Wikipedia:WikiProject Environment/Popular pages

This is a list of pages in the scope of Wikipedia:WikiProject Environment along with pageviews.

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List edit

Period: 2024-03-01 to 2024-03-31

Total views: 30,539,114

Updated: 02:58, 6 April 2024 (UTC)

Rank Page title Views Daily average Assessment Importance
1 Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki 641,824 20,704 GA High
2 Jimmy Carter 478,258 15,427 GA High
3 Earth 460,860 14,866 FA Top
4 David Attenborough 193,859 6,253 GA High
5 Thermonuclear weapon 193,811 6,251 C High
6 Nuclear weapon 192,843 6,220 C High
7 Bhopal disaster 184,186 5,941 B High
8 Tsar Bomba 181,422 5,852 B High
9 Trinity (nuclear test) 174,931 5,642 FA High
10 Industrial Revolution 151,048 4,872 C Mid
11 Tesla Cybertruck 144,293 4,654 C Mid
12 Charles Darwin 140,949 4,546 FA High
13 Fukushima nuclear accident 140,837 4,543 B High
14 Silent Spring 140,768 4,540 B High
15 Greta Thunberg 139,930 4,513 GA High
16 Al Gore 138,414 4,464 GA Mid
17 World population 130,269 4,202 B Top
18 Rivian 126,321 4,074 Start Low
19 Sustainable Development Goals 123,798 3,993 C High
20 Asbestos 113,282 3,654 B High
21 Climate change 109,289 3,525 FA Top
22 Ed Begley Jr. 108,470 3,499 Start Mid
23 BP 98,924 3,191 B High
24 Amazon rainforest 92,849 2,995 B Top
25 Laurie David 92,556 2,985 C Low
26 Fungus 92,086 2,970 FA High
27 Erin Brockovich (film) 91,206 2,942 C Low
28 Ocean 90,282 2,912 B High
29 Three Mile Island accident 89,737 2,894 B High
30 Carbon dioxide 88,382 2,851 C High
31 Mercury (element) 88,308 2,848 GA High
32 Petroleum 84,719 2,732 C High
33 Kardashev scale 83,063 2,679 C Low
34 Cancer 81,900 2,641 B High
35 Agent Orange 81,072 2,615 GA High
36 Sustainable development 78,732 2,539 C Top
37 Lead 76,228 2,458 FA High
38 Agriculture 75,460 2,434 GA High
39 The Day After Tomorrow 74,297 2,396 C Mid
40 Shell plc 73,630 2,375 B Low
41 Castle Bravo 73,375 2,366 C High
42 Formula E 69,161 2,231 C Low
43 Tree 68,396 2,206 GA Low
44 Air pollution 67,836 2,188 B Top
45 Atmosphere of Earth 67,735 2,185 C High
46 Earth Hour 67,129 2,165 C Mid
47 Solar panel 67,116 2,165 C High
48 Salton Sea 65,793 2,122 B Mid
49 El Niño–Southern Oscillation 65,733 2,120 C High
50 Fisker Inc. 65,329 2,107 C Low
51 Waterworld 65,178 2,102 C Unknown
52 Three Gorges Dam 64,997 2,096 GA Mid
53 ExxonMobil 64,565 2,082 B Mid
54 Cigarette 63,835 2,059 B Mid
55 Dust Bowl 63,599 2,051 B Mid
56 Chlorine 63,576 2,050 GA Mid
57 Pollution 63,000 2,032 B Top
58 Water pollution 61,022 1,968 B High
59 Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands 60,248 1,943 C Low
60 Ecocide 59,296 1,912 C Mid
61 Toyota Prius 58,692 1,893 B Mid
62 Ice age 57,742 1,862 B High
63 Benzene 57,714 1,861 B High
64 List of countries by air pollution 55,504 1,790 List Low
65 Environmental, social, and governance 54,955 1,772 C Mid
66 Extinction 54,601 1,761 C High
67 Tesla Model 3 54,529 1,759 B Low
68 Biodiversity 53,816 1,736 C Top
69 Greenhouse gas 53,786 1,735 B Top
70 Tesla Model Y 52,920 1,707 C Mid
71 Palm oil 52,615 1,697 B Mid
72 Plutonium 51,905 1,674 FA High
73 Deepwater Horizon oil spill 51,750 1,669 C High
74 Ecosystem 51,125 1,649 B Top
75 IUCN Red List 50,751 1,637 C Mid
76 Bicycle 50,684 1,634 C High
77 Earth Day 50,629 1,633 C High
78 Plastic 50,614 1,632 B High
79 Dark Waters (2019 film) 50,223 1,620 Start Low
80 Prisoner's dilemma 50,045 1,614 C High
81 Abiogenesis 49,500 1,596 GA High
82 World Water Day 49,177 1,586 C Unknown
83 Carbon monoxide 48,563 1,566 B High
84 Radioactive decay 48,435 1,562 C High
85 Nuclear fission 48,427 1,562 B High
86 Life 48,298 1,558 GA Top
87 Acute radiation syndrome 48,183 1,554 B Mid
88 Coal 47,096 1,519 C Top
89 Arsenic 46,968 1,515 B High
90 Waste management 46,784 1,509 B Mid
91 Tesla Model S 46,485 1,499 B Low
92 Bidet 46,459 1,498 C Unknown
93 Happy Feet 46,073 1,486 B Unknown
94 Epigenetics 45,857 1,479 B Mid
95 Monsanto 45,447 1,466 C Mid
96 Conservation status 45,123 1,455 C Mid
97 Renewable energy 45,025 1,452 C Top
98 Holocene extinction 44,481 1,434 B High
99 Greenhouse effect 44,339 1,430 C Top
100 Fossil fuel 43,829 1,413 C High
101 Sustainability 43,636 1,407 B High
102 Christiana Figueres 42,805 1,380 C Low
103 Rachel Carson 42,737 1,378 FA High
104 Deforestation 42,675 1,376 B Top
105 Algae 42,575 1,373 B Mid
106 DDT 42,283 1,363 B High
107 Botany 42,262 1,363 GA High
108 Biotechnology 42,209 1,361 C High
109 Ecology 41,767 1,347 GA Top
110 Polystyrene 41,002 1,322 B High
111 Electric vehicle 40,831 1,317 C Mid
112 Younger Dryas 40,798 1,316 B Low
113 Mustard gas 40,738 1,314 B Mid
114 Recycling 40,608 1,309 B Top
115 Ozone 40,354 1,301 B Mid
116 Air conditioning 40,112 1,293 C High
117 3M 39,959 1,289 B Unknown
118 European emission standards 39,886 1,286 B Mid
119 Paris Agreement 39,798 1,283 GA Top
120 Diesel fuel 39,779 1,283 C Mid
121 Prokaryote 39,307 1,267 C High
122 Tragedy of the commons 39,193 1,264 B High
123 Mutual assured destruction 39,132 1,262 Start High
124 Al-Khwarizmi 39,013 1,258 B Low
125 BMW i8 38,773 1,250 C High
126 Bromine 38,763 1,250 GA Mid
127 Tundra 38,723 1,249 B Low
128 Green Party of the United States 38,526 1,242 C Mid
