I have access to every issue of The Space Gamer thanks to archive.org,[1][2] and have added game reviews to the following articles.

And if you're not sure if Space Gamer is a reliable source, then for the record, you can have a look:"The_Space_Gamer"_a_peer-reviewed_journal?.

The Space Gamer


Metagaming Concepts


The Space Gamer #2: Dungeons & Dragons (1974)

The Space Gamer #3: Tunnels & Trolls, Star Probe, The War of the Worlds II, The Siege of Minas Tirith, Battle of the Five Armies, Alien Space

The Space Gamer #4: 4000 A.D., Tunnels & Trolls, Empire of the Petal Throne, Sorcerer, Lensman, Triplanetary

The Space Gamer #5: The Ythri, Sorcerer, White Bear and Red Moon

The Space Gamer #6: The Ythri, The War of the Worlds II, Stellar Conquest (x2), Starguard!, StarSoldier

The Space Gamer #7: Starship & Empire, Eldritch Wizardry, Starship Troopers, The Ythri

The Space Gamer #8: The Ythri - Man Plus, The Worlds of Fritz Leiber - Starship: The Game of Space Contact‎, Sorcerer, Starship Troopers

The Space Gamer #9: Outreach, Gods, Demi-Gods & Heroes, Buffalo Castle, Triplanetary Variant V/2

The Space Gamer #10: Metamorphosis Alpha, Bunnies & Burrows

The Space Gamer #11: Starweb, Rift Trooper, Deathtrap Equalizer Dungeon, War of the Sky Galleons, Ogre, Battle for Andromeda, After the Holocaust, Swords & Spells

The Space Gamer #12: If the Stars are Gods, Gateway, Chariot of Fire, Bolo, Swords and Ice Magic, The Best Science Fiction of the Year 6 -- BattleFleet Mars, Nomad Gods, Ogre, War of the Ring, Tunnels & Trolls

The Space Gamer #13: White Bear and Red Moon, Chitin: I, BattleFleet Mars, Space Marines

The Space Gamer #14: Elric, Star Empires, All the World's Monsters, Down Styphon!, Alpha Omega, Space Quest

The Space Gamer #15: Wargame Design, The Web of the Chozen, Involution Ocean -- Imperium, Lords of Valetia

The Space Gamer #16: The Warlord Game, Atlantis - 12500 B.C., War of the Ring, Invasion America, UFO, Starwars

The Space Gamer #17: Little Wars, The Girl with the Jade Green Eyes, The Malacia Tapestry -- Gondor, Sauron

The Space Gamer #18: What Mad Universe, Military Miniatures, The War of the Worlds -- Starships & Spacemen, Mayday

The Space Gamer #19: Swords & Sorcery, Raumkrieg, RuneQuest

The Space Gamer #21: Lords of the Middle Sea, Mind War, The Realm of Yolmi, Stomp!

The Space Gamer #22: Mercenary, Spellmaker, Quest

The Space Gamer #23: Starfighter, Gunship 2000, Quazar

The Space Gamer #24: John Carter, Warlord of Mars, Strange New Worlds, StarGate

The Space Gamer #25: Cyborg, Star Fleet Battles

The Space Gamer #26: Dune, The Awful Green Things from Outer Space, Wizard's Quest

Steve Jackson Games




The Space Gamer #27: Snapshot, Warriors of the Green Planet Trilogy, Belter, Bloodtree Rebellion, Cults of Prax, Tunnels & Trolls (5th edition)

The Space Gamer #28: Demons, Arena of Khazan, Ares, Dungeon of the Bear, Foes, Goblin Lake, Intruder, Magic Realm, Oneworld / Annihilator, Sigma Omega, Sorcerer Solitaire, Space Battle, Starmaster, Sword for Hire, Sword of Hope, Swordquest, Temple of Ra Accursed by Set, Time Trek, Tower of Ulission, Traveller, Traveller supplements (Mercenary, High Guard, 1001 Characters, Animal Encounters, The Spinward Marches, Citizens of the Imperium, The Kinunir), Uncle Ugly's Underground Doom, Valkenburg Castle, Warlock, The Journal of World War II Wargaming, Panzer Pranks, Streets of Stalingrad

The Space Gamer #29: The Tribes of Crane, Bushido, Deathmaze, Divine Right, Hot Spot, King Arthur, Sqwurm, Starfall, Top Secret, Vector 3, Villains and Vigilantes, All the World's Monsters, Volume III, The Book of Treasure Maps, The Caverns of Thracia, Duck Tower, The Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan, Shadows/Annic Nova, The Treasure Vaults of Lindoran, Gunship 2000, OGRE/G.E.V. (Martian Metals), Zargonians, Computer Bismarck, Galaxy II, Starweb

