Individual articles to work on


Commented articles that can and should be improved irrespective of larger reorganisation.

  • Gauss-Manin connection — essentially a rewrite: explain in terms of relative de Rham cohomology
  • Gerbe — essentially a rewrite — now in progress (albeit slowly...)
  • coherent sheaf — rewiew, correct and expan (definition fixed)
  • de Rham cohomology — redo de Rham's theorem and especially its proof (see own Talk page comment)
  • Künneth formula — add derived category sheaf version
  • Integral — contribute along the lines of the talk page comments
  • Elliptic curve — add explanation of group structure wrt Abel-Jacobi map (as per own comments on Talk page)

Algebraic topology and cohomology theme


The bold face word after title gives planned WP 1.0 importance. Plans for the article follow that.

  • Algebraic topology: TOP and VITAL — The main article to organise the whole area. Should give a comprehensive overview with limited technical detail.

"Classical" homology / cohomology theories


Homological algebra



Personally less expertise in the more advanced areas (stable and rational homotopy,...).

Algebraic and analytical geometry


Second priority for now. Branches out very fast towards all other parts of AG and category theory (toposes, gerbes, Tannakian formalism, intersection theory,...) To handle together with the larger AG theme once its time comes.