Wikipedia:WikiProject Offline Wikipedia for Indian Schools/Offline Full/IT

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AshLin (talk) 20:33, 10 December 2011 (UTC)
Instructions for Team IT
  1. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to take the existing set of 86 topics and convert into a balanced set of links on Information Technology which will give adequate and balanced exposure to all aspects of IT, both Indian and international, for Indian School students. You are required to delete links considered irrelevant to Indian context, and add relevant links. Your upper limit of articles is 200. After this mission is over and the compilation is made, this page will self-destruct and a new mission will be offered to develop the set of selected links further.
  2. If a supertopic is placed in a collapsible box, it does not imply finalisation or being frozen etc. Please feel free to edit those contents also.



Syllabus extracted from the following sources under fair use (educational reasons):

CBSE Class IX Syllabus

CBSE Class IX Syllabus


Unit I: Basics of Information Technology

Convergence of technologies
Computer - Communication and Content Technologies.

Suggested articles: Computer - Communication - Content (media) - Technology - Open content - Free content - Web content - Glossary of computers - Glossary of Internet-related terminology

Computing Technology
Computer System
Characteristics of a computer, components of a computers system, CPU, Memory Storage Devices and I/O Devices.

Suggested articles: Central processing unit - Microprocessor - Arithmetic logic unit- Control unit - Computer data storage - Bus (computing) - Wire - Transistor - Electrical network - Logic gate - Integrated circuit - Input/output - Computer monitor

Primary (RAM & ROM) and Secondary Memory

Suggested articles: Random-access memory - Read-only memory - Flash memory - Computer data storage

Units of Memory
Byte, Kilobyte, Megabyte, Gigabyte, Terabyte

Suggested articles:Byte, Kilobyte, Megabyte, Gigabyte, Terabyte

I/O Devices
Keyboard, Mouse, Printer, Joystick, Scanner, Microphone, OCR, MICR, Light Pen, Barcode Reader, Digital Camera, Speaker, Plotter

Suggested articles:Computer keyboard, Mouse (computing), Printer (computing), Joystick, Image scanner, Microphone, Optical character recognition, Magnetic ink character recognition, Light pen, Barcode reader, Digital camera, Computer speaker, Plotter

Storage Devices
Hard Disk, CD ROM, DVD, Blu Ray, Pen/Flash Drive, Memory Stick

Suggested articles:Hard disk drive, CD-ROM, DVD, Blu-ray Disc, USB flash drive, Memory Stick

Types of Software
System Software (Operating System), Application Software (General purpose application software - Word Processing, Spreadsheet, Presentation, Database Management; Specific purpose application software - Accounting Management, Reservation System, HR Management, Attendance System, Payroll System, School Inventory Control System, Billing System) and Utility Software (Disk/Folder/Files Management, Virus Scanner/Cleaner, Encryption/Decryption Tools),

Suggested articles: Computer software - System software - Programming tool (Programming software) - Application software - Device driver - Operating system - Server (computing) - Utility software - Windowing system - Graphical user interface - Compiler - Debugger - Interpreter (computing) - Linker (computing) - Text editor - Integrated development environment - Word processor - Spreadsheet - Database - Database management system - Office suite - LibreOffice - Microsoft Office - Presentation program - Accounting software - Enterprise software - Network utilities - Registry cleaner - Partition editor - System monitor - Uninstaller -Antivirus software - Defragmentation - Encryption - Encryption software

Unit II: Information Processing Tools

Operating System

Basic concepts of Operating System and its functions Suggested articles: Operating system, Microsoft Windows, Linux, Unix, Mac OS, DOS, Android, Real-time operating system, Embedded system.