The Space Gamer #30: High Fantasy, Adventures in Fantasy, The Beastlord, Berlin '85, Double Star, Hero, War of the Sky Cities, Starfire, Star Trek: Adventure Gaming in the Final Frontier, Broken Tree Inn, Escape from Astigar's Lair, Expedition to the Barrier Peaks, Fortress Ellendar, Modron, Moorguard, Research Station Gamma, Alien Invaders, Air Raid, Galactic Empire, Pigskin, Space Games-3, Star Cruiser, Starfleet Orion, Tycoon, Crypt of the Sorcerer, Starships, Rommel's Panzers

The Space Gamer #31: Galactic Empires, The Fantasy Trip, DragonQuest, Artifact, Asteroid Zero-Four, Forest Wars of the Haven, Freedom in the Galaxy, Journey, Mythology, Odysseus, Space Future, Starfleet Wars, Swashbuckler, Timetripper, Wreck of the Pandora, Zargo's Lords, Encounters in the Phoenix Quadrant, Inferno, Mountain of Mystery, The Nine Doctrines of Darkness, Overkill, Portals of Torsh, The Spellcaster's Bible, Tollenkar's Lair, Arduin Character Sheets Combined Pak, The Dungeon, The Fantasy Cartographer's Field Book, Adventure, Dunjonquest, FS1 Flight Simulator, Network, Space/Space II, Superman, Terrorist, Windfall, Beachhead, The Complete Wargames Handbook

The Space Gamer #32: Traveller Double Adventure 2: Mission on Mithril/Across the Bright Face, Dra'k'ne Station, Fictioneers, Miniatures for Traveller, Pen-Latol's World, Scouts & Assassins, Spacefarers Guide to Planets: Sector One, Starships & Spacecraft, The Traveller Logbook, Azhanti High Lightning, Barbarian Kings, Earth Game, Elric, Final Frontier, Gamma World, NORAD, City of Lei Tabor, The Gateway Bestiary, Grail Quest, Hellpits of Nightfang, The Temple to Athena, The Compleat Fantasist, Invasion Orion, The Mean Checkers Machine, Planet Miners, Sargon II, Taipan!, The Complete Book of Wargames, The American Wargamer

The Space Gamer #33: Warp Force One, Universe II, The Assassin's Quest, Empyrean Challenge, Arms Law, Cerberus, Dark Nebula, Hexagony, Junta, O.K. Corral, Professional Wrestling, Robots!, Space Opera, Space Quest, Spellbinder, Star Commandos, Star Quest, Strike Team Alpha, Titan, Titan Strike, Abyss, Cities, City of Terrors, Death Test 2, Dungeon Masters Adventure Log, Fantastic Wilderlands Beyonde, The Mines of Keridav, Plunder, Runemasters, Sector 57, Spacefarers Guide to Alien Races, Spacefarers Guide to Planets: Sector Two - Rourkes Diadem, Treasury of Archaic Names, The World of Greyhawk, B-1 Nuclear Bomber, Bill Budge's Space Album, Winged Samurai

The Space Gamer #34: Heritage's Lord of the Rings figures, Asteroid, Darkover, Death and Destruction, The Legend of Robin Hood, MAATAC, Marine: 2002, Monsters! Monsters!, Nuclear War, Ram Speed, Space Marines, City State of the World Emperor, Darthanon Queen, Deities & Demigods, Encounters in the Ventura Quadrant, The Evening Star, Spacefarers Guide to Alien Monsters, Twilight's Peak, Star Trek Maps, Air Traffic Controller, Cosmic Patrol, Global War, Lost Dutchman's Gold, Outlaw, Rescue at Rigel, Starbase Hyperion, Three Mile Island, Westward 1847, Dragonslayers, MAATAC Miniatures, Engage & Destroy, The Courier



The Space Gamer #35: The War of the Worlds, 4th Dimension, It, Knights and Magick, Laser Tank, Magic Wood, RuneQuest Boxed Ed., Skull & Crossbones, Starfire II, Apple Lane, Circle of Ice, The City of Carse, Encounters in the Corelian Quadrant, Mission to Zephor, Queen of the Demonweb Pits, Slave Pits of the Undercity, Tancred, The Toughest Dungeon in the World, The Village of Hommlet, Campaign Series Grid Sheets, Player Character Record Sheets, Beneath Apple Manor, Galaxy Invasion, North Atlantic Convoy Raider, Space and Sport Games, Super Invasion / Spacewar, Operation Pegasus, How to $ell Your Wargame Design

The Space Gamer #36: Akalabeth, Dimension Demons, King of the Mountain, Land of the Rising Sun, Quirks, Tau Ceti 2015 AD, Duck Pond, Expedition to the Barrier Peaks, The Iron Wind, Ley Sector, Port Xanatath, 76 Patrons, Monster & Treasure Assortment, Traveller Record Sheets, Traveller Referee Screen, Airmail Pilot, Invasion Force, Pinball, Pirate's Cove, Simutek Package One, Star Trek III.4, Super Nova, Raid on Iran

