The description featured here is developed under the faith and presumption user descriptions here are to some extent sheltered. As such it is further strengthening to belive the ongoing process is going positively so that there is growing confidence it may be convenient to feature here what is relevant, not merely what is neutral, clean and politically correct.

This user description refers to one of the personal users using this nickname on the net and not to the characteristics of the nickname itself.

I first used this nickname around 1996 but not until 2001 I think did I use it regularly, due to a need to hide my identity earlier on (1997-2000). After 2001 up through 2007 I found my nick grew stronger and stronger attached to my real identity. Often I have hid bihind my nick in formation of arguments and opinions which are considered controversial but also I have used my nick to give more credibility to certain of my arguments by linking my arguments to my proper nick and thereby closer to a stable identity on the net as to give smaller room for misinterpretation regarding the narute or origin of arguments and opinions possibly attatched to me.

Early on I used to hide behind my nick in defence, playing with formation of my opinions on responsible private husbandry of companion animals (read reptiles and amphibians) in certain Norwegian pet fora on the net. Later on I have joined and participated in variuos websites and debates which in some way may be linked to the desire to develop my interests in the viscinity of easy living. In online debates I try to follow the red thread and where I feel I miss a point or have something to add I do so either by offering a link to a differing reason or by argumentation in support of one or several parties already participating.

After around 2004, having gathered more confidence in the safety available to me as an individual, it has been more tempting to be more offensive in debates in the Internet. In past debates I have played devils advocate in defence of controvercial matters such as sex with animals. While this has not been an aim for me to promote it has happened on occasion and while I believe and support sex with animals is to be recognized as taboo, it has been acceptable for me to participate in some conversations on this subject. Other controversial subjects this nickname is linked to participation on is use of drugs such as hash and on defence of communism, and due to this some people may have been left with the impression that I am a pervert with a taste for spreading chaos, bad values and brutality. I believe this criticism of my character is not without merit. In cases where I have been "forced" (read driven by enthusiasm to choose) to defend exceptions to situations, failure to express myself clearly has surely left impression of me as a defender of bad opinions and brutality. By 2014 I have come to recognize that while participation in debates may be fun it is not always harmless or productive to illustrate the exceptions to situations because doing so may require more time and recources than first estimated, in the event a debate branches out in a unanticipated direction, so it may be beneficial to consider how much time one has to spend on debating a certain topic to avoid giving false impressions or reciving a pervert tag attached to one's nickname for a period.

In my opinion arguments supporting sound science and tender feelings towards humanity and our planet sound interesting. Somehow fearful to recite sources and somehow lazy to remember them, one of my favorite quotes is from the british pet care trust; Pets are good for you. At least my pets have inspired a great deal of changes in me which I consider positive.

Friends around me will often discover the paranoid side about me. I am slightly cautious of stepping other people on the toes, concerned of making wrong choices. I used to be more afraid of hurting other peoples feelings and of talking poorly about their values, culture or personal integrity. More than previously my focus rests on reaching out to people with whom I am in conversation rather than avoiding to hurt their feelings.

Originally I am a simple minded gecko farmer with little formal schooling at high shcool. Through a brief period I have studied at college and in rough terms it is appropriate to say even though I have little formal education I have been spoiled with respect to opportunity to soak education from school. Opportunity being different than ability, some of my texts and reasonings have proven to be misleading. Depending on topic, judging my texts, as of 2014 my advice suggests consider them optimistic rather than stable, amateur rather than formal.

The aim here has been to provide a useful insight into the personality behind the nickname obeligz covering some of the most frequent and most controversial topics the nickname has been usef for by me. I have discovered that good things may stem from a positive understanding of the meaning of altruism. I was first introduced to this thought more thuroughly in a book I read in 2005 on popular science.

Friendly regards

(Obeligz (talk) 13:54, 26 January 2015 (UTC)) aka Vålen Gånev

Ps! if you have other interesting gossip or info concerning my use of this nmickname, please feel free to share.