129 Biome 38,459 1,240 C High
130 Microorganism 38,036 1,226 GA High
131 Lucid Motors 37,895 1,222 C Mid
132 Nuclear power 37,756 1,217 GA High
133 Corporate social responsibility 37,485 1,209 B Mid
134 Nuclear holocaust 37,461 1,208 C High
135 Natural resource 36,656 1,182 C Top
136 Nuclear warfare 36,430 1,175 C Unknown
137 Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances 36,362 1,172 C High
138 Acid rain 36,162 1,166 B Top
139 Nature 36,081 1,163 GA Top
140 Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant 35,655 1,150 B High
141 Chernobyl 35,277 1,137 B High
142 Mining 34,974 1,128 B High
143 Natural environment 34,826 1,123 B High
144 Little Ice Age 34,790 1,122 B High
145 Anthropocene 34,787 1,122 B Mid
146 World Wide Fund for Nature 34,576 1,115 C Mid
147 Xiaomi SU7 34,461 1,111 Start Low
148 Ozone layer 34,370 1,108 C High
149 Kyoto Protocol 34,261 1,105 C High
150 Malthusianism 33,939 1,094 B Low
151 Nuclear power plant 33,865 1,092 C High
152 Soil 33,626 1,084 B Top
153 Wind turbine 33,479 1,079 GA Mid
154 Exxon Valdez oil spill 33,419 1,078 B Unknown
155 John Thune 33,141 1,069 C Low
156 Projections of population growth 32,870 1,060 B High
157 Last Glacial Period 32,592 1,051 B Low
158 Effects of nuclear explosions 32,534 1,049 B High
159 John Muir 32,351 1,043 B Unknown
160 Hydroelectricity 32,268 1,040 C High
161 Tesla Model X 32,197 1,038 C Unknown
162 Noise pollution 32,157 1,037 C Mid
163 15-minute city 31,983 1,031 C High
164 Diesel exhaust fluid 31,883 1,028 C Low
165 Rainforest 31,876 1,028 C High
166 Susan Collins 31,858 1,027 C Low
167 BYD Seagull 31,801 1,025 Start Unknown
168 Fracking 31,729 1,023 C Top
169 Tesla Roadster (first generation) 31,670 1,021 B Low
170 Arts and Crafts movement 31,645 1,020 B Low
171 Glyphosate 31,455 1,014 B Mid
172 Great Smog of London 31,349 1,011 B Low
173 Water cycle 31,171 1,005 C High
174 David Bale 30,981 999 C Low
175 Fuel cell 30,907 997 B High
176 Electric car 29,874 963 C High
177 Chipko movement 29,868 963 C High
178 Halliburton 29,690 957 B Unknown
179 Ivy Mike 29,581 954 C High
180 Volkswagen emissions scandal 29,493 951 C High
181 FernGully: The Last Rainforest 29,478 950 GA Low
182 Glacier 29,368 947 B Low
183 Plug-in hybrid 29,273 944 B Mid
184 Weed 29,254 943 B High
185 Hydrazine 29,248 943 B Mid
186 Fusion power 29,165 940 B Low
187 Organic farming 29,053 937 B Top
188 Carcinogen 28,553 921 C High
189 Van Jones 28,402 916 C High
190 United States Environmental Protection Agency 28,363 914 B High
191 Carbon dioxide in Earth's atmosphere 28,217 910 C Mid
192 Solar cell 28,070 905 B High
193 Fisker Karma 28,052 904 B Mid
194 Nuclear and radiation accidents and incidents 28,026 904 B High
195 Chlorofluorocarbon 27,885 899 B Top
196 Solar energy 27,821 897 B High
197 Air quality index 27,742 894 C Mid
198 Walden 27,734 894 C Unknown
199 International Union for Conservation of Nature 27,726 894 C Mid
200 Music of the Spheres World Tour 27,717 894 GA Mid
201 Windmill 27,681 892 B High
202 Pathogen 27,665 892 B High
203 Polonium 27,546 888 GA Mid
204 Critically Endangered 27,446 885 Start Mid
205 Ozone depletion 27,383 883 B High
206 Hexavalent chromium 27,348 882 B High
207 Population growth 27,345 882 C High
208 Rainwater harvesting 27,338 881 C Mid
209 Dichloromethane 27,301 880 B Low
210 Political positions of the Republican Party (United States) 27,283 880 C Mid
211 Invasive species 27,213 877 GA High
212 Albedo 27,141 875 B Mid
213 BMW i3 27,090 873 B High
214 Carbon footprint 26,878 867 C Mid
215 Weapon of mass destruction 26,864 866 C Mid
216 Nuclear weapons and Israel 26,702 861 B Low
217 Russia and weapons of mass destruction 26,685 860 Start High
218 Porsche Taycan 26,449 853 B High
219 Nuclear fallout 26,447 853 C Top
220 Svalbard Global Seed Vault 26,322 849 B Mid
221 Chernobyl exclusion zone 26,259 847 C High
222 Endangered species 26,255 846 C High
223 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change 26,121 842 C High
224 Eutrophication 25,847 833 B High
225 Microplastics 25,778 831 C Top
226 Electrolysis of water 25,730 830 C Low
227 Depleted uranium 25,687 828 B High
228 Hydrogen vehicle 25,655 827 B High
229 Kessler syndrome 25,534 823 Start Low
230 Sewage treatment 25,490 822 B High
231 Buckminster Fuller 25,419 819 C Low
232 Wildlife 25,243 814 C High
233 Nuclear winter 25,210 813 B Low
234 Wind power 24,990 806 B High
235 List of global issues 24,989 806 List Low
236 Great Pacific garbage patch 24,961 805 C Mid
237 Pesticide 24,893 803 B Mid
238 Debate over the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki 24,798 799 B Mid
239 Rimac Nevera 24,735 797 Start Unknown
240 Civilian Conservation Corps 24,631 794 B High
241 Toyota Mirai 24,522 791 B High
242 Genetically modified organism 24,496 790 GA Mid
243 Extinct in the wild 24,419 787 Start Mid
244 Greenpeace 24,138 778 C High
245 Photovoltaics 24,111 777 B Mid
246 Least-concern species 24,073 776 Start Low
247 Nevada Test Site 24,026 775 B Mid
248 Genetically modified food 23,838 768 B Mid
249 Fisker Ocean 23,833 768 C Unknown
250 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 23,766 766 C High
251 Drought 23,574 760 C High
252 Stream 23,566 760 Start Mid
