Talk:Korn/Archive 1

Latest comment: 17 years ago by Stranhorox in topic Metal?
Archive 1 Archive 2 Archive 3 Archive 4

Korn's acting appearances

Korn have appeared on South Park and Monk (the detective TV series), I don't know if they've made any other TV acting appearances but I think a small section on their roles in these TV shows would be warranted in this article.

Jon davis appeared as a man trying to sell tickets outside a concert in Queen of the damned, which he also wrote the soundtrack for.

Korn are in monk? hahahaha, thats brilliant.


Brian Welch's nickname, fuck that as listed right now, say's 'GayMachine'. This is incorrect and obviously the work of a vandal. Could someone fix it to be 'Head' again. Untill there is an official release of a name change for his new solo album, it should remain 'Head'. Thanks.

Nevermind, fixed it myself. Thanks. [November 4th, 2005 05:46 PAC]hello Hey, guys, I'm not sure, but I think some Korn song is also a part of Charlie's Angels' soundtrack. That song sounds when that girl in a costume of a black man jumps from the airplane. Can anyone prove me right or wrong, please?

True or false: this is another thing that uses Я instead of R to make it look more Russian because of the letter in the Cyrillic alphabet that looks like a backwards R. 23:38, 27 Aug 2004 (UTC)

The reason the band's name is spelled as such is because the first album included a lot of material about Davis' childhood. The band wanted the cover to look like it was drawn by a small child, hence the mispelled name and backwards R. Missi

God only knows. Would it be more proper to have this article at KoRn, or prehaps even KoЯn (if page names can contain that character), as the band's name appears as KoЯn on all their albums? T.PK 13:08, 16 Dec 2004 (UTC)

Nope, can't be done. - fadetoblack fadetoblack

There needs to be an umlaut on Nu Metal.



Given that the band's website is at, and that they use both the forwards and backwards R on that site, and that every major media source calls them Korn, their albums are for sale at Amazon under the name Korn, and that the article starts with the The title given to this article is incorrect due to technical limitations text, is there any justifiable reason for using the illegal characters in this entry's name? It's completely unreadable in my browser (Firefox), which displays a strange accented D, and it's completely invisible in the most common browser (Internet Explorer). I don't see the point. --Dhartung | Talk 18:15, 23 Apr 2005 (UTC)

  • It's not just your browser that's doing that for the page title. Somebody decided to actually MOVE the page to the title with the backwards R. Since the backwards R is a special Unicode character, it is not usable in article titles in the English Wikipedia. I'm going to put up a request for it to be moved back. — Ливай | 18:18, 23 Apr 2005 (UTC)
    • It shows okay on my browser as KoЯn, but I made another request for a moveback. I believe the official spelling is KORN in all caps, and that the KoЯn with backwards R is either an album title or just a faux Cyrllic styling - not the band's real name. Xmas Ghost 16:04, 3 August 2005 (UTC)
  • Support the move to anything that doesn't have Cyrillic characters. The current disambiguation page can be moved to Korn (disambiguation). Michael Z. 2005-08-4 16:29 Z

Regarding naming in the article: The unicode character "Я" is not a backwards "R", it's the letter Ya in another alphabet. The backwards R in the band's name is a Latin R with a typographic styling effect, not a different letter from another language.

By using this Unicode character in the article, we are not writing "Korn" but some mongrel rendition of "Koyan". The closest thing available is the character "Latin letter small capital reversed R" (U+1D19), but using this to spell Koᴙn is probably a bad idea too. I'm going to edit the article to turn the name Korn back to Korn. Michael Z. 2005-08-4 23:47 Z

  • I also agree. Their OFFICIAL name is Korn, but KoЯn is simply used on their artwork and logo. It's unofficial. For example, when you rip a Korn cd, is the artist name displayed as KoЯn, or as Korn? Exactly. Their official name IS Korn, and I for one think that we should change all of the KoЯns in this article back to Korn. --daunrealist 18:15, 29 August 2005 (UTC)
Would it also be fair, then, to say that all references to Korn throughout Wikipedia should be normalized to 'Korn'? On the same page, I've seen the various spellings. --patton1138 04:32, 20 May 2006 (UTC)
Probably, but going through all the articles to change it it a big ask. lol. Dead 00:12, 21 May 2006 (UTC)
Plus, you think that when creating the logo, they really thought, "Gee, let's use a cyrillic R, also known as the letter Ya!" Of course not! It is intended to be a backwards 'R', no ifs, ands, or "butts" about it.

