Eilenberg–MacLane space

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In mathematics, specifically algebraic topology, an Eilenberg–MacLane space[note 1] is a topological space with a single nontrivial homotopy group.

Let G be a group and n a positive integer. A connected topological space X is called an Eilenberg–MacLane space of type , if it has n-th homotopy group isomorphic to G and all other homotopy groups trivial. Assuming that G is abelian in the case that , Eilenberg–MacLane spaces of type always exist, and are all weak homotopy equivalent. Thus, one may consider as referring to a weak homotopy equivalence class of spaces. It is common to refer to any representative as "a " or as "a model of ". Moreover, it is common to assume that this space is a CW-complex (which is always possible via CW approximation).

The name is derived from Samuel Eilenberg and Saunders Mac Lane, who introduced such spaces in the late 1940s.

As such, an Eilenberg–MacLane space is a special kind of topological space that in homotopy theory can be regarded as a building block for CW-complexes via fibrations in a Postnikov system. These spaces are important in many contexts in algebraic topology, including computations of homotopy groups of spheres, definition of cohomology operations, and for having a strong connection to singular cohomology.

A generalised Eilenberg–Maclane space is a space which has the homotopy type of a product of Eilenberg–Maclane spaces .


  • The unit circle   is a  .
  • The infinite-dimensional complex projective space   is a model of  .
  • The infinite-dimensional real projective space   is a  .
  • The wedge sum of k unit circles   is a  , where   is the free group on k generators.
  • The complement to any connected knot or graph in a 3-dimensional sphere   is of type  ; this is called the "asphericity of knots", and is a 1957 theorem of Christos Papakyriakopoulos.[1]
  • Any compact, connected, non-positively curved manifold M is a  , where   is the fundamental group of M. This is a consequence of the Cartan–Hadamard theorem.
  • An infinite lens space   given by the quotient of   by the free action   for   is a  . This can be shown using covering space theory and the fact that the infinite dimensional sphere is contractible.[2] Note this includes   as a  .
  • The configuration space of   points in the plane is a  , where   is the pure braid group on   strands.
  • Correspondingly, the nth unordered configuration space of   is a  , where   denotes the n-strand braid group. [3]
  • The infinite symmetric product   of a n-sphere is a  . More generally   is a   for all Moore spaces  .

Some further elementary examples can be constructed from these by using the fact that the product   is  . For instance the n-dimensional Torus   is a  .

Remark on constructing Eilenberg–MacLane spaces


For   and   an arbitrary group the construction of   is identical to that of the classifying space of the group  . Note that if G has a torsion element, then every CW-complex of type K(G,1) has to be infinite-dimensional.

There are multiple techniques for constructing higher Eilenberg-Maclane spaces. One of which is to construct a Moore space   for an abelian group  : Take the wedge of n-spheres, one for each generator of the group A and realise the relations between these generators by attaching (n+1)-cells via corresponding maps in   of said wedge sum. Note that the lower homotopy groups   are already trivial by construction. Now iteratively kill all higher homotopy groups   by successively attaching cells of dimension greater than  , and define   as direct limit under inclusion of this iteration.

Another useful technique is to use the geometric realization of simplicial abelian groups.[4] This gives an explicit presentation of simplicial abelian groups which represent Eilenberg-Maclane spaces.

Another simplicial construction, in terms of classifying spaces and universal bundles, is given in J. Peter May's book.[5]

Since taking the loop space lowers the homotopy groups by one slot, we have a canonical homotopy equivalence  , hence there is a fibration sequence


Note that this is not a cofibration sequence ― the space   is not the homotopy cofiber of  .

This fibration sequence can be used to study the cohomology of   from   using the Leray spectral sequence. This was exploited by Jean-Pierre Serre while he studied the homotopy groups of spheres using the Postnikov system and spectral sequences.

Properties of Eilenberg–MacLane spaces


Bijection between homotopy classes of maps and cohomology


An important property of  's is that for any abelian group G, and any based CW-complex X, the set   of based homotopy classes of based maps from X to   is in natural bijection with the n-th singular cohomology group   of the space X. Thus one says that the   are representing spaces for singular cohomology with coefficients in G. Since


there is a distinguished element   corresponding to the identity. The above bijection is given by the pullback of that element  . This is similar to the Yoneda lemma of category theory.

A constructive proof of this theorem can be found here,[6] another making use of the relation between omega-spectra and generalized reduced cohomology theories can be found here [7] and the main idea is sketched later as well.

Loop spaces / Omega spectra


The loop space of an Eilenberg–MacLane space is again an Eilenberg–MacLane space:  . Further there is an adjoint relation between the loop-space and the reduced suspension:  , which gives   the structure of an abelian group, where the operation is the concatenation of loops. This makes the bijection   mentioned above a group isomorphism.

Also this property implies that Eilenberg–MacLane spaces with various n form an omega-spectrum, called an "Eilenberg–MacLane spectrum". This spectrum defines via   a reduced cohomology theory on based CW-complexes and for any reduced cohomology theory   on CW-complexes with   for   there is a natural isomorphism  , where   denotes reduced singular cohomology. Therefore these two cohomology theories coincide.