The Space Gamer #37: Cosmic Encounter, Citadel of Blood, The Emerald Tablet, Knights and Knaves, Mage, Shooting Stars, Timelag, Valley of the Four Winds, The Keep on the Borderlands, Star Fleet Battles Expansion 1, White Plume Mountain, Ants!!!, Atlantic Balloon Crossing, Meta-Trek, Round the Horn, Trajan's Treacherous Trap, AirWar '80, Armor at Kursk, Fantasy Modeling, GamesMaster Catalog, Richard Berg's Review of Games

The Space Gamer #38: Time War, Dungeons & Dragons Expert Set, Arena of Death, Doctor Who: The Game of Time & Space, Dungeon! 2nd Edition, The Fury of the Norsemen, Kings & Castles, The Lords of Underearth, Space Warrior, Star Fleet Battles Designer's Edition, Voyage of the B.S.M. Pandora, Warlock, The Isle of Dread, Leviathan, Security Station, Traders and Gunboats, The Astrogators Chartbook, Cardboard Heroes, The Unknown Gods, Wizards and Lizards, Galactic Trader, Hellfire Warrior, Labyrinth, Parsector V, Slag

The Space Gamer #39: The Warp Factor, The Morrow Project, Apocalypse, Duel Arcane, Privateer, The Compleat Tavern, Merchants & Merchandise, Pieces of Eight, Survival of the Fittest, Vanguard Reaches, Castle Book I, Village Book 1, Attack Force, Flying Saucers, Money Madness, Star Warrior, Stellar Adventure, Time Traveler, Fifth Corps, Hof Gap, Gamer's Guide, The Best of Board Wargaming

The Space Gamer #40: Dragon Pass, The Barbarians, Dawn of the Dead, The Blade of Allectus, I.S.P.M.V.: Tethys, Citizens, Mercenaries, Patrons, Wofan, Micro-80 Pinball Machine, Milestones, Sumer, Who-Dun-It?, Zork, The Best of the Journal of the Traveller's Aid Society, Volume I, High Passage

The Space Gamer #41: Triplanetary, Attack of the Mutants!, A Fistful of Turkeys, Survival / The Barbarian, Swordquest, Basic Role-Playing, The Book of Ruins, Geptorem, I.S.C.V.: Leander, I.S.P.M.V.: Fenris / S.F.V. Valkyrie, Legion of Gold, Nystalux, Scouts & Assassins, Space Opera Ground and Air Equipment, Temple Book I, Tulan of the Isles, D&D Outdoor Geomorphs, Dungeon Drawings, Dungeon Geomorphs, Dungeon Tiles, Fantasy Masters' Codex, Fantasy Masters' Screen, The Evil Lord, Action & Bumping Games, Monster Mash & Battleship, Torpedo Fire, Abyss, Breakout, Interplay

The Space Gamer #42: Star Fleet Battle Manual, Amoeba Wars, Dallas, Dark Stars, The Mechanoid Invasion, Shuttlewars, Space Raid!, Superheros and Supervillains, They've Invaded Pleasantville, Vampyre, Argon Gambit/Death Station, Beyond, Cults of Terror, Furioso, Glimmerdrift Reaches, I.S.C.V.: King Richard, The Nightmare Maze of Jigrésh, Frontiers of Alusia, Hexpressions, Monster File Number One, Knights and Magick, Apple-Oids, Pork Barrel, Project Omega, Pellic Quest

The Space Gamer #43: SwordThrust, Aftermath!, Attack of the Mutants!, Champions, The Hammer of Thor, I.C.B.M., The Sword and the Stars, Thieves' Guild, Dargon's Dungeon, Grimtooth's Traps, The Handbook of Traps and Tricks, Into the Ruins, Operation: Rapidstrike!, SORAG, Thieves' Guild 2, Weapons, Fifty Starbases, Navigator's Starcharts, Starships, T&T Survival Kit, Zhodani, ABM, Galactic Attack, Galaxy Wars, Lords of Karma, Skiing, Alaric the Goth, Game Merchant, Magnetic Fantasies, Wyrm's Footnotes

The Space Gamer #44: Universe, The Air-Eaters Strike Back!, Chivalry & Sorcery, Deluxe Traveller, Kung Fu 2100, Outpost Gamma, Revolt On Antares, Star Rovers, Module 1, Ultra-Warrior, Break In At Three Kilometer Island, Chivalry & Sorcery Sourcebook, Cosmic Encounter Expansion Sets 6 & 7, Hall of the Fire Giant King, Traveller Book 0: An Introduction to Traveller, Thieves' Guild 3: The Duke's Dress Ball, Player Character Records, Famous Monsters, Space Opera Ground and Air Equipment, Star Warriors, DragonQuest, Mission Escape!, For Your Eyes Only, Pegasus, Purser's Magazine, Dragons, The Playboy Winner's Guide to Board Games

