This is the working list of stars taken from List of largest stars (permalink to copy version) to overhaul and (hopefully) improve the accuracy and/or verification of the list. The main discusison is at Talk:List of largest stars#Full protection - time to hash this out, but below are some general things that are being worked on based on that discussion.

  • Template created to calculate radius from reported values (in progress by Primefac)
    • Accepts L/Teff and AD, as well as ranges for both
  • Collect reported values (e.g. "L and Teff" or "angular diameter and distance") for calculations
  • Create new list

23.5% completed (estimate)


"New" list


The table below is to compare the old list with the new list, which is now located on the main page.

The second column should have one of three values:

  • {{yes}}, for the stars that have been added to the new list
  • {{pending}}, for the stars that have not been checked/converted
  • {{no}}, for those stars that should not or are not added to the new table; a reason must be given in the third column in this case.
Star name Added to new table? Reason (if no)
Stephenson 2-18 Yes
HV 888 (WOH S140) Yes
Orbit of Saturn Yes
V538 Carinae Pending An AGB star?
WOH G64 Yes
IRAS 05280-6910 (LMC 582) Yes
Westerlund 1-26 Yes
RSGC1-F02 Yes
RSGC1-F01 Yes
VY Canis Majoris Yes
AH Scorpii Yes
WOH S281 Pending
IRAS 04509-6922 Pending
W Cephei Pending Has a smaller estimate.
SMC 18136 Yes
V774 Sagittarii Pending has a smaller size - 674 solar radii as in [1].
SW Cephei Yes
WOH S279 Pending
RW Cygni Yes
SP77 46-44 (WOH S341) Pending
Westerlund 1-237 Yes
HV 2255 (WOH S97) Pending
SMC 5092 Yes
SP77 31-18 (WOH S72) Pending
IRC -10414 Pending
LMC 135720 Pending
LMC 175464 Pending
SMC 69886 Yes
NML Cygni Yes
HD 90587 Pending
EV Carinae Yes
RSGC1-F03 Pending
LMC 119219 Pending
WOH S264 Pending
V602 Carinae Pending
MY Cephei Yes
HV 2561 Yes
J004035.08+404522.3 Yes
LMC 17338 Pending
VX Sagittarii Yes
LMC 141430 Pending
S Persei Yes
IRAS 04516-6902 Pending
LMC 175746 Pending
ST Cephei Yes
RSGC1-F08 Pending
HV 11423 Pending
HV 2084 Pending
LMC 174714 Yes
LMC 68125 Pending
SMC 20133 Yes
SMC 49478 Pending
Trumpler 27-1 Yes
SMC 8930 Pending
V366 Andromedae Pending
HR 5171 Aa Yes
Orbit of Jupiter Yes
PZ Cassiopeiae Pending
SMC 25879 Pending
IM Cassiopeiae Pending
LMC 136042 Pending
LMC 142202 Pending
LMC 146126 Pending
VV Cephei A Yes
RSGC1-F05 Pending
SMC 10889 Pending
LMC 67982 Pending
SU Persei Pending
HV 11262 Yes
SMC 83593 Pending
AS Cephei Pending
WOH S74 Pending
W Persei Pending
LMC 143877 Pending
HD 167861 Pending
BU Sagittarii Pending
RSGC1-F12 Pending
RT Carinae Pending
RSGC1-F13 Pending
NO Aurigae Pending
LMC 140296 Pending
SMC 46497 Pending
HD 143183 (V558 Normae) Yes
SMC 55188 Pending
RSGC1-F09 Pending
LMC 177997 Pending
NR Vulpeculae Yes
SMC 12322 Pending
Mu Cephei (Herschel's "Garnet Star") Yes
HV 2236 Pending
SMC 59803 Pending
Stephenson 2-03 Pending
V396 Centauri Yes
Westerlund 1-20 Yes
GCIRS 7 Pending