Introduction to Windows
Using Mouse and moving icons on the screen, Task Bar, Different types of menu and menu selection, running an application, Setting system date and time; viewing files, folders and directories, creating and renaming of files and folders, Opening and Closing of

Windows, Minimise, Restore and Maximise forms of windows, Basic components of a GUI Window: Desktop, Frame, Title Bar, Menu Bar, Status Bar, Scroll Bars (Horizontal and Vertical), Using right button of the Mouse, Creating Shortcut, Basic Tools: Text Editor, Painting Tool, Calculator Suggested articles: Mouse (computing) - Computer icon - Taskbar -Menu (computing) - Graphical user interface - Scrollbar - File shortcut - Keyboard shortcut - Text editor - Computer graphics - Graphics software - Software calculator

Word Processing Tool

Introduction to a Word Processor, Creating and Saving a document, Editing and Formatting a Document: Text Style (B, I, U), Font Type, Size, changing color, alignment of text; Formatting paragraphs with line or paragraph spacing; adding headers and footers, numbering pages, using grammar and spell check utilities, using subscript and superscript, inserting symbols, Print Preview, Printing a document. Inserting Clipart and Pictures, Page Setting, Bullets and Numbering, Borders and Shading, Format Painter/Paintbrush, Find and Replace, Inserting Tables: inserting, deleting- rows and columns, merging cells, splitting cells. Suggested articles: Document - Editing - Formatted text - File format - Typesetting - Disk formatting - Spell checker - Grammar checker - Font - Font - Computer font - Emphasis (typography) - Subscript and superscript - Clip art - Image file format - Page layout - Bullet (typography) - Record (computer science) - Row (database) - Column (database)

Unit III: IT Applications

Students are suggested to work on the following areas using Word Processing, Presentation and Spreadsheet Tools: Domains:


• Report Writing • Multi-Lingual Greeting card • Poster making

Suggested article: Report - Greeting card - Poster


Unit I: Basics of Information Technology

Communication Technology

Computer Networking - LAN, MAN, WAN, Internet,Interspace
Wired Networking Technology examples Co-axial Cable, Ethernet Cable, Optical Fiber
Wireless Networking Technology examples Bluetooth, Infrared and WiFi
Suggested articles: Computer Networking - Local area network - Metropolitan area network - Wide area network - InternetInterplanetary Internet - Co-axial Cable - Ethernet physical layer - Optical Fiber - Wireless network - Bluetooth - Infrared - WiFi

Content Technology
Data, Information and Multimedia (Picture/Image, Audio, Video, Animation)

Suggested articles: Data - Information - Audio - Video - Animation

Unit II: Information Processing Tool

Office Tools

Presentation Tool

Introduction to Presentation Graphics, Understanding the concept of Slide Shows, Basic elements of a slide, Different types of Slide Layouts, Creating and saving a Presentation, Different views of a slide: Normal view, Slide Sorter view and Slide Show, Editing and Formatting a slide: Adding Titles, Subtitles, Text, Background, Watermark; Headers and Footers, Numbering Slides; Inserting pictures from files, Animating pictures and Text with Sound Effects, Timing Text box, Pictures and Slides, Rehearse Timings, Ungrouping and Grouping pictures from Clipart.

Spreadsheet Tool

Introduction to Spreadsheets, Concept of Worksheets and Workbooks, Creating and Saving a worksheet, Working with a spreadsheet: entering numbers, text, date/time, series using AutoFill, Editing and formatting a worksheet including changing colour, size, font, alignment of text, Inserting or Deleting cells, rows and columns, Formulae-Entering a formula in a cell, using operators(+,-,*,/) in formulae, Relative referencing, Absolute referencing and mixed referencing, Printing a worksheet. Use simple Statistical functions: SUM(), AVERAGE(), MAX(), MIN(), IF()(without compound statements); Inserting tables in worksheet, Embedding Charts of various types: Line, Pie, Scatter, Bar and Area in a worksheet.

Suggested articles:

Word Processing Tool

Using auto-format, Mail Merge, Using simple mathematical expressions, track change

Suggested articles: Slide show - Web-based slideshow - Presentation program - Text box - Open Clip Art Library -Microsoft_office - - LibreOffice - Calligra_Suite - Koffice - Impress - Microsoft PowerPoint - Calligra Stage - Spreadsheet - Microsoft Excel - Table (database) - Table_(information) - Word_processor - Microsoft Word - Mail merge - Comparison of word processors - Comparison of spreadsheets - Online office suite

Unit III: IT Applications

Students are suggested to work on the following areas using Word Processing, Presentation and Spreadsheet Tools.