Unicode isn't illegal in a URL, but only a few browsers support it. Dread Lord CyberSkull ✎☠ 05:56, 5 October 2005 (UTC)

In all of Korn's CD booklets it is written Korn (except as the logo). KoЯn is definantly just used for their logo. (As a side node it think the debate about the unicode "Я" not actually being a backwards R is irrelevent, nobody is going to read it as a cyrillic letter as part of KoЯn anyway.)--Undc23 10:33, 8 October 2005 (UTC)

the point is, keep it as Korn, but we can have references to the KoЯn spelling. --daunrealist 21:11, 16 January 2006 (UTC)
I think there should be a brief section devoted to the spelling / Cyrillic letter thing, but in general, *all* references intended to be pronounced as "corn" should be spelled 'Korn'. Biggest reason: 508 accessibility. If you have a screenreader, turn it on and have it try to read 'KoЯn'. It will completely barf. I turned on my mac's Voiceover, and it just stopped when it got to the letter 'Я'. Are we striving to be a correct and accessible compedium of knowledge, or are we just a half step away from lame l33t5p34k? Scott B 09:18, 2 March 2006 (UTC)

Jonathan "HIV" Davis?

His photo caption (under Current Members) reads Jonathan "HIV" Davis. Is this a real nickname or did a vandal slip that in?--feitclub 14:32, May 9, 2005 (UTC)

Yep, that's his actual nickname, not the work of a vandal. MrHate 23:25, May 9, 2005 (UTC)

KoRn rock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!dont dis them or i will hit u with a tuna sandwich

Ick. Tuna. Anywho. I was wondering that myself.. I haven't heard that nickname before.

He actually have a tatoo which says "HIV". I think it is on his arm.

All the band have a stage persona HIV (because he was bullied and called gay at school), Munky, Head, fieldy and what ever the drummers nickname is (can't recall right now).


I removed the entire "members" section as it was sloppy, not arranged well, and unneeded. Band pages such as Led Zeppelin, Grateful Dead, and Pink Floyd don't have seperate images of each band member. --Crucible Guardian 23:36, 13 Jun 2005 (UTC)

Completely agree. They need to go. This is an encyclopedia, not a fan-site, and I'm pretty sure the current layout is against the style guide. MrHate 00:26, Jun 14, 2005 (UTC)

There's Image:Korn.jpg - isn't that a better version of the logo? Rd232 talk 22:56, 22 October 2005 (UTC)

that new korn logo is HORRIBLE!

Faux Cyrillic

Is the backwards R really an example of Faux Cyrillic? Just because someone rights a letter backwards that happens to have a corresponding cyrillic letter, it doesn't automatically make it Cyrllic. I mean, if they inverted the K instead, no one would call it Faux Cyrillic.

As I understand it, it's only Faux Cyrillic if the word is intended to give a Slavic/Russian feel to the name, and I don't think that's the intention at all with Korn's name. --Rc251 22:24, 18 July 2005 (UTC)

I agree; it appears they're going for a rough look and not a Slavic feel. Another example is Toys Я Us. Michael Z. 2005-08-4 16:30 Z

New album

Can someone please tell me why the new album Souvenir of Sadness, which is due out in September 2005 keeps being removed? Wait until you people see what happens! -- Mike Garcia | talk 20:44, 19 July 2005 (UTC)

dear freind, it was rumored to be the name for a while, but the band never intended for it to really have that title.

Everything Inane 06:36, 23 July 2005 (UTC)

The album name is "See You On The Other Side". There is a song on the album called Souvenir. The album will be available as of December 6, 2005.

man 5thats sad u comparing korn wth toys r us??!! and the suggestion of cyrillic shit is totally stoopid!!


shouldn't this page be at KoЯn? 24ip | lolol 22:32, 10 October 2005 (UTC)

Look upwards on page... 12:42, 23 October 2005 (UTC)


Why is this band so popular, none of their songs got past number 30 something in the us! All their others got like number 90. They're doing all right in the UK, thats it. And should it be noted that 'twisted transistor' isn't the usual members, it's like lil jon and snoop dogg and xzibit and david banner?

See (Bootlegging)-- 05:14, 10 November 2005 (UTC)
Are you saying I downloaded an illegal different version? If you are, you are wrong I always see it on TV. And go hereFor evidence

The rappers are only in the video, they have nothing to do with the music. Its called a video treatment. The only thing different about the members of KoRn is the absence of Brian. And most of their albums have reached atleast #3 on Billboard, and that's a bit past 30.

The Twisted Transistor video was about comedy I believe.

Music Videos??

i was just wondering if a list of music videos might be added, seen as System of a Down has a list of theirs... just a thought.

