Wikipedia:GLAM/La Trobe University

Welcome2021 editathonDiscussParticipate

First Fridays
1.00 pm

La Trobe University Library
Zoom Meeting link
Mailing list

Why attend?


Wikipedia reaches a massive, global readership. Contributing enables you to achieve a uniquely massive public impact.

Shut Up and Wiki!


‘Shut up and Wiki’ is an informal community of practice where you can devote time to editing, writing, and developing Wiki resources. We spend most of the session time editing our own projects, with a short break mid-way to chat with our fellow editors. We've been meeting since March 2018 on the first Friday of each month. We use the hashtag #shutupandWiki on Twitter.

No prior experience is necessary! A Wiki expert will be on hand to teach the platform and answer queries. Optionally, we recommend:

For 2021, the group will meet on the FIRST FRIDAY of each month (starting February) at 1-2pm via this Zoom Meeting link. Depending on return-to-campus plans, we may additionally set up an in-person meeting room.

How do I join?


Just turn up at the Zoom meeting!

Optionally: join the mailing list and sign up to our participant list:


More info