The Space Gamer #45: RobotWar, Nebula 19, Adventurer, The Dragonlords, Fantasy Land, The Generic Gangster Chase Game, Hyper Battle, Time Tunnels, The Trojan War, Undead, The Free City of Haven, Ravenscrag, Star Sector Atlas 1: the Terran Sector, Stones of the Selt, Swords & Sorcerers, Thieves' World, Towns of the Outlands, The Morrow Project Vehicular Blueprints, Computer Acquire, Conflict 2500, The Count, Invaders from Space, Midway Campaign, Zorphwar, Ace of Aces, Spies!, Adventure Gaming, Alien Star

The Space Gamer #46: Fifth Frontier War, Aslan, Droyne, K'kree, Crucis Margin, Doom of the Singing Star, Fighting Ships, Flight of the Stag, Hydronauts, Library Data (A-M), Marooned/Marooned Alone, Ordeal by Eshaar, Starship Lay-Out Sheets, Trillion Credit Squadron, Warbor-Parn, ZISMV: Vlezhdatl, Wizardry, The Castle, Demonlord, Diadem, Dragonslayer, Ragnarok, Saga, Spacefarers, Star Viking, Sword Lords, Transylvania, The Black Tower, The Outworlds: A Starsector Atlas, Thieves' Guild IV, Personalities and Things that Go Bump in the Night, Asteroids, Rings of Saturn, The War Machine



The Space Gamer #47: Barbarian Prince, The Castle Perilous, Oregon Trail, Space Empires, Star Patrol, Starfire III: Empires, Action Aboard, Amycus Probe, The Dragon Tree Spell Book, The Dungeon Trap Handbook, Enchanted Treasures, Enemies, Expedition to Zhodane, Fleetwatch, Nithus, Prince of Thieves '81, Beast of Burden, Deathmaze 5000, The Human Adventure, Warlords

The Space Gamer #48: The Shattered Alliance, High Guard, 2nd Edition, Down with the King, Invasion: Earth, Rescue from the Hive, Alien Base, The Burgundy Pit, Griffin Mountain, Hazard, Lomodo IVa, Marooned on Ghostring, Masters of Mind, Probe NCG 8436, Rogue Moon of Spinstorme, Salvage Mission, Sapies, Sourcebook 2, Theta Borealis Sector, Fantasy Squares Grid Sheets and Mapers Aid Template, IISS Ship Files, Personal Basic Loads, Personal Data Files, Universe Gamemaster's Screen and System, World, and Environ Logs, Vehicular Basic Loads, Traveller Miniatures, Alkemstone, Dragon's Eye, Epoch, Jabbertalky, Voyage of the Valkyrie, Star Cluster One, Computer Gaming World, The Nuts & Bolts of PBM

The Space Gamer #49: Call of Cthulhu, Starlord, Federation Space, Helltank, Space Opera, 2nd Ed., The Spawn of Fashan, The Corsairs of Cythera, Journey to the Center of the Circle, Maranantha-Alkahest Sector, Marinagua!, Master of the Amulets, Sea of Mystery, Simba Safari, Tarlkin's Landing, Trial by Fire, Uragyad'n of the Seven Pillars, Waspwinter, Adventure Class Ships, Vol. I, Character Role Playing, Dungeon Floors, Gamemaster's Shield and Reference Tables, Star Patrol Mission Master Pack, Space Opera Miniatures, Adventure in Time, Crown of Arthain, Empire of the Overmind, Microsoft Adventure, Stone of Sisyphys, Cyborg

The Space Gamer #50: Judges Guild Adventures (Marooned on Ghostring, Rogue Moon of Spinstorme, Restormel, Portals of Twilight, Masters of Mind), Introduction to Adventure Gaming, Trailblazer, Amazon Mutual Wants You!: Volume One, Blue Frog Tavern, Heroic Expeditions, The Legend of the Sky Raiders, The Tower of Indomitable Circumstance, The Companions' Hexagonal and Grid Mapping System, Seldon's Compendium of Starcraft 1, The Imperial Data Recovery System, Wizardry, Revision 2, Space Battle

The Space Gamer #51: Worlds of Wonder, Duel Magical, High Fantasy, Adventures In High Fantasy, The Chamax Plague/Horde, The Phantastical Phantasmagorical Montie Haul Dungeon, Sewers of Oblivion, Wraith Overlord: Terror Beneath the City State, Champions Gamemaster's Screen, Gamma World Referee's Screen and Mini-Module, Empire I: World Builders, Neutrons, Crime Lords

The Space Gamer #52: The Arduin Adventure, Moon Base Clavius, Wild West, Broadsword, Corsairs of the Turku Waste, Death Duel with the Destroyers, Fantastic Personalities, The FCI Consumer Guide, F'Dech Fo's Tomb, House on Hangman's Hill, Mistywood, Portals of Irontooth, Vault of the Ni'er Queyon, Microworld, Robot Attack, The Wargamers Encylopediac Dictionary