253 Cape Town water crisis 23,561 760 B Low
254 Minamata disease 23,514 758 B Unknown
255 Permaculture 23,473 757 GA Mid
256 Love Canal 23,463 756 B High
257 Polychlorinated biphenyl 23,375 754 B High
258 Acetaldehyde 23,332 752 B Mid
259 Environmental issues 23,213 748 B Top
260 Enriched uranium 23,178 747 B Mid
261 Biogas 23,086 744 C Mid
262 Human impact on the environment 23,074 744 C Top
263 Portland cement 23,038 743 B High
264 Highest temperature recorded on Earth 22,995 741 C Mid
265 Nuclear weapons testing 22,982 741 C High
266 Compost 22,791 735 B Low
267 Tesla Roadster (second generation) 22,738 733 Start Low
268 Drinking water 22,414 723 B High
269 Median lethal dose 22,406 722 Start High
270 Old-growth forest 22,355 721 C Mid
271 Alliance 90/The Greens 22,340 720 B Mid
272 Segway 22,303 719 C Unknown
273 Food security 22,195 715 C Low
274 National park 22,110 713 C High
275 Fast fashion 22,094 712 C Mid
276 Water conservation 22,045 711 C High
277 Waterfall 22,034 710 B Mid
278 Greenhouse gas emissions 22,032 710 C Top
279 Solar power 21,937 707 B High
280 Bisphenol A 21,842 704 GA High
281 Patagonia, Inc. 21,812 703 C Low
282 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 21,587 696 Start Mid
283 Phosgene 21,537 694 B Mid
284 Quality of life 21,537 694 Start Mid
285 Sunlight 21,536 694 B Low
286 Solarpunk 21,452 692 B Low
287 NIMBY 21,441 691 B Mid
288 Cistern 21,413 690 Start Mid
289 Hybrid vehicle 21,273 686 C High
290 Will Attenborough 21,186 683 Start Low
291 Tetraethyllead 21,153 682 C High
292 Pew Research Center 21,066 679 C Low
293 Volatile organic compound 21,050 679 C Mid
294 An Inconvenient Truth 20,982 676 GA Mid
295 Electric car use by country 20,915 674 B High
296 Nissan Leaf 20,912 674 B High
297 Honda Insight 20,905 674 B Low
298 Economic growth 20,732 668 B Unknown
299 People Animals Nature 20,677 667 Start Low
300 Centralia mine fire 20,626 665 C Mid
301 Michael Shellenberger 20,552 662 C Low
302 Jungle 20,461 660 C Mid
303 Herbicide 20,397 657 C High
304 History of the electric vehicle 20,327 655 B Unknown
305 Greenwashing 20,322 655 C Mid
306 Permafrost 20,308 655 GA Low
307 Warfarin 20,276 654 GA Mid
308 Fresh water 20,255 653 C High
309 Hanford Site 20,227 652 FA Mid
310 Carbon tax 20,067 647 C High
311 Poaching 20,043 646 B Top
312 Carbon offsets and credits 20,033 646 B High
313 Ecotourism 19,946 643 C High
314 Milankovitch cycles 19,944 643 B Low
315 Landfill 19,910 642 C Mid
316 Gasoline direct injection 19,653 633 C Mid
317 Carbon capture and storage 19,638 633 C Mid
318 Trade winds 19,626 633 GA Mid
319 International Atomic Energy Agency 19,623 633 C Mid
320 Megadiverse countries 19,620 632 Start Mid
321 BYD Seal 19,538 630 Stub Unknown
322 Resource 19,527 629 C High
323 Incineration 19,525 629 B Mid
324 United Nations Environment Programme 19,510 629 B Mid
325 Sea level rise 19,476 628 GA High
326 Biological warfare 19,468 628 B High
327 Goiânia accident 19,425 626 C Mid
328 Deb Haaland 19,401 625 B Low
329 Plastic pollution 19,400 625 B High
330 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 19,397 625 B High
331 Biofuel 19,379 625 C Low
332 Hinkley Point C nuclear power station 19,373 624 C Mid
333 United Nations Climate Change Conference 19,282 622 C Unknown
334 Seawater 19,199 619 C High
335 Climate change denial 19,187 618 C High
336 Atlantic meridional overturning circulation 19,153 617 C Low
337 The Limits to Growth 19,036 614 B Low
338 Styrene 19,020 613 Start High
339 Wangari Maathai 18,998 612 B High
340 Nitrogen fixation 18,964 611 B Mid
341 Nio Inc. 18,955 611 Start Low
342 Deepwater Horizon explosion 18,948 611 C Unknown
343 Risk 18,948 611 C High
344 Life-cycle assessment 18,926 610 B Top
345 Combined Charging System 18,850 608 Start Mid
346 Wastewater treatment 18,818 607 C High
347 William Kamkwamba 18,713 603 C Unknown
348 Millennium Development Goals 18,660 601 B Mid
349 Omar Fayed 18,658 601 Start Unknown
350 Water purification 18,577 599 B High
351 Environmental science 18,562 598 C Unknown
352 Environmental protection 18,559 598 C Top
353 Teratology 18,490 596 C Mid
354 1966 Palomares B-52 crash 18,434 594 B High
355 Global catastrophic risk 18,433 594 B High
356 Earthrise 18,383 593 C High
357 Tesla Semi 18,363 592 C Low
358 Breeder reactor 18,333 591 C Low
359 Electronic waste 18,327 591 C Unknown
360 Gaia hypothesis 18,296 590 C Low
361 Permethrin 18,128 584 C Low
362 CITES 18,111 584 C Mid
363 Petrochemical 18,084 583 Start High
364 Roundup (herbicide) 18,077 583 C High
365 Zone rouge 18,055 582 Start Mid
366 North American Charging Standard 18,048 582 C Unknown
367 Desertification 18,032 581 C High
368 Last Glacial Maximum 17,995 580 C Mid
369 Hybrid electric vehicle 17,982 580 B Mid
370 Aquaculture 17,971 579 B Low
371 International Nuclear Event Scale 17,907 577 C Mid
372 Hydrogen production 17,806 574 C Mid
373 Chevrolet Volt 17,789 573 B High
374 Arbor Day 17,764 573 C High
375 Oil spill 17,717 571 B Low
376 Montreal Protocol 17,672 570 B High
377 Doomer 17,629 568 Start Low
378 Sanitation 17,616 568 B High
379 Nuclear testing at Bikini Atoll 17,582 567 B High
380 Food web 17,580 567 B High
381 Aerosol 17,575 566 B High
382 Environmental degradation 17,501 564 C Top
