 Institute of Sensory Organs | {{doi|10.17430}} · {{doi|10.17431}}
3 3 1.000
1886 Islamabad | {{doi|10.31945}}
3 3 1.000
1887 Islamabad Policy Research Institute | {{doi|10.31945}}
3 3 1.000
1888 Istitut Ladin Micurà de Rü | {{doi|10.54218}}
3 3 1.000
1889 Japan Meteorological Agency | {{doi|10.2467}}
3 3 1.000
1890 Journal of Analytic Theology | {{doi|10.12978}}
3 3 1.000
1891 Journal of Moral Theology | {{doi|10.55476}}
3 3 1.000
1892 Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency | {{doi|10.24171}} · {{doi|10.53758}} · {{doi|10.56786}}
3 3 1.000
1893 Lambung Mangkurat University | {{doi|10.20527}} · {{doi|10.53781}}
3 3 1.000
1894 Litwin Books | {{doi|10.24242}}
3 3 1.000
1895 Meteorological Research Institute | {{doi|10.2467}}
3 3 1.000
1896 National Academy of Arts of Ukraine | {{doi|10.31500}}
3 3 1.000
1897 National Office of Electoral Processes | {{doi|10.53557}}
3 3 1.000
1898 National Pedagogic University (Colombia) | {{doi|10.17227}}
3 3 1.000
1899 National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine | {{doi|10.31548}}
3 3 1.000
1900 Odesa National Academy of Food Technologies | {{doi|10.15673}}
3 3 1.000
1901 Oklahoma State University Library Electronic Publishing Center | {{doi|10.22488}}
3 3 1.000
1902 Oliver D. Crisp | {{doi|10.12978}}
3 3 1.000
1903 Omdurman Islamic University | {{doi|10.52981}}
3 3 1.000
1904 Penza State University | {{doi|10.21685}} · {{doi|10.54238}}
3 3 1.000
1905 Perm State University | {{doi|10.17072}}
3 3 1.000
1906 Petrozavodsk State University | {{doi|10.15393}}
3 3 1.000
1907 Photonics Society of Poland | {{doi|10.4302}}
3 3 1.000
1908 Pompeu Fabra University | {{doi|10.31009}}
3 3 1.000
1909 | {{doi|10.20944}}
3 3 1.000
1910 Princeton University Press | {{doi|10.23943}}
3 3 1.000
1911 Rhode Island College | {{doi|10.28971}}
3 3 1.000
1912 Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media | {{doi|10.31835}}
3 3 1.000
1913 SDEWES Centre | {{doi|10.13044}}
3 3 1.000
1914 Sabha University | {{doi|10.51984}}
3 3 1.000
1915 Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering | {{doi|10.23968}}
3 3 1.000
1916 Sam Houston State University | {{doi|10.54155}}
3 3 1.000
1917 SciVee | {{doi|10.4016}}
3 3 1.000
1918 Sebelas Maret University | {{doi|10.15608}} · {{doi|10.20961}} · {{doi|10.26911}}
3 3 1.000
1919 Slovak University of Agriculture | {{doi|10.15414}} · {{doi|10.55251}}
3 3 1.000
1920 Society for Artistic Research | {{doi|10.22501}}
3 3 1.000