RSGC1-F11 Pending
V341 Lacertae Pending
HD 155737 Yes
HU Puppis Pending
SMC 50840 Pending
HV 894 Pending
J004424.94+412322.3 Pending
UY Scuti Yes
RM 1-361 Pending
HV 916 Pending
RSGC1-F10 Pending
S Cassiopeiae Yes
WOH S71 Pending
IX Carinae Pending
HV 2112 Yes
RSGC1-F04 Pending
CK Carinae Yes
IRAS 04498-6842 Pending
LMC 54365 Pending
HV 996 Pending
LMC 1318 Pending
NSV 25875 Pending
HV 12501 Pending
LMC 109106 Pending
RSGC1-F06 Pending
Stephenson 2-11 Pending
IRC -20412 Pending
IRAS 05558-7000 Pending
LMC 64048 Pending
SMC 30616 Pending
V437 Scuti Pending
IRAS 04407-7000 Pending
IRAS 05329-6708 Pending
SMC 46662 Pending
HV 986 Pending
AZ Cygni Yes
AZ Cephei Pending
J004047.82+410936.4 Pending
V669 Cassiopeiae Pending
HV 2360 Pending
HV 5870 Pending
BI Cygni Pending
KW Sagittarii Yes
SMC 15510 Pending
V358 Cassiopeiae Pending
BD-15 4915 Pending
UV Carinae Pending
WOH S60 Pending
LMC 61753 Pending
LMC 62090 Pending
V1185 Scorpii Pending
VX Aurigae Pending
V353 Puppis Pending
UW Aquilae Pending
Stephenson 2-14 Pending
BC Cygni Yes
V362 Aurigae Pending
LMC 116895 Pending
IRAS 05294-7104 Pending
LMC 142199 Pending
PMMR 41 Yes
HD 268850 Pending
YZ Persei Yes
LMC 134383 Pending
IRAS 05402-6956 Pending
V441 Persei Pending
PMMR 34 Pending
BU Persei Pending
BO Carinae Pending
IRAS 05298-6957 Pending
LMC 142907 Pending
V641 Cassiopeiae Pending
6 Geminorum (BU Geminorum) Pending
HV 963 Pending
U Lacertae Yes
SMC 11709 Pending
RW Cephei Pending
AV Persei Pending
RS Persei Yes
V355 Cephei Pending
V517 Monocerotis Pending
HD 303250 Pending
HV 2551 Pending
PMMR 141 Pending
SMC 52334 Pending
J004124.80+411634.7 Yes
S Cephei Pending
V915 Scorpii Pending
HD 95687 Pending
J004447.08+412801.7 Pending
Psi1 Aurigae Pending
GP Cassiopeiae Pending
Outer limits of the asteroid belt Yes
SMC 11939 Pending
V838 Monocerotis Pending
R Cygni Pending
LMC 137818 Pending
RU Virginis Pending
SMC 48122 Pending
V923 Centauri Pending
GU Cephei Pending
IRAS 04545-7000 Pending
IRAS 05003-6712 Pending
SMC 56732 Pending
WOH SG374 Pending
GU Cephei Yes
AD Persei Yes
KK Persei Yes
RSGC1-F07 Pending
Stephenson 2-04 Pending
V648 Cassiopeiae Pending
XX Persei Yes
Antares A (Alpha Scorpii A) Yes
Mercer 8-06 Yes
HV 1652 Yes
HD 179821 Yes
SMC 55681 Yes
V407 Puppis Yes
J003950.98+405422.5 Yes
J004255.95+404857.5 Yes
LMC 169754 Yes
LMC 65558 Yes
SP77 30-6 (WOH S66) Yes
V528 Carinae Yes
V770 Cassiopeiae Yes
Comparison List   Done

Original list

List of the largest stars
Star name Solar radii
(Sun = 1)
Method[a] Notes
Stephenson 2-18 2,158[2] L/Teff A red supergiant located within the massive open cluster Stephenson 2, where 25 other red supergiants are also located. An older estimate suggests a much smaller size of 474 R[3]
HV 888 (WOH S140) 1,974[4] L/Teff Located in the Large Magellanic Cloud. An older estimate suggests a smaller size of 1,353 R[5]
Orbit of Saturn 1,940-2,169 Reported for reference
V538 Carinae 1,870[6] AD May be one of the largest stars known. Although its size is disputed.