383 Hinkley groundwater contamination 17,445 562 Start Low
384 Circular economy 17,414 561 Start Mid
385 Lucid Air 17,330 559 C Low
386 Smog 17,290 557 B Mid
387 Neurotoxin 17,219 555 B High
388 Jevons paradox 17,195 554 GA Mid
389 Daigo Fukuryū Maru 17,097 551 C Mid
390 Habitable zone 17,023 549 B Low
391 Slag 16,982 547 C Mid
392 Mate Rimac 16,887 544 Start Low
393 Light pollution 16,858 543 C Unknown
394 Pastoralism 16,798 541 C Mid
395 Habitat 16,787 541 GA High
396 Nuclear arms race 16,782 541 B High
397 History of nuclear weapons 16,703 538 C High
398 Sustainable energy 16,668 537 FA High
399 Toyota Prius Plug-in Hybrid 16,537 533 B Mid
400 Ethylene oxide 16,460 530 B Mid
401 Freon 16,446 530 Start High
402 Boaty McBoatface 16,416 529 C Low
403 Methyl isocyanate 16,410 529 B Mid
404 Subsidy 16,410 529 C Mid
405 European Green Deal 16,326 526 C Low
406 Erosion 16,300 525 C High
407 How to Blow Up a Pipeline (film) 16,294 525 GA Low
408 Particulates 16,209 522 B High
409 Carbon cycle 16,189 522 B High
410 Honda CR-Z 16,141 520 Start Mid
411 Subsistence agriculture 16,135 520 C Low
412 Rivian R1T 16,095 519 Start Low
413 Simple living 16,077 518 Start Unknown
414 Lignite 16,055 517 C High
415 Earth Summit 16,033 517 Start Low
416 Global warming potential 16,029 517 C Low
417 Land reclamation 16,026 516 C Mid
418 Water scarcity 15,986 515 B High
419 Bushmeat 15,954 514 C Mid
420 General Motors EV1 15,940 514 B Top
421 Nikola Corporation 15,824 510 C Unknown
422 Keystone Pipeline 15,737 507 C Mid
423 List of countries by carbon dioxide emissions 15,732 507 List Mid
424 Carbon sequestration 15,683 505 B High
425 Soil contamination 15,648 504 C Mid
426 Organophosphate 15,626 504 C High
427 Snowball Earth 15,573 502 B Low
428 Effects of climate change 15,568 502 GA Top
429 Environmental effects of mining 15,558 501 C Unknown
430 Plutonium-239 15,540 501 C Mid
431 Prairie 15,534 501 B Mid
432 Green Party (Ireland) 15,498 499 C Unknown
433 Kyshtym disaster 15,425 497 C High
434 George Monbiot 15,409 497 Start Unknown
435 Nuclear power in the United States 15,376 496 C High
436 Planet Earth III 15,367 495 Unknown Low
437 Agenda 21 15,365 495 C High
438 Sellafield 15,276 492 B High
439 History of Tesla, Inc. 15,220 490 C Low
440 Recycling codes 15,199 490 Start Unknown
441 Environmental impact assessment 15,194 490 C Top
442 High-occupancy vehicle lane 15,191 490 C High
443 Views of Elon Musk 15,178 489 B Low
444 Biosphere 15,177 489 C High
445 Three Mile Island Nuclear Generating Station 15,160 489 C High
446 Tropical savanna climate 15,157 488 Start Mid
447 Ford Mustang Mach-E 15,120 487 Start Unknown
448 Great Stink 15,092 486 FA Low
449 Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant 15,064 485 C High
450 Keystone species 15,020 484 GA Mid
451 Smokey Bear 14,945 482 B Mid
452 Aflatoxin 14,918 481 B High
453 Extinction Rebellion 14,894 480 B High
454 RDS-1 14,882 480 C High
455 Renault Twizy 14,816 477 C High
456 LEED 14,792 477 C High
457 List of environmental dates 14,789 477 List Mid
458 Dioxins and dioxin-like compounds 14,747 475 C Low
459 Dust 14,703 474 C Low
460 Joseph Stiglitz 14,666 473 B Mid
461 Environmental movement 14,650 472 B High
462 Motor oil 14,625 471 C Low
463 Solar power by country 14,601 471 C High
464 Ecofascism 14,598 470 B Mid
465 Rodenticide 14,551 469 C Mid
466 Radioactive waste 14,472 466 B High
467 Waste 14,424 465 C Top
468 Slash-and-burn 14,416 465 C Mid
469 New 7 Wonders of Nature 14,414 464 Start Unknown
470 Carbon pricing in Canada 14,389 464 C Low
471 Aquatic ecosystem 14,386 464 C High
472 Nuclear power in the United Kingdom 14,360 463 B Mid
473 Concentrated solar power 14,318 461 C High
474 Flow cytometry 14,246 459 C Low
475 Biodiesel 14,228 458 C Low
476 Radioactive contamination 14,156 456 C High
477 Tatarbunary 14,154 456 Start Unknown
478 Extremophile 14,137 456 C Mid
479 Polestar 2 14,123 455 C Low
480 Subarctic climate 14,118 455 C Low
481 Environmentalism 14,090 454 B Top
482 Ramsar Convention 14,036 452 C Mid
483 Hyundai Ioniq 5 14,021 452 Start Low
484 Yucca Mountain nuclear waste repository 13,992 451 C Low
485 Sewage 13,951 450 C Unknown
486 Eco-terrorism 13,922 449 C High
487 Hydropower 13,921 449 C Unknown
488 Ecosia 13,886 447 C Low
489 Solar power in India 13,882 447 C Mid
490 Superfund 13,865 447 B Low
491 Oxy-fuel welding and cutting 13,857 447 B Unknown
492 Recycling symbol 13,817 445 Start Unknown
493 Vulnerable species 13,815 445 Start Mid
494 Vandana Shiva 13,812 445 B Mid
495 Murray Bookchin 13,791 444 B Unknown
496 Wendell Berry 13,754 443 B Unknown
497 Toyota bZ4X 13,729 442 C Low
498 Arable land 13,650 440 C High
499 Anaerobic digestion 13,647 440 C High
500 Lotus Evija 13,639 439 C Low
501 Sea Shepherd Conservation Society 13,568 437 B Unknown
502 Acrylamide 13,557 437 B Mid
503 Marine life 13,535 436 B High
504 Toxicity 13,532 436 C High
505 Pollution of the Ganges 13,510 435 C Unknown
506 Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons 13,486 435 C Mid
507 NOx 13,479 434 Start Low
508 Family planning 13,472 434 B Low
509 Trichloroethylene 13,374 431 B Mid
510 Sustainable agriculture 13,319 429 C High
511 Anthropocentrism 13,297 428 C High