• Mail-Merge Formal/Informal letter


• School Magazine • Environment (Save Energy) and Pollution (Global Warming) • Product Advertisement • Science & Social Science topic from the course • Trends in Wireless Computing

Analysis Reporting

• School/Class Result with student-wise and subject-wise marks • Cricket Score Record • Weather Forecasting Report

Unit IV: Societal Impacts of IT

Plagiarism, Privacy, Security and Integrity of Information; Intellectual Property Rights, Careers in IT

Suggested articles:Plagiarism - Privacy - Information security - Intellectual Property Rights - Copyright violation - Trademark - List of Computer-related professions ( a meta-article to be prepared from Category:Computer occupations & computer professional)

CBSE Class X Syllabus

CBSE Class X Syllabus


Unit I: Basics of Information Technology

World Wide Web, Web servers, Web sites, Web Pages, Web Browsers, Blogs, Newsgroups, HTML, Web address, Email address, URL, HTTP;

Suggested articles: Internet, World Wide Web, Web server, Website, Web page, Web browser, Blog, Usenet newsgroup, HTML, "Web address" (as redirect to Uniform resource locator, Email address, "URL" (redirect), Hypertext Transfer Protocol;

Services available on Internet
Information Retrieval, Locating sites using search engines and finding people on the net, FTP, Downloading and Uploading files from or two remote site;
Web Services
Chat, email, Video Conferencing, e-Learning, e-Banking, e-Shopping, e-Reservation,e-Groups, Social Networking

Suggested articles: World Wide Web - Web server - Website - Web page - Web browser - Blog - Usenet newsgroup - HTML - Email address - Uniform resource locator - Hypertext Transfer Protocol - Information Retrieval- FTP, Downloading Uploading Chat - email - Video Conferencing - Soci Networking

Unit II: Information Processing Tools

Office Tools

Database Management Tool

Basic Concepts and need for a database, Creating a database, Setting the Primary Key, Entering data into a database, Inserting and deleting Fields, Inserting and deleting Records, Data Validation: Field Size, Default Value, Validation Rule, Validation Text, Required, Allow Zero Length. Information Representation Methods

Hyper Text Markup Language

Introduction to Web Page Designing using HTML, Creating and saving an HTML document, accessing a web page using a web browser (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Apple Safari, Netscape Navigator, Google Chrome);

Elements in HTML

Container and Empty elements, Designing web pages using the following elements: HTML, HEAD, TITLE, BODY (Attributes: BACKGROUND, BGCOLOR, TEXT, LINK, ALINK, VLINK, LEFTMARGIN, TOPMARGIN), FONT(Attributes: COLOR, SIZE, FACE),BASEFONT(Attributes: COLOR, SIZE, FACE), CENTER, BR (Break), HR(Horizontal Rule, Attributes: SIZE, WIDTH, ALIGN, NOSHADE, COLOR), COMMENTS, ! for comments, H1..H6 (Heading), P (Paragraph), B (Bold), I (Italics), U (Underline), UL & OL (Unordered List & Ordered List Attributes: TYPE, START), LI (List Item),

Suggested Articles: DBMS - HTML - HTML element - Web browser - Web page - Web page design - Web page editor - Data validation - Record (database) - Table (database)

Unit III: IT Applications

Students are suggested to work on the following areas using Database Management Tool on topics implementing the tools covered in the course. Domains: Business Computing • Personal Data Management System • School/Class Result with student-wise and subject-wise marks • Employee Payroll (Computation of monthly salary) • Stock Inventory (Purchase and issue records)

Suggested Articles: Payroll - Inventory - Inventory management software


Unit I: Information Processing Tools

Information Representation Methods

Hyper Text Markup Language

Insertion of images using the element IMG (Attributes: SRC, WIDTH, HEIGHT, ALT, ALIGN), Super Script SUP, Subscript SUB, Creating Table TABLE (BACKGROUND, BGCOLOR, WIDTH, CELLSPACING, CELLPADDING, BORDER), TR, TD, ROWSPAN, COLSPAN Internal and External Linking between Web Pages: Significance of linking, A - Anchor Element (Attributes: NAME, HREF, TITLE, ALT)


Introduction to XML, Difference between XML and HTML with respect to the following: Data separation, data sharing, document structure, tags, nesting of elements, attributes, values. XML Elements - Defining own tags in XML, root elements, child elements and their attributes; Comments in XML, White space and new line in XML, well formed XML documents, validating XML documents, XML Parser, Viewing XML documents in a web browser.