The Space Gamer #53: Striker, Asteroid Pirates, Grand Master of the Martial Arts, Highway 2000, Wizards' Realm, The Dungeon of King Lout, The Illhiedrin Book, Merchant Prince, Murder in Irliss, Tegel Manor, Trading Team, Demon Attack, Pac-Man, Stampede, The Best of the Journal of the Travellers' Aid Society, Volume 2

The Space Gamer #54: The Book of Mars, Demon's Run, Catacombs of the Bear Cult, Citybook I: Butcher, Baker, Candlestick Maker, Dragon's Hall, In the Service of Saena Sephar, Pharaoh, Valley of the Mists, Sorcerer of Siva, Barnstorming, Grand Prix, Haunted House, Ice Hockey, Missile Attack, Scarfman, Stellar Track, Top Secret Administrator's Screen and Mini-Module

The Space Gamer #55: Grav Armor, Dragons of Underearth, Field Guide to Encounters, Field of Honor, SoloQuest, Traitor, Zienteck, The Prisoner, The Empire Strikes Back, Kaboom!, Starmaster, Laserburn

The Space Gamer #56: Pirates and Plunder, Claw Law, Fantasy Wargaming, Supervillains, Liberation at Riverton, Borderlands, The Solomani Rim, The Trail of the Sky Raiders, Berzerk, Chopper Command, Taxman, Elf Chariot, Zhodani Military, Sword Worlds Military, Imperial Striker Force, Traveller Dice

The Space Gamer #57: Heroic Fantasy, Catacombs of Chaos, Bifrost, Encounters, Phase VII, Aslan Mercenary Ships, Middle-earth, Theseus and the Minotaur, Defender, Companion Pieces: Fantasy Furnishing, K'kree Military in Vacc Suits, Military in Cloth Armor, and Citizens, Runequest, The War Machine

The Space Gamer #58: Role Aids, Alma Mater, Borderlands, By the Sword, Shootout at the Saloon, Titan, Ysgarth Rule System, Merchant Class Ships, Rescue on Galatea, The Eternal Curse, Telengard, Frogger, King Kong, Riddle of the Sphinx, Venture, The Fantasy Trip Character Record Sheets, Siege Equipment



The Space Gamer #59: The Traveller Book, RapidFire (Cytron Masters, Galactic Gladiators, The Cosmic Balance, S. E. U. I. S.‎), The Journey, Merc, The Island of Doctor Apocalypse, Divine Intervention/Night of Conquest, Prison Planet, Star Fleet Battles Expansion 2, Cosmic Ark, Donkey Kong, The Eliminator, Word Zapper, The Adventure Board, The World Board

The Space Gamer #60: Star Frontiers, Man, Myth & Magic, Grav-Ball, Helltank Destroyer, Homeworld, Star Smuggler, Caves and Caverns, Fate of the Sky Raiders, Library Data (N-Z), Shadows of Yog-Sothoth, Battle Damage: Code Red, The Adventurers, Personalities, Talwaithe

The Space Gamer #61: Starleader: Assault!, Attack Force, Daredevils, Escape from Altassar, Viking Gods, Angmar, Grimtooth's Traps Too, Jonril: Gateway to the Sunken Lands, Star Fleet Battles Expansion 3, Umbar, Galaxy, Starfighter, Windsloe Mansion, Klondike Adventure, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Swordquest: Earthworld, Far Traveller, SoftSide

The Space Gamer #62: Trollpak, Revised Villains and Vigilantes, Champions II, The Curse on Hareth, Damocles, Gamesmen of Kasar, Orb Quest, The Plateau: Capital of Evil, Search for the Crystal Sword, The Snow King's Bride, Spell Law, Starsilver Trek, Sunday Drivers, Fantasy Lords, Fantasy Monsters, Nexus: The Gaming Connection

The Space Gamer #63: Galactic Conflict, Starlord, Star Venture, Battlesuit, Dragon Rage, Starfleet Voyages, Crisis at Crusader Citadel, Darkling Ship, Opponents Unlimited, Scorpion Hall, Truck Stop, Morrow Project Role Playing Expansion and Personal and Vehicular Basic Loads, The Oracle, Blue Thunder, High Road to China, Videodrome

Space Gamer #64: Star Trek: The Role Playing Game, Boarding Party, Droids, The Arkham Evil, Crystal Caverns, The Final Conflict, Cops, Crooks and Civilians, The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe

Space Gamer #65: FTL:2448, Fringeworthy, Revised Champions, Adventure Class Ships, Vol. II, FORCE, Nomads of the World-Ocean, Operation Morpheus, Serpentine, Alien Conflict, Dinosaurs, GI Assault Team, Soldiers of Fortune, Octopussy, Spacehunter: Adventures in the Forbidden Zone