512 Anne Hidalgo 13,297 428 C Low
513 Yvon Chouinard 13,293 428 Start Unknown
514 Alpha decay 13,287 428 C Mid
515 Petroleum industry 13,284 428 C High
516 Michael McCaul 13,263 427 Start Low
517 Great Green Wall (Africa) 13,215 426 Start Mid
518 Green New Deal 13,176 425 C Low
519 Waste Management (company) 13,156 424 Start Low
520 Human overpopulation 13,146 424 C High
521 Diethylstilbestrol 13,112 422 B High
522 Ecofeminism 13,091 422 B High
523 Rechargeable battery 13,091 422 C High
524 Safe (1995 film) 13,074 421 Start Unknown
525 Water treatment 13,052 421 Start Unknown
526 Australian Greens 13,029 420 B Unknown
527 World Environment Day 13,026 420 C High
528 XPeng 13,025 420 Start Low
529 BYD Dolphin 13,018 419 C Low
530 List of countries by carbon dioxide emissions per capita 13,003 419 List High
531 David Suzuki 12,997 419 B Unknown
532 Toyota Aqua 12,997 419 Start Low
533 Biodiversity hotspot 12,969 418 Start Mid
534 Holocene climatic optimum 12,969 418 C Low
535 Environmental law 12,953 417 C High
536 Chemical weapon 12,928 417 C High
537 Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon 12,912 416 B High
538 Regenerative agriculture 12,884 415 C Low
539 Arsenic poisoning 12,862 414 B High
540 Non-renewable resource 12,830 413 C High
541 Toxin 12,805 413 Start High
542 Ethanol fuel 12,794 412 B High
543 Valero Energy 12,787 412 C Low
544 Conspicuous consumption 12,777 412 B Low
545 Chemical industry 12,752 411 Start High
546 Cancer Alley 12,699 409 C High
547 China and weapons of mass destruction 12,646 407 C High
548 Pumped-storage hydroelectricity 12,631 407 B Unknown
549 Rolls-Royce Spectre 12,619 407 Start Low
550 Diesel particulate filter 12,602 406 C Mid
551 Ramsar site 12,540 404 Start High
552 World Sparrow Day 12,488 402 Start Low
553 International Solar Alliance 12,459 401 C Mid
554 Carrying capacity 12,427 400 C Mid
555 Volkswagen ID.4 12,400 400 C Unknown
556 Chevrolet Bolt 12,388 399 Start High
557 Firestorm 12,386 399 C Mid
558 Julia Butterfly Hill 12,378 399 C Mid
559 Wind farm 12,367 398 B High
560 List of most-polluted cities by particulate matter concentration 12,361 398 List High
561 Solar-cell efficiency 12,358 398 B High
562 SolarCity 12,349 398 B High
563 Jaguar C-X75 12,333 397 B Mid
564 Charging station 12,332 397 B High
565 Climate change mitigation 12,312 397 C High
566 Phthalates 12,278 396 Start High
567 Tidal power 12,237 394 B Mid
568 GMC Hummer EV 12,235 394 C Low
569 Green economy 12,226 394 Start Mid
570 African humid period 12,174 392 GA Low
571 Urban heat island 12,155 392 B Mid
572 Ivanpah Solar Power Facility 12,145 391 C Mid
573 Liquid hydrogen 12,116 390 Start Unknown
574 Bioplastic 12,110 390 Start Mid
575 Dersu Uzala (1975 film) 12,088 389 Start Low
576 Net zero emissions 12,047 388 C Mid
577 Medieval Warm Period 11,986 386 C Low
578 Hydrogen economy 11,969 386 B High
579 Nicole Hernandez Hammer 11,958 385 C Low
580 Deep ecology 11,949 385 C Low
581 Natural history 11,935 385 C High
582 Nio EP9 11,883 383 Start Unknown
583 Scientific consensus on climate change 11,847 382 C High
584 Destruction of the Kakhovka Dam 11,838 381 C Mid
585 Climate of the Philippines 11,816 381 C Mid
586 Patterns in nature 11,801 380 GA Low
587 Habitat destruction 11,801 380 C High
588 Steam reforming 11,788 380 Start Unknown
589 Perovskite solar cell 11,777 379 C Mid
590 Insecticide 11,776 379 C High
591 Ecosystem service 11,720 378 Start Unknown
592 SL-1 11,712 377 B Mid
593 Rivian R1S 11,682 376 Start Low
594 International Day of Forests 11,675 376 Start Low
595 Convention on Biological Diversity 11,644 375 C High
596 Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources 11,642 375 Stub Low
597 Hydrogenation 11,627 375 B Unknown
598 Bharat stage emission standards 11,623 374 C Low
599 Pininfarina Battista 11,603 374 Start Low
600 Benjamin Bronfman 11,592 373 Start Low
601 Toxicology 11,592 373 C Mid
602 Electric bicycle 11,547 372 C Mid
603 Water distribution on Earth 11,544 372 Start Unknown
604 Intensive farming 11,533 372 C High
605 IARC group 1 Carcinogens 11,499 370 List High
606 South Africa and weapons of mass destruction 11,479 370 Start Mid
607 Sydney asbestos crisis 11,478 370 Start Low
608 Steven Guilbeault 11,471 370 C Mid
609 Life on Our Planet 11,452 369 Start Low
610 Timeline of first images of Earth from space 11,428 368 List Low
611 Windscale fire 11,416 368 B Mid
612 Pesticide poisoning 11,411 368 C High
613 Photovoltaic system 11,390 367 C Mid
614 List of countries by renewable electricity production 11,382 367 List Mid
615 Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive 11,370 366 C Mid
616 Stratospheric aerosol injection 11,349 366 C High
617 Dimethylmercury 11,344 365 C Mid
618 Crankcase ventilation system 11,336 365 C Low
619 Ship breaking 11,322 365 Stub Unknown
620 Tracy Somerset, Duchess of Beaufort 11,308 364 Start Low
621 Atrazine 11,277 363 Start High
622 Battery electric vehicle 11,258 363 C Mid
623 Green hydrogen 11,237 362 C Low
624 BYD Qin 11,226 362 Start High
625 Green politics 11,209 361 C Low
626 Mycotoxin 11,204 361 C Mid
627 List of natural phenomena 11,162 360 Stub Unknown
628 Atmospheric circulation 11,150 359 Start High
629 Dartmoor 11,144 359 C Unknown
