About me


Hello! I'm SonicSmithy, a passionate music enthusiast and metalworker. I joined the Wikipedia community to contribute my knowledge and help improve articles related to music, metalworking, and the intersection between the two. Metalworking and music makes for good heavy metal.

My interests


Music: My primary interest lies in various music genres, including rock, metal, classical, and electronic. I enjoy learning about the history, theory, and cultural impact of music, as well as the evolution of musical instruments and technology.

Metalworking: As a metalworker, I am fascinated by the techniques, tools, and materials used in fabrication. I'm particularly interested in the development of metalworking throughout history. It's an old craft.

Security: Been fascinated with all kinds of security topics over the years; from locking picking to denial of service to spear phishing; and everything in between.

References: Also musing about the suitability of many of references being used for new articles on Wikipedia. Especially in the music space a lot of references seem to come from pay for play.

My contributions


Nothing of note here yet; just been helping with finding references. Also helping with improving some blacksmithing articles. Yeah!

Get in touch


If you have any questions, suggestions, or would like to collaborate on a Wikipedia article, feel free to leave a message on my talk page.