Suggested Articles: HTML- HTML element- XML - XML Schema - XML database

Unit III: IT Applications

Students are suggested to work on the following areas using HTML on topics implementing the elements covered in the course.


Website Designing • Personal Blog with Name, Photo, Areas of Interest, School, State, Country • School Website - Infrastructure, Facilities, Uniform, Motto, School Pictures, Extra-Curricular Activities, Subject and Language Options • Travel and Tourism • Indian Statistics - State wise Area, Population, Literacy (Enrolment in Primary, Middle, Secondary, Senior Secondary), Gender Ratio, • Environment (Save Energy) and Pollution (Global Warming)

Suggested Articles: Blog - Website - Website design

Unit IV: Societal Impacts of IT

Virus, Worms, Trojans and Anti-Virus Software , Spyware, Malware, Spams , Backup and recovery tools and methods, Online Backups, Hacker and Cracker with regard to Computer Data and Applications Information security provisions in e-commerce

Suggested Articles: Computer virus - Computer worms - Trojan horse (computing) and Anti virus - Spyware - Malware - Spam (electronic) - Backup - Data recovery

- Online backup - Hacker Information security -e-commerce

CBSE Class XI Syllabus

CBSE Class XI Syllabus

Unit I: Computer Fundamentals

Evolution of computers; Basics of computer and its operation: Functional Components and their interconnections, concept of Booting.

Software Concepts: Types of Software - System Software, Utility Software and Application Software;

System Software: Operating System, Compiler, Interpreter and Assembler;

Utility Software : Anti Virus, File Management tools, Compression tools and Disk Management tools (Disk Cleanup, Backup);

Application Software as a tool: Word Processor, Presentation tools, Spreadsheet Package, Database Management System; Business software (for example: School Management System, Inventory Management System, Payroll System, Financial Accounting, Hotel Management, and Reservation System);

Operating System : Need for operating system, Functions of Operating System (Processor Management, Memory Management, File Management and Device Management), Types of operating system – Interactive (GUI based), Time Sharing, Real Time and Distributed; Commonly used operating systems: LINUX, Windows, BhartiOO, Solaris, UNIX;

Illustration and practice of the following tasks using any one of the above Operating Systems: • Opening / Closing Windows • Creating / Moving / Deleting Files / Folders • Renaming Files / Folders • Switching between Tasks

Number System : Binary, Octal, Decimal, Hexadecimal and conversion between two different number systems;

Internal Storage encoding of Characters: ASCII, ISCII (Indian scripts Standard Code for Information Interchange), and UNICODE (for multiligual computing); Microprocessor : Basic concepts, Clock speed (MHz, GHz), 16 bit, 32 bit, 64 bit processors; Types – CISC, RISC;

Memory Concepts :

Units : Byte, Kilo Byte, Mega Byte, Giga Byte, Tera Byte, Peta Byte Primary Memory : Cache, RAM, ROM, Secondary Memory : Hard Disk Drive, CD / DVD Drive, Pen Drive, Blue Ray Disk; Input Output Ports / Connections: Serial, Parallel and Universal Serial Bus, PS-2 Port, Infrared port, Bluetooth

Suggested articles: computers, Booting- Software - System Software - Utility Software - Application Software - System Software - Operating System - Compiler - Interpreter - Assembler - Utility Software - Anti Virus - File Management tools, Compression - Disk Management - Word Processor - Business software - Operating System -LINUX - Windows - Solaris - UNIX- Number System - Binary_numeral_system - Octal - Decimal - Hexadecimal - ASCII - ISCII - UNICODE- Microprocessor -Clock_speedCISC -RISC -Bluetooth

Unit II: Programming Methodology

General Concepts; Modular approach; Clarity and Simplicity of Expressions, Use of proper Names for identifiers, Comments, Indentation; Documentation and Program Maintenance; Running and Debugging programs, Syntax Errors, Run-Time Errors, Logical Errors; Problem Solving Methodology and Techniques: Understanding of the problem, Identifying minimum number of inputs required for output, Step by step solution for the problem, breaking down solution into simple steps, Identification of arithmetic and logical operations required for solution, Using Control Structure: Conditional control and looping (finite and infinite)