630 Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty 11,129 359 Start High
631 Kuwaiti oil fires 11,096 357 C High
632 Green building 11,086 357 B Unknown
633 Flexible-fuel vehicle 11,077 357 C High
634 Vinyl chloride 11,064 356 B Mid
635 Anaerobic respiration 11,050 356 Start Unknown
636 Chemical warfare 11,049 356 C High
637 Freedom to roam 11,001 354 C Mid
638 Enewetak Atoll 10,992 354 Start Mid
639 Exxon Valdez 10,973 353 Start High
640 World energy supply and consumption 10,934 352 C Top
641 Nuclear proliferation 10,872 350 C High
642 BMW i4 10,846 349 Start High
643 Food safety 10,841 349 C Mid
644 Marine biology 10,775 347 C High
645 Atmospheric water generator 10,768 347 Start Low
646 Forest of Dean 10,728 346 C Mid
647 Organic food 10,714 345 C Mid
648 Karma Revero 10,712 345 Start Mid
649 Just Stop Oil 10,701 345 B Low
650 Climate engineering 10,647 343 B Mid
651 Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals 10,645 343 C Mid
652 Partial Nuclear Test Ban Treaty 10,638 343 GA High
653 Ice stupa 10,635 343 Start Mid
654 Introduced species 10,626 342 B Mid
655 Windcatcher 10,582 341 B Low
656 Toyota Prius C 10,570 340 C High
657 Volkswagen 1-litre car 10,566 340 C High
658 Biomagnification 10,552 340 Start Mid
659 Rainforest Alliance 10,522 339 C Mid
660 Baraka (film) 10,511 339 Start Unknown
661 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid 10,477 337 C Mid
662 Biomass (energy) 10,453 337 C Mid
663 BYD Atto 3 10,438 336 Start Low
664 RNA interference 10,429 336 FA High
665 Algal bloom 10,420 336 B Low
666 The Honest Company 10,377 334 Start Low
667 Ford C-Max 10,347 333 C High
668 Smoke 10,337 333 C Mid
669 Endocrine disruptor 10,329 333 C High
670 Soot 10,307 332 C Mid
671 Biological pest control 10,256 330 GA High
672 Honda e 10,251 330 C Low
673 Harmful algal bloom 10,230 330 C Mid
674 Lisa Harrow 10,219 329 C Low
675 NASA Clean Air Study 10,217 329 Start Mid
676 Renewable resource 10,190 328 Start Mid
677 Representative Concentration Pathway 10,173 328 C Mid
678 Customary law 10,117 326 Start Mid
679 Nuclear disarmament 10,093 325 C Top
680 Environmental impacts of animal agriculture 10,088 325 C High
681 Tropical monsoon climate 9,971 321 Start Low
682 Offshore wind power 9,956 321 B Mid
683 Plastic recycling 9,950 320 C High
684 Coal-fired power station 9,931 320 C High
685 Ocean acidification 9,907 319 B Unknown
686 On Deadly Ground 9,902 319 Start Low
687 Wicked problem 9,885 318 C Mid
688 Earth shelter 9,862 318 Start Unknown
689 Air pollution in India 9,857 317 C Mid
690 Energy conservation 9,837 317 B Low
691 Cesspit 9,820 316 C Low
692 United States Fish and Wildlife Service list of endangered mammals and birds 9,806 316 List Mid
693 Fuel cell vehicle 9,789 315 Start Unknown
694 JBS S.A. 9,789 315 C Low
695 Cigarette filter 9,774 315 Start High
696 Renewable energy in India 9,767 315 B High
697 Afforestation 9,696 312 C Mid
698 History of the petroleum industry 9,690 312 C Low
699 Nature reserve 9,682 312 C Mid
700 Criticism of Tesla, Inc. 9,654 311 C Low
701 Bioremediation 9,632 310 Start Mid
702 Toyota Camry (XV50) 9,632 310 C Mid
703 Terrestrial animal 9,628 310 Start High
704 List of environmental organizations 9,627 310 List Top
705 Clean Air Act (United States) 9,616 310 Start Low
706 Oil sands 9,596 309 C Mid
707 Ultra Low Emission Zone 9,588 309 C Low
708 Ora Good Cat 9,535 307 Start Low
709 Food loss and waste 9,519 307 B Mid
710 100 of the World's Worst Invasive Alien Species 9,517 307 List Low
711 BMW M Hybrid V8 9,516 306 Stub Low
712 Global temperature record 9,500 306 C Unknown
713 Biological agent 9,470 305 C High
714 Environment Protection Act, 1986 9,463 305 Start Low
715 Dirty bomb 9,454 304 C Mid
716 Edward Abbey 9,406 303 B Mid
717 Effects of the Chernobyl disaster 9,385 302 C High
718 Jim Inhofe 9,365 302 B Low
719 Greywater 9,357 301 Start Unknown
720 Flow battery 9,334 301 B Mid
721 Bioethics 9,327 300 Start Mid
722 Tesla Powerwall 9,322 300 C High
723 Toyota Prius (XW30) 9,316 300 B Unknown
724 Halothane 9,311 300 C Low
725 Chlorpyrifos 9,275 299 C Mid
726 Affluenza 9,253 298 Start Mid
727 Surface runoff 9,251 298 C Low
728 Brundtland Commission 9,220 297 Start Unknown
729 Zeekr 001 9,213 297 C Low
730 Build Back Better Plan 9,209 297 C Low
731 Asbestosis 9,204 296 B Mid
732 Fipronil 9,202 296 Start Mid
733 Toyota Prius V 9,190 296 C High
734 Biodegradable plastic 9,186 296 C Mid
735 Nuclear fuel 9,175 295 B High
736 Dakota Access Pipeline protests 9,167 295 C Low
737 List of BYD Auto vehicles 9,116 294 List Low
738 Climate classification 9,083 293 Stub Low
739 Extreme weather 9,081 292 C Mid
740 Thermal pollution 9,081 292 Start Mid
741 Istanbul Canal 9,072 292 C Low
742 Cow dung 9,069 292 Start Low
743 Hydrogen embrittlement 9,059 292 Start Unknown
744 Gallium arsenide 9,056 292 C Mid
745 List of largest hydroelectric power stations 9,051 291 C Unknown
746 Whole Earth Catalog 9,049 291 B Low
747 Brownfield land 9,031 291 C Unknown
748 Volkswagen ID. Buzz 9,000 290 C Mid
749 Environmental engineering 8,999 290 C Top
750 Volkswagen ID.3 8,990 290 Unknown Unknown
751 Environmental studies 8,974 289 Start High
752 E85 8,972 289 C Unknown
753 Sustainable living 8,953 288 B High