Space Gamer #66: Star Trek: The Correspondence Game, Interstellar Wars, Ant Wars, Star Fleet Battles Commander's Rulebook, Autoduel Champions, Forms and Charts, Car Wars Reference Screen, Galactic Adventures, PC Arcade, Reign of the Red Dragon, Destroyers II, Starline 2200, Star Trek - The Wrath of Khan, Adventurers Club



Space Gamer #67: Deep Space Navigator, Top Secret, Espionage!, Mercenaries, Spies and Private Eyes, James Bond 007, Traveller Starter Edition, Silo 14, Judge Dredd, Armadillo Autoduel Arena, Knight Hawks, MSPE Character Folder, Voyager I, Autoduel Quarterly

Space Gamer #68: Bug-Eyed Monsters, Nuclear Escalation, Illuminati Expansion Sets 1 & 2, Tarsus: World Beyond the Frontier, Stormhaven, Murder on Arcturus Station, Veterans, Unitrays, Star Trek: The Role Playing Game Game Master's Screen, U.S.S. Enterprise Deck Plans, Ship Recognition Manual: The Klingon Empire, Ship Recognition Manual: The Federation, Suspended, Shamus, Strategic Conflict

Space Gamer #69: Wings Out of Shadow, The Forever War, Alien Contact, Iron Horse, Mach: The First Colony, The Great Super Villain Contest, Trader Captains and Merchant Princes, Reach for the Stars, Imperial Marines

Space Gamer #70: Marvel Super Heroes, Timeship, Globbo, Superworld, Star Commander, Recon, Star Fleet Battles Commander's Rulebook, Volume II, Most Wanted, Volume 1, Aslan, Champions III, Turbofire, Hell on Wheels, East Midville, Operation: Fastpass, Operation: Orient Express, Daredevil Adventures Vol. 2 No. 2: The Menace Beneath the Sea, Double Arena, Safari Ship, The Traveller Adventure, The Mind Masters, For Your Information, Secret of the Ancients, Avengers Assembled!, The Breeder Bombs, The Vanished, The Klingons: A Sourcebook and Character Generation Supplement, Star Trek III Sourcebook Update, Witness for the Defense, Klingon D-7 Battlecruiser Deck Plans, Star Trek Ship Construction Manual, Death in Spades, The Vanishing Investigator, Mutiny on the Eleanor Moraes, Beltstrike, Rogue 417, Operation Peregrine, Star Sector Atlas 2, M.U.L.E., Jupiter Mission 1999, Space Cowboy, Flextiles, Top Secret Agent Dossiers, Gaming Universal, The Book of Adventure Games, The Palladium Book of Contemporary Weapons, Alien Mercenaries, Traveller Figures: Adventurers

Space Gamer #71: Ringworld, Swords & Glory, Volume 1: Tékumel Source Book, Swords & Glory, Volume 2: Tékumel Player's Handbook, The Tomb Complex of Nereshánbo, A Jakállan Intrigue, The Book of Ebon Bindings, The Tsolyáni Language, Deeds of the Ever-Glorious, The Man of Gold, The Journal of Tékumel Affairs, Qadardalikoi, The Armies of Tékumel, EPT Miniatures, Whispers from the Abyss, "Glozel est Authentique!", Samurai Blades, City of Sorcerers, Thunde-Rin Guns, Game of the Wild West, Battlecars, Star Fleet Battles Volume II, Lands of Adventure, Fellowship of the Ring, Chill, Siege, Cry Havoc, Star Trek II: Starship Combat Simulator, The Search for Spock, Struggle for the Throne, The Last Starfighter: Tunnel Chase, Necromancer, The Omega War, The High Crusade, Star Trek: The Role Playing Game Second Edition, Heart of Oak: Naval Miniatures for the Age of Fighting Sail, Space Infantry, Sherlock Holmes: Consulting Detective, The AADA Vehicle Guide, The Dawn of DNA, Cities of Hârn, The Mansion Murders, Octopussy, Trouble for HAVOC, Goldfinger, Dr. No, Star Fleet Battles Supplement 1, The Gem and the Staff, The Assassin's Knot, Village of Twilight, Things, Master of the Desert Nomads, Temple of Death, K'kree, The Wine of the Moon, Chill Master's Screen, Marvel Super Heroes Judge's Screen, The Quest, The Palladium Book of Weapons and Castles of the Orient, Wolfriders I, Journey to Sorrow's End, Personalities, Adventurers, Three Worlds, Knights, Fighters, and Men-at-Arms, Fantasy Lords Blister Pack Series



