The following is a draft of changes/additions I am considering for the articles on σ-algebras and set-theoretic limit. I especially have in mind including examples of their use in probability.

Special Uses in Probability


This section demonstrates some of the important uses of σ-algebras in probability beyond what has been described above. It does not, however, do this thoroughly; see the relevant articles instead.

Conditional Expectation


Conditional expectation refers to a prediction of one random variable on the basis of given values of one or more other random variables. It can be, and is, defined in a variety of ways including as the expectation of a conditional distribution and as a projection in the Hilbert space of random variables with finite second moment. The broadest definition, and the one most useful for proofs, uses a sub σ-algebra to represent the partial information that one is conditioning on. The discussion here is limited to demonstrating this role of σ-algebras.

The definition is a follows. Suppose   has finite expectation. A random variable   is the conditional expectation of   with respect to a σ-algebra  , and typically denoted by  , if

  1.   is measurable with respect to  :  , and
  2.   for all  ,

where   is the indicator function of the set  . This definition is not entirely unique: any two "versions" will be equal with probability 1. (This definition also does not describe how to "compute" the conditional expectation; that is left to other definitions and to use of properties of conditional expectations.)

Conditional probability is defined as a conditional expectation:


When   is the σ-algebra generated by a random variable (or vector, or process)  , it is usual to express the conditional expectation as  .

Conditional expectation has many useful properties; a few of the more basic ones showing the roles of σ-algebras are recounted here.

  • If   is independent of all   then   with probability 1.
  • If   is measurable with respect to   then   with probability 1.
  • (Tower) If   is a σ-algebra such that   then   with probability 1.

Martingales and Markov Processes


The following is a short description of the uses of ordered collections of σ-algebras for certain types of stochastic processes.

Suppose   (usually {0, 1, 2, …} or (0, ∞)),   is a probability space and   is a stochastic process.

  • A filtration is a collection of σ-algebras   such that each   and s < t implies  .
  • The natural filtration for   is given by  , that is, the σ-algebra generated by the process up to and including time t.
  •   is adapted to a filtration   if its natural filtration satisfies   for all  .

Filtrations are important for conditioning on the past behavior of a process.

  is called a martingale with respect to   if   is adapted to   and s < t implies


If   is a martingale with respect to any filtration then it also is a martingale with respect to its natural filtration, a result which can be demonstrated with the tower property.

  is called a Markov process if s < t implies


Moreover,   is said to be homogeneous if this is a function only of  , ts, and  .

The Markov property just described has equivalent generalizations. For example, it implies


whenever h is a bounded function from   to   and  .

A martingale need not be a Markov process, nor does a Markov process have to be a martingale. However, many important results can be proved by deriving a martingale from a Markov process.

Probability Uses for Limits of Sets


Set limits, particularly the limit infimum and the limit supremum, are essential for probability and measure theory. Such limits are used to calculate (or prove) the probabilities and measures of other, more purposeful, sets. For the following,   is a probability space, which means   is a σ-algebra of subsets of   and   is a probability measure defined on that σ-algebra. Sets in the σ-algebra are known as events.

If A1, A2, ... is a sequence of events in   and limn→∞ An exists then


Borel-Cantelli Lemmas


In probability, the two Borel-Cantelli Lemmas can be useful for showing that the limsup of a sequence of events has probability equal to 1 or to 0. The statement of the first (original) Borel-Cantelli lemma is


The second Borel-Cantelli lemma is a partial converse:


Almost Sure Convergence


One of the most important applications to probability is for demonstrating the almost sure convergence of a sequence of random variables. The event that a sequence of random variables Y1, Y2, ... converges to another random variable Y is formally expressed as  . It would be a mistake, however, to write this simply as a limsup of events. Instead, the complement of the event is




  can be replaced with a more general measure μ, in which case   is a measure space.