WOH G64 1,788[4] L/Teff Located in the Large Magellanic Cloud
IRAS 05280-6910 (LMC 582) 1,738[7] L/Teff Located in the Large Magellanic Cloud
Westerlund 1-26 1,530-1,580[8] L/Teff Very uncertain parameters for an unusual star with strong radio emission. The spectrum is variable but apparently the luminosity is not.
RSGC1-F02 1,499[9]-1,549[2] L/Teff
RSGC1-F01 1,435[9]-1,551[2] L/Teff
VY Canis Majoris 1,420[10] AD VY CMa is described as the largest star in the Milky Way although galactic red supergiants above are possibly larger but they have less accurate radius estimates.[11] Older estimates originally estimated the radius of VY CMa to be above 3,000 R,[12] or as little as 600 R.[13] The 1,420 R measure has a margin of error of ±120 R.[10]
AH Scorpii 1,411[14] AD AH Sco is a variable by nearly 3 magnitudes in the visual range, and an estimated 20% in total luminosity. The variation in diameter is not clear because the temperature also varies.
WOH S281 1,376[4] L/Teff
IRAS 04509-6922 1,360[15] L/Teff Located in the Large Magellanic Cloud
W Cephei 1,320[6] AD
SMC 18136 1,310[16] L/Teff Located in the Small Magellanic Cloud.
V774 Sagittarii 1,310[6] AD
WOH S279 1,298[4] L/Teff
SW Cephei 1,298[6] AD
RW Cygni 1,273[6] AD
SP77 46-44 (WOH S341) 1,258[5] L/Teff Located in the Large Magellanic Cloud
Westerlund 1-237 1,245[2] L/Teff Red supergiant within the Westerlund 1 super star cluster.
HV 2255 (WOH S97) 1,235[4] L/Teff
SMC 5092 1,220[16] L/Teff
SP77 31-18 (WOH S72) 1,211[4] L/Teff
IRC -10414 1,200[17] L/Teff IRC -10414 is a rare red supergiant companion to WR 114 that has a bow shock.
LMC 175464 1,200[16] L/Teff Located in the Large Magellanic Cloud.
LMC 135720 1,200[16] L/Teff Located in the Large Magellanic Cloud
SMC 69886 1,190[16] L/Teff
NML Cygni 1,183[18] L/Teff NML Cyg is calculated to be between 1,640 R and 2,770 R based on a more accurate measure of its distance combined with assumptions of its temperature.[19]
HD 90587 1,181[6] AD
RSGC1-F03 1,168[9]-1,326[2] L/Teff
EV Carinae 1,168[5] L/Teff Older estimates based on much larger distances have given higher luminosities, and consequently larger radii.[20][21]
LMC 119219 1,150[16] L/Teff Located in the Large Magellanic Cloud
WOH S264 1,149[4] L/Teff
V602 Carinae 1,142[6] AD
MY Cephei 1,135[22] L/Teff Not to be confused with Mu Cephei (see below). Older estimates have given up to 2,440 R based on much cooler temperatures.[23]
HV 2561 1,133[4] L/Teff Located in the Large Magellanic Cloud
J004035.08+404522.3 1,130-1,230[24] L/Teff Located in the Andromeda Galaxy
LMC 17338 1,122[4] L/Teff
VX Sagittarii 1,120-1,550[25] L/Teff VX Sgr is a pulsating variable with a large visual range and is calculated to vary in size from 1,350 R to 1,940 R.[26]
LMC 141430 1,110[16] L/Teff Located in the Large Magellanic Cloud
S Persei 1,109[2] L/Teff A red supergiant located in the Perseus Double Cluster. Levsque et al. 2005 calculated radii of 780 R and 1,230 R based on K-band measurements.[27] Older estimates gave up to 2,853 R based on higher luminosities.[21]
IRAS 04516-6902 1,100[15] L/Teff Located in the Large Magellanic Cloud
LMC 175746 1,100[16] L/Teff Located in the Large Magellanic Cloud
ST Cephei 1,100[6] AD
RSGC1-F08 1,088[2]-1,146[9] L/Teff
HV 11423 1,086[4] L/Teff HV 11423 is variable in spectral type (observed from K0 to M5), thus probably also in diameter. In October 1978, it was a star of M0I type.
