First point


testing functionality, here is a small test
This talk was formed mainly as a mean to divide the summary of revision to the user page from the main purpose of the talk page.
Please disregard the talk below (next talk), as it is just a summary, read first the description to which the named summary refers to.

It is possible to contact me more effectively than through this talk unless You prefer to log a comment or question here. Comments are welcome at this point. I do not have intention to monitor this user account but hopefully keeping an acceptable connection between this user page and talk and myself will be possible.

Of special interest to me is comment on the use of or around the use of the nickname obeligz even if it is not my use of the nickname. At this point I am not fishing actively for projects but it seems helpful to be aware of problems arising from the sharing of nicknames. Up till now it is my impression relatively few people use obeligz as a nickname but some possibly do, and the result of this could spark problems which somehow have brought You to this page, if so please share your concern.

It is tempting to treat this page as secret, because it is tempting to treat my nickname as secret, meaning, a nickname on the net without a direct tie to a person in a known location. Then apparently my secret identity is not only in order, it is now also connected to a small space which is a part of Wikipedia. Presumably Wikipedia could expose my spot registered here so that my nickname is no longer secret. However, Wikipedia is a large website to it is tempting to accept it as one of those sites which do not carry an increased risk of exposing the identity of my nickname. In result it is tempting to imagine my nickname is still secret and still in order. While it is in order, my nickname is convenient to use on websites which are of interest to me to participate in. Maybe I should have been a little more careful about registering this nickname at because it is a large web store. Assuming is trustworthy with relation to keeping customer information safe, the drawback could be that the personal relation between how the nickname is connected to the person and how the person likes to handle, process and digest information on the internet through either nickname or proper name while searching and participating could become cluttered. It seems not suspicious to babble loosely about nicknames on a secret talk page such as this.

note to self, considering how to relate to my page at Wikipedia.

(Obeligz (talk) 16:46, 26 January 2015 (UTC))Reply

2010 revision


The below texting represents the changes made from the form of the description as it looked in 2010 with some comments to changes.

  • Later on I have joined and participated in variuos debates which in some way may be linked to the fairly broad scope of "responsible bioculture".

Having thought about my interests a little at the time of the revision of the description on the main page omission of responsible bioculture seemed alright because it is a very big subject and I am not sure my interests stretch in all directions across this subject.

  • In online debates I try to follow the red thread and where I feel I miss a point or have something to add I do so either by playing the role of "devils advocate" or by argumentation in support of one or several parties already participating.

Removing this paragraph or rewriting it seemed alright because it seemed not directly relevant to explain the custom of how I act in debate and discussion because action varies depending on the content in the discussion and here was only a short portion of text describing generally how it is custom for me to react in many circumstances. Missing a point could be understood as not paying attention or perhaps as misleading, to this my initial intent was to refer to the act of recognizing one is insufficiently aware of the form or content of a point or reasoning which is used in a reasoning one is trying to follow (read understand). Also a main point was to avoid unnecessarily publicizing the practice of arguing from the position of a devils advocate because such practice is not as fund and interesting for me as it was few years back, mainly because arguing from the position of devils advocate demands alignment of personal perspective according to points which demand (ideally) a certain minimum of familiarity from the part of the participant in a debate. Depending on the debate or discussion it is therefore practical to choose either a position of devils advocate or another position of reasoning from which to offer opinion.

  • In past debates I have played devils advocate in defence of controvercial matters such as sex with animals, drugs and even communism, and due to this some people may have been left with the impression that I am an incurable pervert with a taste for spreading chaos, bad values and brutality. I believe this is a poor criticism of my character as I mostly always try adhere to and promote principles such as good will, sound science and tender feelings towards humanity and our planet.

This portion was rewritten because it contained parts which do not fit well together and which I didn't like. It is questionable to claim boldly and here perhaps incurable pervert was a bold claim to .... pervert sounded better. I considered removing the part about sex with animals but feared I would make a bad impression as this information would be available through this back log, and possibly through searches on the Internet. Uncertain whether motivation to include this info stems from personal integrity or from fright of not acting correctly in relation to the scripting/programming on the search engines, Wikipedia and google. As a starting point search engines should not dictate the behavior of participants of debates, me amongst others, but a reasonable attitude towards how one chooses to relay and write out one's opinions could influence the scripting the search engines pick up, searches and findings. An unbalanced perspective could be no more correct than a beginning understanding.

  • Friends around me will often discover the paranoid side about me. I am naturally fearful of stepping other people on the toes, afraid of making wrong choices or reaching wrong conclusions in thought, afraid of hurting other peoples feelings and of talking poorly about their values, culture or personal integrity.

The above text represents the content which was published in the 2010 version of the description.

  • Originally I am a simple minded gecko farmer with little formal schooling at highshcool and I haven´t had the luxury to study at university, regrettably. As such if you hapen to read any of my texts, please do not assume them to be true or good automatically, in stead let the critic in you be the judge of my writings, as even idiots can stumble upon important facts about life. The fact that I may have accidentally stumbled upon facts about life which you consider valuable, does not automatically make an intelligent person out of me.

In my opinion this sounded good but I still chose to change this portion. It is not quite true I have no university education as the last two years of my education is recognized as being of university standard apparently. Though I still have not been a very good student during these two years. About the rest of the portion above, it is general, and maybe evident, please consider how diplomas issued by universities have weight behind them as it is custom for people holding diplomas to have digested books which are relevant to the subjects diplomas were issued on. So, the portion of text above is somehow irellevant.

  • I wish you fair winds and prosperity in your further venture on the net as in real life. I have discovered that good things may happen when one follows in the path of altruists. I was first introduced to this throught by Richard Dawkins in his book on "the selfish gene", if your curiosity permits seek to read it.

The above text represents the content which was published in the 2010 version of the description. It is tempting to say it is alright to be informal in descriptions of users here on this site because it can give an impression which chips the edges off an otherwise more rude appearance. However the above portion was removed and rewritten mainly because the page was about the desctription of the user, here obeligz. I also removed reference to book mentioned because I am not sure how much I want to popularize the description this user talk links to so I pulled the book back just one click to give a less cluttered appearance to the user page.

The rest of the changes in the description are of not very important happenings so descrtiptions have not been provided.

Worth mention is also that this revision was performed because I added a comment to an article on Wikipedia 24 January 2015, and linked the article to my nickname rather than my IP. There are no plans to update this user talk or to revise the description this talk links to, soon.

(Obeligz (talk) 15:23, 26 January 2015 (UTC))Reply