Suggested articles: Identifier - Programming methodology - Systems development life cycle - Systems engineering - Information systems - Software development - Computer errors - Syntax error - Run_time_(program_lifecycle_phase) - Logic error - Debugging - Subroutine - Structured programming - Threaded code - Loop_counter - While loop

Unit III: Introduction to C++

Getting Started: C++ character set, C++ Tokens (Identifiers, Keywords, Constants, Operators), Structure of a C++ Program (include files, main function); Header files – iostream.h, iomanip.h; cout, cin; Use of I/O operators (<< and >>), Use of endl and setw(), Cascading of I/O operators, Error Messages; Use of editor, basic commands of editor, compilation, linking and execution; standard input/output operations from C language: gets(), puts() of stdio.h header file;

Data Types, Variables and Constants: Concept of Data types; Built-in Data types: char, int, float and double; Constants: Integer Constants, Character Constants (Backslash character constants - \n, \t ), Floating Point Constants, String Constants; Access modifier: const; Variables of built-in data types, Declaration/Initialisation of variables, Assignment statement; Type modifier: signed, unsigned, long;

Operators and Expressions: Operators: Arithmetic operators (-,+,*,/,%), Unary operator (-), Increment and Decrement Operators (- -,++), Relational operators (>,>=,<,<=,= =,!=), Logical operators (!, &&, ||), Conditional operator: <condition>?<if true>:<else>; Precedence of Operators; Expressions; Automatic type conversion in expressions, Type casting; C++ shorthand’s (+=, -=, *=, /=, %=);

Suggested articles: C++ - C (programming language) - Dennis Ritchie - Data type - Integer (computer science) - Floating-point - Array data type - Boolean data type - Operator (programming) - Operators in C and C++ - Function (programming) - Method (computer science) - Compiler - Virtual machine - Type conversion - Typecasting (programming) - Operator_overloading- Operator overloading - Function (programming) - Class (computer science) - Compiler_(computing)

CBSE Class XII syllabus

CBSE Class XII Syllabus


REVIEW: C++ covered In Class -XI,

Object Oriented Programming: Concept of Object Oriented Programming – Data hiding, Data encapsulation, Class and Object, Abstract class and Concrete class, Polymorphism (Implementation of polymorphism using Function overloading as an example in C++); Inheritance, Advantages of Object Oriented Programming over earlier programming methodologies,

Implementation of Object Oriented Programming concepts in C++: Definition of a class, Members of a class - Data Members and Member Functions (methods), Using Private and Public visibility modes, default visibility mode (private); Member function definition: inside class definition and outside class definition using scope resolution operator (::); Declaration of objects as instances of a class; accessing members from object(s), Array of type class, Objects as function arguments - pass by value and pass by reference;

Constructor and Destructor: Constructor: Special Characteristics, Declaration and Definition of a constructor, Default Constructor, Overloaded Constructors, Copy Constructor, Constructor with default arguments; Destructor: Special Characteristics, Declaration and definition of destructor;

Inheritance (Extending Classes): Concept of Inheritance, Base Class, Derived Class, Defining derived classes, protected visibility mode; Single level inheritance, Multilevel inheritance and Multiple inheritance, Privately derived, Publicly derived and Protectedly derived class, accessibility of members from objects and within derived class(es);

Data File Handling: Need for a data file, Types of data files – Text file and Binary file;

Text File: Basic file operations on text file: Creating/Writing text into file, Reading and manipulation of text from an already existing text File (accessing sequentially);

Binary File: Creation of file, Writing data into file, Searching for required data from file, Appending data to a file, Insertion of data in sorted file, Deletion of data from file, Modification of data in a file; Implementation of above mentioned data file handling in C++; Components of C++ to be used with file handling:

Header file: fstream.h; ifstream, ofstream, fstream classes; Opening a text file in in, out, and app modes; Using cascading operators for writing text to the file and reading text from the file; open(), get(), put(), getline() and close() functions; Detecting end-of-file (with or without using eof() function); Opening a binary file using in, out, and app modes; open(), read(), write() and close() functions; Detecting end-of-file (with or without using eof() function); tellg(), tellp(), seekg(), seekp() functions