HV 2084 1,084[4] L/Teff
LMC 174714 1,080[16] L/Teff Located in the Large Magellanic Cloud
LMC 68125 1,080[16] L/Teff Located in the Large Magellanic Cloud
SMC 49478 1,080[16] L/Teff
SMC 20133 1,080[16] L/Teff
Trumpler 27-1 1,073[28] L/Teff
SMC 8930 1,070[16] L/Teff
V366 Andromedae 1,067[6] AD
HR 5171 Aa 1,066[6] AD HR 5171 A is a highly distorted star in a close binary system, losing mass to the secondary. It is also variable in temperature, thus probably also in diameter. Other estimates range from 1,315 ± 260[29] solar radii to 1,490 ± 540[30] solar radii.
Orbit of Jupiter 1,064-1,173 Reported for reference
PZ Cassiopeiae 1,062[28] L/Teff
SMC 25879 1,060[16] L/Teff
IM Cassiopeiae 1,059[6] AD
LMC 136042 1,051[4] L/Teff Located in the Large Magellanic Cloud
VV Cephei A 1,050[31] EB VV Cep A is a highly distorted star in a close binary system, losing mass to the secondary for at least part of its orbit. Data from the most recent eclipse has cast additional doubt on the accepted model of the system. Older estimates give up to 1,900 R[27]
LMC 142202 1,050[16] L/Teff Located in the Large Magellanic Cloud
LMC 146126 1,050[16] L/Teff Located in the Large Magellanic Cloud
RSGC1-F05 1,047[2]-1,177[9] L/Teff
SMC 10889 1,046[4] L/Teff
LMC 67982 1,040[16] L/Teff Located in the Large Magellanic Cloud
SU Persei 1,039[6] AD In the Perseus Double Cluster
HV 11262 1,030[4] L/Teff
SMC 83593 1,019[4] L/Teff
AS Cephei 1,018[6] AD
WOH S74 1,014[4] L/Teff
W Persei 1,011[2] L/Teff
LMC 143877 1,010[16] L/Teff Located in the Large Magellanic Cloud
HD 167861 1,007[6] AD
RSGC1-F12 1,005[2] L/Teff
BU Sagittarii 1,005[6] AD
RT Carinae 995[6] AD
RSGC1-F13 993[2]-1098[9] L/Teff
NO Aurigae 991[6] AD
SMC 46497 990[16] L/Teff
LMC 140296 990[16] L/Teff Located in the Large Magellanic Cloud
SMC 55188 988[4] L/Teff
HD 143183 (V558 Normae) 988[6] AD
RSGC1-F09 986[9]-1,231[2] L/Teff
NR Vulpeculae 980[27] L/Teff
SMC 12322 980[16] L/Teff
LMC 177997 980[16] L/Teff Located in the Large Magellanic Cloud
Mu Cephei (Herschel's "Garnet Star") 972[32] L/Teff Prototype of the obsolete class of the Mu Cephei variables and also one of reddest stars in the night sky in terms of the B-V color index.[33] Other estimates have given only 650 R based on much closer distances.[34] Margin of possible error: ±228 R[32]
HV 2236 971[4] L/Teff
SMC 59803 970[16] L/Teff
Stephenson 2-03 969[2] L/Teff
Westerlund 1-20 965[2] L/Teff Red supergiant within the Westerlund 1 super star cluster.
V396 Centauri 965[6] AD
GCIRS 7 960[35]-1,000[36] AD Located at the galactic center. Margin of possible error: ±92 R[35] or ±150 R.[36]
RSGC1-F11 955[2]-1,015[9] L/Teff
V341 Lacertae 953[6] AD
HD 155737 951[6] AD
SMC 50840 950[16] L/Teff
HU Puppis 950[6] AD
HV 894 946[4] L/Teff
J004424.94+412322.3 945-1,300[24] L/Teff Located in the Andromeda Galaxy.