754 List of Superfund sites 8,952 288 List Mid
755 Sick building syndrome 8,945 288 Start Mid
756 School Strike for Climate 8,937 288 C Mid
757 Solar inverter 8,931 288 C Low
758 Proton-exchange membrane fuel cell 8,930 288 B Unknown
759 Paleocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum 8,915 287 B Low
760 Douglas Tompkins 8,894 286 C Mid
761 Biodiversity loss 8,893 286 C Mid
762 Heat recovery ventilation 8,885 286 C Low
763 List of battery electric vehicles 8,860 285 List Mid
764 Cleaning 8,767 282 Start Unknown
765 Methyl tert-butyl ether 8,758 282 B Mid
766 Sierra Club 8,754 282 B Mid
767 Planetary boundaries 8,735 281 B High
768 Biophilic design 8,708 280 C Low
769 Vegetation 8,703 280 C Mid
770 Genetic diversity 8,688 280 C Mid
771 Robin Wall Kimmerer 8,678 279 C Low
772 Hügelkultur 8,677 279 Start Low
773 Michael S. Regan 8,659 279 Start Low
774 Wind power in India 8,645 278 Start Mid
775 Risk assessment 8,626 278 C Mid
776 Marine pollution 8,613 277 B Unknown
777 Jim Banks 8,600 277 C Low
778 Kuznets curve 8,583 276 B Mid
779 Precautionary principle 8,578 276 C High
780 Deep sea mining 8,567 276 C Unknown
781 Timeline of glaciation 8,545 275 List Unknown
782 Triple bottom line 8,526 275 C High
783 Once Upon a Forest 8,519 274 C Unknown
784 Near-threatened species 8,517 274 Start Mid
785 Electric aircraft 8,517 274 C Unknown
786 Sustainable fashion 8,516 274 C Mid
787 Judas goat 8,506 274 C Low
788 Hydrosphere 8,497 274 C High
789 Coral bleaching 8,436 272 C High
790 Lincoln Aviator 8,432 272 Start Low
791 Blue economy 8,424 271 Start Low
792 Insects as food 8,411 271 C High
793 Evapotranspiration 8,396 270 C Mid
794 MG4 EV 8,390 270 Start Low
795 Ford F-150 Lightning 8,389 270 Start Mid
796 Diablo Canyon Power Plant 8,375 270 Start Mid
797 Volcanic winter 8,345 269 Start Low
798 Water supply 8,344 269 C High
799 Clean Water Act 8,331 268 B High
800 1808 mystery eruption 8,311 268 Start Low
801 Carbon emission trading 8,308 268 B Low
802 Coal combustion products 8,295 267 C Low
803 Elinor Ostrom 8,259 266 B Mid
804 Hyundai Ioniq 8,242 265 C Mid
805 North Sea oil 8,232 265 Start Mid
806 Climate of Ireland 8,224 265 C Low
807 North Atlantic garbage patch 8,218 265 C Low
808 MARPOL 73/78 8,214 264 C Mid
809 Doughnut (economic model) 8,152 262 B Low
810 Climate of Antarctica 8,133 262 C High
811 Rivian EDV 8,128 262 Start Low
812 Environmental impact of agriculture 8,123 262 C High
813 Upcycling 8,122 262 C Mid
814 Thionyl chloride 8,116 261 B Mid
815 Audi e-tron 8,115 261 C Mid
816 Environmentally friendly 8,092 261 Start Low
817 C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group 8,088 260 Start Low
818 Environmental justice 8,081 260 C Low
819 Solar cooker 8,073 260 B Unknown
820 Ocean gyre 8,067 260 Start Mid
821 Lordstown Motors 8,046 259 Start Unknown
822 BMW S38 8,031 259 Unknown Unknown
823 Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament 8,002 258 B Mid
824 History of climate change science 7,991 257 C Unknown
825 Paul R. Ehrlich 7,987 257 B Mid
826 Butadiene 7,984 257 B High
827 Land degradation 7,982 257 C Mid
828 BMW iX 7,962 256 Start Unknown
829 ISO 14000 7,958 256 Start Unknown
830 Aldo Leopold 7,947 256 B High
831 Lacey Act of 1900 7,926 255 Stub Mid
832 Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change 7,913 255 Start High
833 Steven Chu 7,911 255 C Mid
834 Conservation movement 7,904 254 C Low
835 Land 7,900 254 B Low
836 Volkswagen ID.7 7,890 254 B Low
837 Scrap 7,889 254 Start Low
838 Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand 7,861 253 C Low
839 Gas flare 7,809 251 Start Unknown
840 Exotic pet 7,804 251 Start Low
841 Protected area 7,803 251 B High
842 Madison Grant 7,799 251 C Unknown
843 Christian Schmidt (politician) 7,796 251 C Low
844 Retreat of glaciers since 1850 7,783 251 B Mid
845 Renault Zoe 7,777 250 C High
846 7,773 250 B Low
847 1,4-Dioxane 7,760 250 Start Mid
848 List of highly toxic gases 7,744 249 List High
849 Magnet fishing 7,743 249 C Low
850 Municipal solid waste 7,699 248 Start High
851 Effects of climate change on agriculture 7,680 247 C High
852 Toyota Prius (XW20) 7,653 246 B Unknown
853 Marjory Stoneman Douglas 7,642 246 FA Low
854 Central Pollution Control Board 7,639 246 Start Low
855 Activated sludge 7,629 246 C Low
856 Hyundai Ioniq 6 7,599 245 Unknown Unknown
857 Biodegradation 7,599 245 Start Low
858 Limelight 7,580 244 Start Unknown
859 Climate of Italy 7,577 244 C Low
860 Masdar City 7,574 244 C High
861 Ken Saro-Wiwa 7,567 244 B Low
862 Photovoltaic power station 7,529 242 C High
863 Carbon sink 7,509 242 C High
864 Rolling coal 7,507 242 C Low
865 Copper extraction 7,490 241 C Low
866 Martin Heinrich 7,482 241 C Unknown
867 Epping Forest 7,467 240 C Mid
868 Soil conservation 7,460 240 B High
869 Climate variability and change 7,408 238 C Top
870 Our Planet 7,395 238 Start Low
871 Tailings 7,388 238 Start Unknown
872 Sustainable transport 7,387 238 B High
873 Vestas 7,374 237 Start High
874 Methylmercury 7,359 237 B High
875 The Nature Conservancy 7,356 237 B Low
876 Car-free days 7,356 237 C High
877 Volkswagen ID.6 7,351 237 Start Unknown
878 Environmental hazard 7,325 236 Start High
879 Litter 7,309 235 B Mid
