Allen Gathman


Professor, Biology Department, Southeast Missouri State University. I earned my PhD in genetics at the University of Arizona in 1983, working on heritability of fatty acid desaturation in the seeds of the buffalo gourd (Cucurbita foetidissima), a potential new domesticated plant. I also did some work on quantitative genetics in guayule, and meiosis in interspecific hybrids in the plant genus Cuphea. Starting in about 1994, I began working with my colleague Walt Lilly on expression of proteases in the basidiomycete fungus Schizophyllum commune. When the basidiomycete Coprinopsis cinerea was accepted in the DOE's fungal genomes project, we switched over to work on that organism. We have been working since then primarily on genomics of basidiomycetes. All of this is intended for information, not to establish expertise; anyone can edit Wikipedia, and information in edits should be judged by the citations given to reliable sources, not by the credentials of the editor.

I teach classes in genetics at the freshman, junior, and senior/graduate levels at Southeast. My main focus as an editor is to improve and maintain pages on material that I cover in my classes. Is Wikipedia a reliable source? No, but it's often a good quick summary and a signpost to scholarly sources on a variety of topics. Textbooks go out of date; Wikipedia is constantly updated. I want my students to learn to evaluate sources critically, so I encourage them to start with Wikipedia.

See also my personal and professional web sites.



Working on overall revision of Chromosome. Sandbox for it here: Chromosome sandbox.

Rewrote Alternative splicing.

Gradually adding reference citations to the List of number of chromosomes of various organisms page.

Need to add to the Cucurbita foetidissima, Cucurbita digitata, and Cucurbita palmata pages.

Working on Genomic library, cDNA library, and Library (biology).

Merged Thymine dimer into Pyrimidine dimers. The proposal was up for months with few comments -- and those positive.

Articles that need work:


Diberri Refmaker


Alternative Splicing

/Sandbox /CPDs Working Page