UY Scuti 941[6] AD
RM 1-361 933[4] L/Teff
HV 916 932[4] L/Teff Located in the Large Magellanic Cloud
RSGC1-F10 931[9]-954[2] L/Teff
S Cassiopeiae 930[37][38] DSKE
WOH S71 926[4] L/Teff
IX Carinae 920[27] L/Teff
HV 2112 916[39] L/Teff Most likely candidate for a Thorne-Żytkow object.
RSGC1-F04 914[2]-1,082[9] L/Teff
CK Carinae 909[6] AD
IRAS 04498-6842 900[40] L/Teff Located in the Large Magellanic Cloud
LMC 54365 900[16] L/Teff Located in the Large Magellanic Cloud
HV 996 894[5] L/Teff Located in the Large Magellanic Cloud
NSV 25875 891[18] L/Teff
LMC 1318 891[4] L/Teff Probably the largest AGB Star.
HV 12501 890[5] L/Teff Located in the Large Magellanic Cloud
LMC 109106 890[16] L/Teff Located in the Large Magellanic Cloud
RSGC1-F06 885[9]-967[2] L/Teff
Stephenson 2-11 884[2] L/Teff
IRC -20412 882[6] AD
IRAS 05558-7000 880[15] L/Teff Located in the Large Magellanic Cloud
SMC 30616 880[16] L/Teff
LMC 64048 880[16] L/Teff Located in the Large Magellanic Cloud
V437 Scuti 874[18] L/Teff
IRAS 04407-7000 870[15] L/Teff Located in the Large Magellanic Cloud
IRAS 05329-6708 870[15] L/Teff Located in the Large Magellanic Cloud
SMC 46662 868[4] L/Teff
HV 986 867[5] L/Teff Located in the Large Magellanic Cloud
J004047.82+410936.4 860-1,010[24] L/Teff Located in the Andromeda Galaxy
AZ Cygni 861[6] AD
AZ Cephei 860[6] AD
V669 Cassiopeiae 859[18] L/Teff
HV 2360 857[5] L/Teff Located in the Large Magellanic Cloud
HV 5870 856[5] L/Teff Located in the Large Magellanic Cloud
BI Cygni 850[41]-1,240[27] L/Teff
SMC 15510 850[16] L/Teff
KW Sagittarii 850[6] AD Older estimates have given larger radii and consequently cooler temperatures.[27]
V358 Cassiopeiae 848[6] AD
BD-15 4915 841[6] AD
UV Carinae 840[6] AD
WOH S60 836[4] L/Teff
V1185 Scorpii 830[18] L/Teff
LMC 61753 830[16] L/Teff Located in the Large Magellanic Cloud
LMC 62090 830[16] L/Teff Located in the Large Magellanic Cloud
VX Aurigae 825[6] AD
V353 Puppis 824[6] AD
UW Aquilae 823[6] AD
Stephenson 2-14 821[2] L/Teff
BC Cygni 820[28] L/Teff
V362 Aurigae 819[6] AD
LMC 116895 814[4] L/Teff Located in the Large Magellanic Cloud
LMC 142199 810[16] L/Teff Located in the Large Magellanic Cloud
IRAS 05294-7104 810[15] L/Teff Located in the Large Magellanic Cloud
PMMR 41 809[4] L/Teff
HD 268850 808[4] L/Teff
YZ Persei 804[6] AD
LMC 134383 802[4] L/Teff Located in the Large Magellanic Cloud
IRAS 05402-6956 800[15] L/Teff Located in the Large Magellanic Cloud
V441 Persei 799[2] L/Teff
PMMR 34 796[4] L/Teff
BU Persei 795[2] L/Teff
BO Carinae 790[27] L/Teff
IRAS 05298-6957 790[15] L/Teff Located in the Large Magellanic Cloud
LMC 142907 790[16] L/Teff Located in the Large Magellanic Cloud
V641 Cassiopeiae 788[6] AD
HV 963 787[4] L/Teff
6 Geminorum (BU Geminorum) 787[6] AD
U Lacertae 785[28] L/Teff
SMC 11709 781[4] L/Teff
RW Cephei 777[6] AD RW Cep is variable both in brightness (by at least a factor of 3) and spectral type (observed from G8 to M0), thus probably also in diameter. Because the spectral type and temperature at maximum luminosity are not known, the quoted sizes are just estimates.