Pointers: Declaration and Initialization of Pointers; Dynamic memory allocation/deallocation operators: new, delete; Pointers and Arrays: Array of Pointers, Pointer to an array (1 dimensional array), Function returning a pointer, Reference variables and use of alias; Function call by reference. Pointer to structures: Deference operator: *, ->; self referencial structures;


Arrays: One and two Dimensional arrays: Sequential allocation and address calculation;

One dimensional array: Traversal, Searching (Linear, Binary Search), Insertion of an element in an array, deletion of an element from an array, Sorting (Insertion, Selection, Bubble sort), concatenation of two linear arrays, merging of two sorted arrays;

Two-dimensional arrays: Traversal, Finding sum/difference of two NxM arrays containing numeric values, Interchanging Row and Column elements in a two dimensional array;

Stack (Array and Linked implementation of Stack): Operations on Stack (PUSH and POP) and its Implementation in C++, Converting expressions from INFIX to POSTFIX notation and evaluation of Postfix expression;

Queue: (Circular Array and Linked Implementation): Operations on Queue (Insert and Delete) and its Implementation in C++.


Database Concepts: Relational data model: Concept of domain, tuple, relation, key, primary key, alternate key, candidate key;

Relational algebra: Selection, Projection, Union and Cartesian product;

Structured Query Language: General Concepts: Advantages of using SQL, Data Definition Language and Data Manipulation Language;



SQL functions: SUM, AVG, COUNT, MAX and MIN; obtaining results (SELECT query) from 2 tables using equi-join, cartesian product and union Note: Implementation of the above mentioned commands could be done on any SQL supported software on one or two tables.


Binary-valued Quantities, Boolean Variable, Boolean Constant and Boolean Operators: AND, OR, NOT; Truth Tables; Closure Property, Commutative Law, Associative Law, Identity law, Inverse law, Principle of Duality, Idem potent Law, Distributive Law, Absorption Law, Involution law, DeMorgan’s Law and their applications; Obtaining Sum of Product (SOP) and Product of Sum (POS) form from the Truth Table, Reducing Boolean Expression (SOP and POS) to its minimal form, Use of Karnaugh Map for obtaining minimal form of Boolean expressions (up to 4 variables);

Applications of Boolean Logic: l Digital electronic circuit design using basic Logic Gates (NOT, AND, OR, NAND, NOR) l Use of Boolean operators (AND,OR) in SQL SELECT statements l Use of Boolean operators (AND, OR) in search engine queries.


Evolution of Networking: ARPANET, Internet, Interspace; Different ways of sending data across the network with reference to switching techniques; Data Communication terminologies: Concept of Channel, Baud, Bandwidth (Hz, KHz, MHz, GHz) and Data transfer rate (bps, kbps, Mbps, Gbps, Tbps);

Transmission media: Twisted pair cable, coaxial cable, optical fiber, infrared, radio link, microwave link and satellite link.

Networking devices: Modem, RJ45 connector, Ethernet Card, Hub, Switch, Gateway;

Network Topologies and types: Bus, Star, Tree; Concepts of PAN, LAN, WAN, MAN

Network Protocol: TCP/IP, File Transfer Protocol (FTP), PPP, Level-Remote Login (Telnet); Wireless/Mobile Communication protocols such as GSM, CDMA, GPRs, WLL; Electronic Mail protocol such as SMTP, POP3, iMAP, Chat, Video Conferencing;

VoIP protocols such as Wi-Fi and Wi-Max Network Security Concepts: Threats and prevention from Viruses, Worms, Trojan horse, Spams Use of Cookies, Protection using Firewall; India IT Act, Cyber Law, Cyber Crimes, IPR issues, Hacking.