Space Gamer #72: The Mountain Environment, The Undersea Environment, Ascent To Anekthor, The Drenslaar Quest, Lee's Guide to Interstellar Adventure, Startown Liberty, A Pilot's Guide to the Drexilthar Subsector, Wanted: Adventurers, The Desert Environment, Duneraiders, Toon, Paranoia, Illuminati PBM, Axis & Allies, Conquest of the Empire, Broadsides and Boarding Parties, Justice, Inc., Mekton, To Challenge Tomorrow, Warhammer, Heroes Unlimited, Starship Duel I and Starship Duel II, Dark Cults, Trail of the Gold Spike, Swordthrust, Deadly Power, Shipwrecker, Evil Ruins, The Keep, The Compleat Adventurer, The Compleat Alchemist, The Compleat Spell Caster, The Shade of the Sinking Plain, The Circle and M.E.T.E., The Ruins of Chicago, Beyond the Wall of Tears, Operation Lucifer, From the Deeps of Space, Bad Medicine for Dr. Drugs, The World of Vog Mur, The Dragon Lord, Ultraforce, Murderworld!, Quagmire!, Orion Ruse, Time Trap, London by Night, Ravenloft, The Armory Volume 1, TnT, Legacy of Llylgamyn

Space Gamer #73: Thieves' Guild, Haven: The Free City, City of the Sacred Flame, Within the Tyrant's Demesne, Lair of the Freebooters, Middle-earth Role Playing, The Court of Ardor in Southern Middle Earth, Northern Mirkwood: The Wood-Elves Realm, Southern Mirkwood: Haunt of the Necromancer, Isengard and Northern Gondor, Bree and the Barrow-Downs, Dagorlad and the Dead Marshes, The Tower of Cirith Ungol and Shelob's Lair, Talisman, Realms of Sword and Thunder, The Adventures of Indiana Jones, Champions (Third Edition), Super Squadron, Battlestar Galactica, Pyramid, Passage to Cathay, The Mystic Wood, The Atlas of the Imperium, Traveller Alien Module 3: Vargr, Dragons of Flame, Conan Unchained!, Mordenkainen's Fantastic Adventure, Enemies III, Daredevil Adventures 3: Supernatural Thrillers Issue, The Horrible Secret of Monhegan Island, Death in Dunwich, Cloudland, When a Star Falls, Adventure Pack K1: The Empire of Karo, Treasure Vault, Midnight on Dagger Alley, Curse of the Chthonians, Rahasia, Battle Above the Earth, Border Crossing, Triad, Forces of Fantasy, Lightning Bolts & Lasers, Star Fleet Battles Reinforcements, Cardboard Heroes Champions Set 3: Enemies, VODAC: The Alpine Encounter, Enchanter, Tortured Souls, A Glossary of the Construction, Decoration, and Use of Arms and Armor in All Countries and in All Times, The Palladium Book of Exotic Weapons, Dungeon Raiders, Dragon Killers, Call of Cthulhu Miniatures, The Outcasts, Dark Horse Miniatures, Conan Miniatures, Crimson Dragon Miniatures

Space Gamer #74: Twilight: 2000, Masks of Nyarlathotep, The Arcanum, The Queen's Park Affair, Encyclopedia Hârnica, Ace of Clubs, Catapult Run, The Cleopatra Gambit, Captif d'Yvoire, Capitol, Playing with Fire, Car Wars Expansion Set 6, Tricorder/Starship Sensors Interactive Display, Star Frontiers Metal Miniatures

Space Gamer #75: Chill, Highland Terror, Clash of Kings!, Timemaster, Star Ace, Goodbye, Kankee, BattleDroids, DuelMasters, Hammer's Slammers, Dragonriders of Pern, The Lonely Mountain, Wizards' Realm, Ringbinder Edition, Witchlord, The Secret Wars, Signal GK, Rangers of the North, Trail of Tsathogghua, Throne of Evil, Moria: The Dwarven City, The Romulans, Margin of Profit, Demand of Honor, The Iron Wind, Monsters of Myth & Legend, Ghost of Lion Castle, Marvel Super Heroes Adventure Fold-Up Figures, Citadel Compendium, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Celestial Dragon, Gnolls, Folklore Creatures of the Night, Ninja & Samurai Adventurers

Space Gamer #76: DC Heroes, Stellar Conquest, Quest of the Great Jewels, Infinite Conflict, Star Trek: The Adventure Game, Advanced Cassiopeian Empire, Wabbit Wampage, Chill: Black Morn Manor, The Watersdown Affair, Supremacy, Star Trek III Starship Combat Game, Time & Time Again, Tales of the Arabian Nights, Star Fleet Battles Volume III, Merchant Prince, The Free City of Krakow, Zhodani, Lands of Mystery, Star Fleet Battles Supplement 2: X-Ships, Ivinia, The Duel, Spice Harvest, Illuminati Expansion Set 3, Toon Strikes Again, Clockwork Mage, Final Challenge, Creatures & Treasures, The Yeti Sanction, To Tackle the T.O.T.E.M., Convoy, Devil's Domain, The Road, Uncle Albert's Auto Stop & Gunnery Shop 2035 Catalog, Thunder Over Jotunheim, Hillmen of the Trollshaws, Live and Let Die, The Man with the Golden Gun, Goldfinger II: The Man with the Midas Touch, Thrilling Locations, A View to a Kill, Face of the Enemy, LandLords, Call of Cthulhu Miniatures, Citadel Miniatures, Apocalypse Warriors, The Outcasts, Survival Force, Knight of Diamonds