RS Persei 770[42]-831[22] AD & L/Teff In the Perseus Double Cluster. Margin of possible error: ±30 R.[42]
AV Persei 770[27] L/Teff In the Perseus Double Cluster
V355 Cephei 770[27] L/Teff Mauron et al. 2011 derive 37,000 L, which implies a size around 300 R.[20]
V517 Monocerotis 768[6] AD
HD 303250 766[6] AD
PMMR 141 762[4] L/Teff
HV 2551 762[4] L/Teff
SMC 52334 761[4] L/Teff
J004124.80+411634.7 760-1,240[24] L/Teff Located in the Andromeda Galaxy and has a possible hot companion.
V915 Scorpii 760[43][44] L/Teff
S Cephei 760[45] AD
HD 95687 758[6] AD
J004447.08+412801.7 755-825[24] L/Teff Located in the Andromeda Galaxy
Psi1 Aurigae 753[6] AD
GP Cassiopeiae 751[2] L/Teff
Outer limits of the asteroid belt 750-900 Reported for reference
SMC 11939 750[16] L/Teff
V838 Monocerotis 750[46] L/Teff A short time after the outburst V838 Mon was measured at 1,570 R[47] but its distance, and hence its size, have since been reduced and it proved to be a transient object that shrunk about four-fold over a few years. Like CW Leo, it has been erroneously portrayed as "Nibiru" or "Planet X" (see below).
R Cygni 745[48][49] L/Teff
RU Virginis 740[50] L/Teff
LMC 137818 740[16] L/Teff Located in the Large Magellanic Cloud
SMC 48122 740[16] L/Teff
V923 Centauri 736[6] AD
IRAS 04545-7000 730[15] L/Teff Located in the Large Magellanic Cloud
IRAS 05003-6712 730[15] L/Teff Located in the Large Magellanic Cloud
SMC 56732 730[16] L/Teff
WOH SG374 730[51] L/Teff
GU Cephei 730[6] AD
KK Persei 724[2] L/Teff
AD Persei 724[22] L/Teff
RSGC1-F07 718[2]-910[9] L/Teff
XX Persei 710[2] L/Teff Located in the Perseus Double Cluster and near the border with Andromeda.
V648 Cassiopeiae 710[27] L/Teff
Stephenson 2-04 710[2] L/Teff
Mercer 8-06 707[2] L/Teff
Antares A (Alpha Scorpii A) 707[6] (varies by 19%)[52] AD Antares was originally calculated to be over 850 R,[53][54] but those estimates are likely to have been affected by asymmetry of the atmosphere of the star.[55]
HV 1652 706[4] L/Teff
HD 179821 704[56] DSKE HD 179821 may be a yellow hypergiant or a much less luminous star.
SMC 55681 704[4] L/Teff
V407 Puppis 703[6] AD
J004255.95+404857.5 700-785[24] L/Teff Located in the Andromeda Galaxy
V528 Carinae 700[27] L/Teff
J003950.98+405422.5 700[57] L/Teff Located in the Andromeda Galaxy
LMC 169754 700[16] L/Teff Located in the Large Magellanic Cloud
LMC 65558 700[16] L/Teff Located in the Large Magellanic Cloud
SP77 30-6 (WOH S66) 700[51] L/Teff
V770 Cassiopeiae 700[6] AD
The following stars with sizes bellow 700 radii are kept here for comparison
Betelgeuse (Alpha Orionis) 697[6] AD Star with the third largest apparent size after R Doradus and the Sun. Another estimate gives 955±217 R[58]
V354 Cephei 685[28]-1,520[27] L/Teff
RX Telescopii 682-1,882[6] AD RX Telescopii may be as large as 1,882 R. But the lower estimate is used here.
