i have writers block and im a procrastinator and waited till last minute to do a bio project on taxonomy :[

What about superclasses -- are they obsoleted? ~~

No, they are available for use by a taxonomist. They are just not explicitly mentioned in the ICBN as are unnumbered other ranks. Brya 17:30, 12 April 2006 (UTC)Reply

"Section" seems special, deserves its own explanation?


Section (botany) redirects here. It's not mentioned in this page. Furthermore it's not an analogue to the concept of "rank" that's described here. A section isn't a subfamily, because subfamilies contain distinct genera. But sections are groups of species within a genus (see fagaceae and nothofagaceae). So a section isn't a rank at all, at least not in all cases. 18:51, 14 April 2007 (UTC)Reply

Basically I'm asking that some botanically competent person create an article at Section (botany) and eliminate this unhelpful redirect. 18:52, 14 April 2007 (UTC)Reply