Web Services : Hyper Text Markup Lanuage (HTML), eXtensible Markup Language (XML); Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP); Domain Names; URL; IP Address; Website, Web browser, Web Servers; Web Hosting, Web Scripting – Client side (VB script, Java Script, PHP) and Server side (ASP, JSP, PHP),Web 2.0 (for social Networking)

Open Source Terminologies:Open Source Software, Freeware, Shareware, Proprietary software, FLOSS, GNU, FSF, OSI

Topic list & suggestions for addition/removal

Topic list of SOS Children's Wikipedia & suggestions for addition/removal

Computer Programming (14)

Ajax (programming) - BASIC -C_Sharp_(programming_language)- C++ - Computer programming - Computer science - Delphi - Forth (programming language) - Functional programming - Generic_Java - GNU Project - Imperative programming - JavaScript - Java_(programming_language)- Markup language - Perl - Programming language - PHP -Python (programming language) - RSS - Smalltalk - SQL - Qt_(framework)

Computing hardware and infrastructure (23)

ASCII - Acorn Computers - BlackBerry - Bluetooth - CPU cache - Central processing unit - Commodore 64 - Compact Disc - Computer - DVD - Floppy disk - GNOME - History of computing hardware - Integrated circuit - InterBase - Laptop - Macintosh - Moore's law - Personal computer - Quantum computer - Wi-Fi - iPod - iTunes

Cryptography (7)

Brute-force attack - Caesar cipher - Cryptography - Data Encryption Standard - Enigma machine - Morse code - ROT13

Software (22)

Android - Architecture of Windows NT - Bioinformatics - Btrieve - Emacs - GNU Project - Internet Explorer - Linux - Microsoft - Microsoft Windows - Firefox - OpenBSD - - Speech synthesis - TeX - Ubuntu - Unix - Windows 2000 - Windows Vista - Windows XP - X Window System - X Window System core protocol - X Window System protocols and architecture - KDE - GNOME - SourceForge - Embedded Linux - Mac OS X - MeeGo- Microsoft Windows - Symbian

Websites and the Internet (20)

Aggregator - Blog - GNU - Gmail - Google - Google Maps - Hypertext Transfer Protocol - cookie - History of the Internet - Internet - Napster - Open source - Phishing - Podcast - Spyware - Wiki - Wikimedia Foundation - Wikipedia - Wikipedia:Text of the GNU Free Documentation License - World Wide Web - - Google_Summer_of_Code - SchoolForge

Articles to be Deleted

  1. Acorn Computers - If we include this, should include Apple, Microsoft, etc too, no? Yuvi (talk)
  2. Quantum computer - Not school level Yuvi (talk)
  3. Ajax (programming), Forth (programming language), Delphi - Not school level stuff. Yuvi (talk)
  4. CPU cache - Not school level stuff. Not understandable without lots of background reading. Yuvi (talk)
  5. SchoolForge - Looks like a stub quality article, not sure why it is here. Yuvi (talk) - School Students & teachers should definitely be aware of such sites - Madanpiyush (talk) 17:51, 11 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  6. Napster - Not School Level/Unnecessary Arnavchaudhary (talk) 12:35, 12 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  7. Smalltalk - Not Relevant Arnavchaudhary (talk) 12:40, 12 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  8. PHP - Not School Level Arnavchaudhary (talk) 12:42, 12 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Articles to be added