KY Cygni 672[28]-1,420[27] L/Teff
RSGC1-F14 590[2]-697[9] L/Teff
V509 Cassiopeiae (HR 8752) 590[6] AD Yellow hypergiant, one of the rarest types of a star.
CE Tauri 587-593[59] (-608[60]) AD Can be occulted by the Moon, allowing accurate determination of its apparent diameter.
V382 Carinae 471[6] AD Yellow hypergiant, one of the rarest types of a star.
CW Leonis 390[61]-826[18] L/Teff Prototype of carbon stars. CW Leo was mistakenly identified as the claimed planet "Nibiru" or "Planet X".
Inner limits of the asteroid belt 380 Reported for reference
IRC +10420 357[62] L/Teff A yellow hypergiant that has increased its temperature into the LBV range. De beck et al. 2010 calculates 1,342 R based on a much cooler temperature.[18]
Mira A (Omicron Ceti) 332-402[63] AD Prototype Mira variable. De beck et al. 2010 calculates 541 R.[18]
The Pistol Star 306[64] AD Blue hypergiant, among the most massive and luminous stars known.
R Doradus 298[65] AD Star with the second largest apparent size after the Sun.
Orbit of Mars 297-358 Reported for reference
La Superba (Y Canum Venaticorum) 289[6] AD Referred to as La Superba by Angelo Secchi. Currently one of the coolest and reddest stars.
Sun's red giant phase 256[66] At this point, the Sun will engulf Mercury and Venus, and possibly the Earth although it will move away from its orbit since the Sun will lose a third of its mass. During the helium burning phase, it will shrink to 10 R but will later grow again and become an unstable AGB star, and then a white dwarf after making a planetary nebula.[67][68] Reported for reference
Rho Cassiopeiae 242[6] AD Yellow hypergiant, one of the rarest types of a star.
Eta Carinae A ~240[69] Previously thought to be the most massive single star, but in 2005 it was realized to be a binary system. During the Great Eruption, the size was much larger at around 1,400 R.[70] η Car is calculated to be between 60 R and 881 R.[71]
Orbit of Earth 215 (211-219) Reported for reference
Solar System Habitable Zone 200-520[72] (uncertain) Reported for reference
Orbit of Venus 154-157 Reported for reference
Epsilon Aurigae A (Almaaz) 143-358[73] AD ε Aur was incorrectly claimed in 1970 as the largest star with a size between 2,000 R and 3,000 R,[74] even though it later turned out not to be an infrared light star but rather a dusk torus surrounding the system.
Deneb (Alpha Cygni) 99.84[6] AD Prototype Alpha Cygni variable.
Peony Star 92[75] AD Candidate for most luminous star in the Milky Way.
Canopus (Alpha Carinae) 71[76] AD Second brightest star in the night sky.
Orbit of Mercury 66-100 Reported for reference
LBV 1806-20 46-145[77] L/Teff Formerly a candidate for the most luminous star in the Milky Way with 40 million L,[78] but the luminosity has been revised later only 2 million L.[79][80]
Aldebaran (Alpha Tauri) 43.06[6] AD
Polaris (Alpha Ursae Minoris) 37.5[81] AD The current northern pole star.
R136a1 28.8[82]-35.4[83] AD Also on record as the most massive and luminous star known (315 M and 8.71 million L).
Arcturus (Alpha Boötis) 24.25[6] AD Brightest star in the northern hemisphere.
HDE 226868 20-22[84] The supergiant companion of black hole Cygnus X-1. The black hole is around 500,000 times smaller than the star.
Sun 1 The largest object in the Solar System.
Reported for reference


  1. ^ Methods for calculating the radius:
    • AD: radius determined from angular diameter and distance
    • L/Teff: radius calculated from bolometric luminosity and effective temperature
    • DSKE: radius calculated using the disk emission
    • EB: radius determined from observations of the eclipsing binary


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