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Space Gamer/Fantasy Gamer #77: Ghostbusters, King Arthur Pendragon, The Pendragon Campaign, The King Arthur Companion, Noble's Book, Alone Against the Dark, Terror from the Stars, Reach for the Stars, Colonial Conquest, SunDog: Frozen Legacy, Hyborian War, Ad Astra

Space Gamer/Fantasy Gamer #78: BattleTech, CityTech, AeroTech, MechWarrior, Legion of Super-Heroes Volume I, Marvel Super Heroes Advanced Set, Orcbusters, Moebius: The Orb of Celestial Harmony, Chessmaster 2000, Autoduel

Space Gamer/Fantasy Gamer #79: HIL Sector Blues, Mekton, Roadstriker, Traveller: 2300, Car Wars Expansion Kit 10, Star Trek III, GURPS Basic Set, Warrior Knights, Cthulhu by Gaslight, Fragments of Fear: The Second Cthulhu Companion, H.P. Lovecraft's Dreamlands, Lords of Middle-earth, Volume I, The Hero System Bestiary, Shard of Spring, Another Fine Myth, The Regiment, Dragonharper, Archer's Goon, A Night in the Netherhells, Knight Life

Space Gamer/Fantasy Gamer #80: Rhand: Morningstar Missions, RDF Sourcebook, Griffin Island, Dragons of Glory, Swords of the Undercity, Adventurer Sheets: Human, Adventurer Sheets: Nonhuman, Call of Cthulhu, Call of Cthulhu Keeper's Screen, Radio Free Albemuth, Schismatrix, Empery, Magic Kingdom for Sale–Sold!

Space Gamer/Fantasy Gamer #81: Swords of the Daimyo, Night of the Seven Swords, Ochimo: The Spirit Warrior, GURPS Autoduel, Paranoia Excessory Pack, Siege and Fortress, GURPS Fantasy, Stealer of Souls, Roadwar 2000, Roadwar Europa, Ogre, Balance of Power, The Smoke Ring, After the Zap, Mathenauts: Tales of Mathematical Wonder, Only Apparently Real: The World of Philip K. Dick, Cities: Create and Explore Your Own Fantasy Communities



Space Gamer/Fantasy Gamer #82: Super Power, Year of the Phoenix, Return of Werdna, Black Sword, Gods of Harn, Menglana, Kings & Things, The Enemy Within, Shadows Over Bögenhafen, Death on the Reik, Blood Royale, The Island Worlds, Under the Wheel, Mindplayers, Burning Chrome

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Space Gamer/Fantasy Gamer #83: Sky Galleons of Mars, Timelords, Future Worlds, Kill the Commie Bastards!, Paranoia Form Pack, Star Empires, Warp Force Empires, Superman vol. 2, Justice League International, Area 88, Omaha the Cat Dancer, Strike!, Airboy, Warlock 5, Elementals, Grendel, Nexus, Ysgarth, Role-Playing Mastery, First Flight, Soldier of the Mist, Takeoff!, Camelot 3000, Planet in Peril and Chase into Space, Hammer's Slammers

Space Gamer/Fantasy Gamer #84: Star Saga One: Beyond the Boundary, Invid Invasion, To Serve and Protect, Mertwig's Maze, Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency, The Architects of Hyperspace, Infernal Devices, How Much for Just the Planet?



Space Gamer/Fantasy Gamer #85: Space: 1889, Buck Rogers – Battle for the 25th Century, GURPS Basic Set, Eternal Soldier, Space Combat, The Legacy of Heorot, The Rapture Effect, Equal Rites, Druid's Blood, The Black Tower

Space Gamer Vol. II No. 1: High Colonies, Pursuit!, Star Hero, The Chronicles of Talislanta, The Talislantan Handbook, A Naturalist's Guide to Talislanta, Talislanta Sorcerer's Guide, The Cyclopedia Talislanta, The Broken Covenant of Calebais

Space Gamer Vol. II No. 2: Shadowrun, Ars Magica, Champions, Mind Games, Solo of Fortune, C.L.O.W.N., Hardwired: The Sourcebook, Neutral Ground, Atlas Unleashed

Future Combat Simulations




Space Gamer/Fantasy Gamer #88: Justifiers RPG, S. Petersen's Field Guide to Creatures of the Dreamlands, Cloudships & Gunboats, Near Orbit, Boat Wars, The Car Wars Compendium, Super Scum, Space 1889 Adversaries, Bug Hunter, BattleTech: The Crescent Hawk's Inception, Desperados, GURPS Wild Cards, The DOA Sector Travelogue, The People's Glorious Revolutionary Adventure, More Songs About Food Vats, The Iceman Returneth