  1. C (programming language) - Part of most school syllabi Yuvi (talk)
  2. Email - We have GMail - required backreading. Yuvi (talk)
  3. Turbo C and Turbo C++ - What many Indian schools and colleges still use (sadly). The articles need to be 'fixed' though. Yuvi (talk)
  4. UNIX - RaviMy Tea Kadai 16:21, 11 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  5. Object-oriented programming - Most programming languages such as C++ and Java are based on the object-oriented programming concept. Hence, it might be very essential.-RaviMy Tea Kadai 16:25, 11 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  6. Information_technology - Intro of Section Madanpiyush (talk) 17:48, 11 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  7. Computer_science -Very essential Madanpiyush (talk) 17:48, 11 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  8. List_of_computer_scientists - for knowledge sake - Madanpiyush (talk) 17:48, 11 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  9. Computer_hardware - Madanpiyush (talk) 17:48, 11 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  10. Operating_system - Madanpiyush (talk) 17:48, 11 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  11. Algorithms -Madanpiyush (talk) 17:48, 11 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  12. Data_structure - Madanpiyush (talk) 17:50, 11 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  13. Information - Madanpiyush (talk) 09:31, 12 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  14. Technology - Madanpiyush (talk) 09:33, 12 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  15. Memory_(computers) - Madanpiyush (talk) 09:33, 12 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  16. Digital - Madanpiyush (talk) 09:33, 12 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  17. Data_(computing) - Madanpiyush (talk) 09:33, 12 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  18. Embedded_system - Madanpiyush (talk) 09:33, 12 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  19. Compiler - Madanpiyush (talk) 09:43, 12 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  20. History_of_science_and_technology - Madanpiyush (talk) 09:43, 12 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  21. Global_Positioning_System - Madanpiyush (talk) 09:43, 12 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  22. Windows 7 Arnavchaudhary (talk) 12:38, 12 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  23. Akash (tablet) - Not relevant to the course but certainly useful. Arnavchaudhary (talk) 12:41, 12 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  24. HTML - Arnavchaudhary (talk) 12:43, 12 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  25. Visual Basic - Arnavchaudhary (talk) 12:43, 12 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  26. Freeware-Arnavchaudhary (talk) 12:51, 12 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  27. Shareware - Arnavchaudhary (talk) 12:51, 12 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  28. Computer virus - Arnavchaudhary (talk) 12:56, 12 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  29. Antivirus software - Arnavchaudhary (talk) 12:56, 12 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  30. Tablet Computer - Arnavchaudhary (talk) 16:27, 12 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  31. Information_technology_in_India - Madanpiyush (talk) 19:06, 14 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  32. History_of_science_and_technology_in_the_Indian_subcontinent - Madanpiyush (talk) 19:06, 14 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  33. Microsoft Office - taught in most schools Arnavchaudhary (talk) 06:12, 18 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  34. Notepad (software) - Arnavchaudhary (talk) 06:25, 18 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  35. Pen drive - commonly used storage device BPositive (talk) 07:24, 18 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  36. Free software - --Part of Kerala school syllabiFotokannan (talk) 11:02, 18 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  37. Richard stallman - Part of Kerala school syllabi--Fotokannan (talk) 11:02, 18 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  38. Gimp - Part of Kerala school syllabi--Fotokannan (talk) 11:02, 18 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  39. IT@School Project - Part of Kerala school syllabi--Fotokannan (talk) 11:02, 18 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  40. OpenShot Video Editor -Part of Kerala school syllabi--Fotokannan (talk) 11:02, 18 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  41. Python -Part of Kerala school syllabi--Fotokannan (talk) 11:02, 18 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  42. GeoGebra -Part of Kerala school syllabi--Fotokannan (talk) 11:02, 18 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  43. Audacity -Part of Kerala school syllabi--Fotokannan (talk) 11:02, 18 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  44. ViCTERS -Part of Kerala school syllabi-Fotokannan (talk) 11:02, 18 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  45. Mother board - an important component BPositive (talk) 14:00, 18 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  46. Logical Disk Manager - useful tool BPositive (talk) 14:00, 18 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  47. RAM - important hardware BPositive (talk) 14:03, 18 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  48. Heatsink - important hardware BPositive (talk) 14:03, 18 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  49. Operators in C and C++ - part of syllabus BPositive (talk) 14:07, 18 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  50. Control flow - part of syllabus BPositive (talk) 14:07, 18 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  51. Subroutine - functions, again a part of syllabus BPositive (talk) 14:07, 18 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  52. Pointer (computer programming) - part of syllabus BPositive (talk) 14:10, 18 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  53. Comparison of programming languages (string functions) - part of syllabus BPositive (talk) 14:10, 18 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  54. Array data type - part of syllabus BPositive (talk) 14:10, 18 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  55. Stack (abstract data type) - part of syllabus BPositive (talk) 14:10, 18 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  56. Linus Torvalds - man behind the Linux kernel. BPositive (talk) 17:34, 20 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  57. Vim (text editor)-powerful text editorBPositive (talk) 17:37, 20 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  58. Add-on (Mozilla)- makes browsing easy BPositive (talk) 17:51, 20 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  59. Linux malware-just for additional information BPositive (talk) 17:58, 20 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  60. Diaspora (social network) BPositive (talk) 18:20, 20 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]