880 Camp Lejeune water contamination 7,305 235 Start Unknown
881 Aviation biofuel 7,302 235 Start Unknown
882 Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station 7,300 235 C Mid
883 Aspark Owl 7,294 235 Start Low
884 Storm drain 7,283 234 C Unknown
885 MG5 (automobile) 7,276 234 Start Low
886 Selective catalytic reduction 7,274 234 C Mid
887 Endangered Species Act of 1973 7,271 234 C High
888 Environmental issues in the Philippines 7,265 234 C Low
889 Tipping points in the climate system 7,243 233 GA Top
890 Contamination 7,243 233 C Unknown
891 American Petroleum Institute 7,230 233 C Low
892 Green party 7,228 233 C High
893 List of largest giant sequoias 7,228 233 List Mid
894 Worldwide Harmonised Light Vehicles Test Procedure 7,221 232 C Mid
895 Overfishing 7,220 232 B High
896 Honda Prologue 7,210 232 Stub Low
897 Shot (pellet) 7,201 232 C Low
898 Lake Karachay 7,196 232 Start Unknown
899 Hazardous waste 7,193 232 Start Mid
900 Exploitation of natural resources 7,176 231 Start High
901 Earth's energy budget 7,166 231 C High
902 Sustainable Development Goal 12 7,153 230 Start Unknown
903 Bioterrorism 7,151 230 B High
904 Hockey stick graph (global temperature) 7,147 230 B High
905 Dakota Access Pipeline 7,142 230 B Mid
906 Climate change feedbacks 7,141 230 C Mid
907 Resource depletion 7,116 229 C High
908 Causes of cancer 7,108 229 B High
909 Carla Denyer 7,099 229 C Unknown
910 World Oceans Day 7,092 228 Start Unknown
911 Citroën Ami (electric vehicle) 7,080 228 Start Unknown
912 National parks of the United Kingdom 7,070 228 List Low
913 Common ethanol fuel mixtures 7,064 227 B Mid
914 Chemical Weapons Convention 7,062 227 C High
915 Phytoremediation 7,062 227 C Mid
916 Paris green 7,059 227 B Mid
917 McMurtry Spéirling 7,056 227 Start Unknown
918 Solid oxide fuel cell 7,037 227 Start Unknown
919 Commons 7,035 226 C Top
920 Noxious weed 7,026 226 Start Unknown
921 Wind power by country 7,025 226 List Mid
922 Xeriscaping 7,022 226 C Low
923 Fishery 7,004 225 Start Low
924 Radiative forcing 7,003 225 C Low
925 Solar radiation modification 6,996 225 C Low
926 Koch network 6,968 224 C Mid
927 United States Fish and Wildlife Service 6,952 224 C Mid
928 Ecological footprint 6,945 224 B High
929 Bjørn Lomborg 6,941 223 B High
930 Climate of South Africa 6,936 223 Start Low
931 Sustainable Development Goal 13 6,933 223 C Mid
932 Global Reporting Initiative 6,912 222 C Unknown
933 Sustainable Development Goal 6 6,906 222 C Mid
934 Acrylonitrile 6,903 222 Start Mid
935 Gasification 6,894 222 C Mid
936 Best practice 6,866 221 C Mid
937 Dead zone (ecology) 6,862 221 C High
938 Sod 6,859 221 C Mid
939 Biofouling 6,856 221 B Low
940 Honda Clarity 6,848 220 B Low
941 Solar thermal energy 6,846 220 B High
942 Bioaccumulation 6,844 220 Start Mid
943 Extreme E 6,839 220 B Unknown
944 Monoculture 6,835 220 Start High
945 Fatberg 6,825 220 Start Low
946 California Republican Party 6,814 219 C Unknown
947 Right to repair 6,799 219 Start Unknown
948 Space-based solar power 6,798 219 B Unknown
949 Rimac Concept One 6,796 219 Start Unknown
950 Tree well 6,777 218 Stub Low
951 Human population planning 6,775 218 Start Unknown
952 Biodegradable waste 6,772 218 Start Unknown
953 BYD Han 6,770 218 Start Unknown
954 Dichlorodifluoromethane 6,769 218 Start High
955 Composting toilet 6,764 218 C Unknown
956 2-Butoxyethanol 6,762 218 C Mid
957 Kia EV6 6,738 217 Start Low
958 One Laptop per Child 6,709 216 B Unknown
959 History of ExxonMobil 6,706 216 B Low
960 San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station 6,703 216 C Mid
961 Scrubber 6,691 215 Start Unknown
962 Thermophile 6,687 215 Start Mid
963 Hoot (film) 6,669 215 Start Low
964 Mark Shand 6,659 214 Start Low
965 Neonicotinoid 6,646 214 C High
966 Fungicide 6,641 214 C High
967 Sustainable tourism 6,632 213 C Low
968 Lists of nuclear disasters and radioactive incidents 6,617 213 List Mid
969 Hamza Yassin 6,598 212 Start Low
970 Anti-nuclear movement 6,566 211 B Mid
971 United Nations Conference on the Human Environment 6,565 211 Start Low
972 Paper recycling 6,564 211 Start Unknown
973 Seres (automobiles) 6,541 211 Start Low
974 Seaspiracy 6,539 210 C Low
975 Global cooling 6,525 210 B Low
976 Plant pathology 6,519 210 C High
977 United States withdrawal from the Paris Agreement 6,515 210 C Mid
978 Laundry detergent 6,514 210 Start Low
979 Methane clathrate 6,507 209 C High
980 Fuck for Forest 6,476 208 C Low
981 Our Common Future 6,473 208 Start Mid
982 Seveso disaster 6,469 208 Start Mid
983 Life After People 6,465 208 C Low
984 Religious views of Charles Darwin 6,457 208 B Low
985 Arsenic trioxide 6,431 207 B Mid
986 Slow Food 6,406 206 C Mid
987 European Green Party 6,398 206 B Mid
988 Biomass (ecology) 6,393 206 C Mid
989 Grove (nature) 6,388 206 Stub Unknown
990 Blade battery 6,385 205 Start Mid
991 Radiation protection 6,385 205 Start Mid
992 Planet Earth II 6,377 205 C Low
993 Jaguar I-Pace 6,377 205 C Low
994 Waste container 6,373 205 Start High
995 Rainbow Herbicides 6,357 205 Start Mid
996 Environmental disaster 6,351 204 Start Top
997 Earth Liberation Front 6,339 204 B Mid
998 Neurotoxicity 6,336 204 Start High
999 Rydberg formula 6,331 204 Start Unknown
1000 Extraction of petroleum 6,308 203 Start Mid