In a more general context, Brown representability says that every reduced cohomology theory on based CW-complexes comes from an omega-spectrum.

Relation with Homology


For a fixed abelian group   there are maps on the stable homotopy groups


induced by the map  . Taking the direct limit over these maps, one can verify that this defines a reduced homology theory


on CW complexes. Since   vanishes for  ,   agrees with reduced singular homology   with coefficients in G on CW-complexes.



It follows from the universal coefficient theorem for cohomology that the Eilenberg MacLane space is a quasi-functor of the group; that is, for each positive integer   if   is any homomorphism of abelian groups, then there is a non-empty set


satisfying   where   denotes the homotopy class of a continuous map   and  

Relation with Postnikov/Whitehead tower


Every connected CW-complex   possesses a Postnikov tower, that is an inverse system of spaces:


such that for every  :

  1. there are commuting maps  , which induce isomorphism on   for   ,
  2.   for  ,
  3. the maps   are fibrations with fiber  .

Dually there exists a Whitehead tower, which is a sequence of CW-complexes:


such that for every  :

  1. the maps   induce isomorphism on   for  ,
  2.   is n-connected,
  3. the maps   are fibrations with fiber  

With help of Serre spectral sequences computations of higher homotopy groups of spheres can be made. For instance   and   using a Whitehead tower of   can be found here,[8] more generally those of   using a Postnikov systems can be found here. [9]

Cohomology operations


For fixed natural numbers m,n and abelian groups G,H exists a bijection between the set of all cohomology operations   and   defined by  , where   is a fundamental class.

As a result, cohomology operations cannot decrease the degree of the cohomology groups and degree preserving cohomology operations are corresponding to coefficient homomorphism  . This follows from the Universal coefficient theorem for cohomology and the (m-1)-connectedness of  .

Some interesting examples for cohomology operations are Steenrod Squares and Powers, when   are finite cyclic groups. When studying those the importance of the cohomology of   with coefficients in   becomes apparent quickly;[10] some extensive tabeles of those groups can be found here. [11]

Group (co)homology


One can define the group (co)homology of G with coefficients in the group A as the singular (co)homology of the Eilenberg-MacLane space   with coefficients in A.

Further Applications


The loop space construction described above is used in string theory to obtain, for example, the string group, the fivebrane group and so on, as the Whitehead tower arising from the short exact sequence


with   the string group, and   the spin group. The relevance of   lies in the fact that there are the homotopy equivalences


for the classifying space  , and the fact  . Notice that because the complex spin group is a group extension


the String group can be thought of as a "higher" complex spin group extension, in the sense of higher group theory since the space   is an example of a higher group. It can be thought of the topological realization of the groupoid   whose object is a single point and whose morphisms are the group  . Because of these homotopical properties, the construction generalizes: any given space   can be used to start a short exact sequence that kills the homotopy group   in a topological group.

See also



  1. ^ Saunders Mac Lane originally spelt his name "MacLane" (without a space), and co-published the papers establishing the notion of Eilenberg–MacLane spaces under this name. (See e.g. MR13312) In this context it is therefore conventional to write the name without a space.
  1. ^ Papakyriakopoulos, C. D. (15 January 1957). "On Dehn's lemma and the asphericity of knots". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 43 (1): 169–172. Bibcode:1957PNAS...43..169P. doi:10.1073/pnas.43.1.169. PMC 528404. PMID 16589993.
  2. ^ "general topology - Unit sphere in $\mathbb{R}^\infty$ is contractible?". Mathematics Stack Exchange. Retrieved 2020-09-01.
  3. ^ Lucas Williams "Configuration spaces for the working undergraduate",arXiv , November 5, 2019. Retrieved 2021-06-14
  4. ^ "gt.geometric topology - Explicit constructions of K(G,2)?". MathOverflow. Retrieved 2020-10-28.
  5. ^ May, J. Peter. A Concise Course in Algebraic Topology (PDF). Chapter 16, section 5: University of Chicago Press.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location (link)
  6. ^ Xi Yin "On Eilenberg-MacLanes Spaces" Archived 2021-09-29 at the Wayback Machine, Retrieved 2021-06-14
  7. ^ Allen Hatcher "Algebraic Topology", Cambridge University Press, 2001. Retrieved 2021-06-14
  8. ^ Xi Yin "On Eilenberg-MacLanes Spaces" Archived 2021-09-29 at the Wayback Machine, Retrieved 2021-06-14
  9. ^ Allen Hatcher Spectral Sequences, Retrieved 2021-04-25
  10. ^ Cary Malkiewich "The Steenrod algebra", Retrieved 2021-06-14
  11. ^ Integral Cohomology of Finite Postnikov Towers



Foundational articles


Cartan seminar and applications


The Cartan seminar contains many fundamental results about Eilenberg-Maclane spaces including their homology and cohomology, and applications for calculating the homotopy groups of spheres.

Computing integral cohomology rings


Other encyclopedic references