I added them, but I'm not sure it's complete, or in the right order. Feel free to flesh it out with more info and whatnot.--DeadSeraphim 04:58, 17 December 2005 (UTC)
 Yeah, since soem of their singles don't have videos.--Blastdude 23:15, 16 December 2005 (UTC)

isnt their "another brick in the wall" cover a live concert performance on video? would this count as a music video? :\

Seven stringed guitars

Does anyone have a reference for this? My recollection is that John Petrucci of Dream Theater popularized the seven stringed guitar well before Korn was formed. I seem to recall Steve Vai using them back in the 80's as well, but I don't have a reference for that. Antichris 17:38, 17 December 2005 (UTC)

Seven strings were almost faded out of pop music before Korn came along, so their use of them kind of reinvigorated the use. If anything, nu metal probably wouldn't use them if not for Korn, heh.--DeadSeraphim 20:01, 17 December 2005 (UTC)

- ibanez had discontinued the 7 string guitar before korn became popular and the reintroduced them when the nu metal thing took off (there is an interview in some guitar mag where munky is saying how he had to find a second hand guitat in the trading post to go on their first tour)

What Does Korn stand for?

I actually heard that it stands for Keep On Running(backwards) N*****

I doesn't, its actually a bit of a disgusting story. (Blastdude 05:52, 25 January 2006 (UTC))

they explain it a bit in "who then now" but not completely. most reasonable explanation was that jon worked at the infamous kern county morgue/coroners, and that was similar in name. but im afraid it doesnt really mean much more than that. the backwards R comes from, well, jon was asked to make a logo for korn, so he took a crayon and drew one really fast, which is the korn logo we see today. its supposed to be kind of like the text from a horror movie or something. i would speculate that it also relates to the whole child-like image.

They chose Korn cause it just sounded good at the time. It was just a dumb name Jon Davis came up with - the R is backward because it's meant to look like it was written by a child, not to be like a horror movie - children often mess up letters. Dead 22:12, 29 January 2006 (UTC)
The R in Redrum is backwards, but I agree that doesn't have to do much with it... 惑乱 分からん 18:47, 15 March 2006 (UTC)

If you pronounce it the like a Russian (who have backwards Rs) It sounds something like "Sonja". 18:36, 7 July 2006 (UTC)

No it wouldn't. It would sound like "koh-yahn" The backward cyrillic 'R' sounds like "ya" BennyD 05:18, 8 September 2006 (UTC)

Fan sites

I think the fan sites section is getting a bit out of control. There are potentially hundreds of sites which could be listed there, but listings do not add much to the article. Wikipedia is not a place for collecting links, etc. How would people feel about simply removing the section entirely? --Hansnesse 15:59, 27 January 2006 (UTC)

I'd be for it. Even those these sites all seem to have domains, it doesn't mean they should be added (which seems to be the main reason these fansites are added in particular). I second having it removed. Dead 08:47, 28 January 2006 (UTC)

I tried to clean up that list, but it's pretty hard to keep it clean when fanatics with their own (crap) fansites keep putting theirs on over and over again, AND taking off other sites that have some kind of quality about them. It's almost not worth the effort, honestly. Dead 20:13, 8 February 2006 (UTC)


I have changed Korn's genres to Alternative Metal, Nu Metal and Industrial Metal and I have removed Hard Rock - These are the genres of the articles for their albums. if you think i am wrong feel free to change it back... I was a bit confused that Nu Metal wasn't there considering that they "invented" the genre.


I'd like to bring up a discussion on whether or not Korn is metal at all. Because they really aren't. Nu-Metal is a fine tag, but to suggest they're anything further than that is kind of ridiculous. --Shralla 16:05, 10 August 2006 (UTC)

I agree. Ours18 08:37, 16 September 2006 (UTC)

What a ridiculous conversation

Disputed Tag

I added a disputed tag to the Violation of Innocence section. Not sourced and there is no evidence this group exists. Group is on AfD, if it is deleted, this section should be removed.--Isotope23 20:27, 21 February 2006 (UTC)

I concur, it is clearly a verifiability problem. I think it is safe to remove it until it can be verified. --Hansnesse 20:35, 21 February 2006 (UTC)

As long as the section is there (even if Violation Innocence's legitimacy is in dispute), could we add the other side projects like Fieldy's Dreams and the other bands David has done drumming for? Dead 06:35, 22 February 2006 (UTC)

Name throughout article

Shouldn't the name KoRn be written the same way each time in the article? Either Korn, KoRn, or KoЯn. I think it should. Who eles does?Matt "AgentA" 23:21, 27 February 2006 (UTC)

It was decided on a while ago to make it 'Korn', as that's how it appears in artists catalogs and whatnot, but random people keep coming through and changing it to KoRn or KoЯn when they see it spelt Korn, so it's hard to keep up.. Dead 00:00, 28 February 2006 (UTC)
Ah. I'll keep a watch for it I suppose. Matt "AgentA" 02:23, 1 March 2006 (UTC)

Vandal strikes again

I just looked back here to check some information and it looks like someone deleted everything and put korn is sellouts.

I just removed the entire fanlinks section. My justification was, no other comparable (Slipknot, Disturbed, etc) bands have fanlinks sections, let alone more fanlinks than official links and this section was out of control. I've tried to clean it up before, but people randomly add their own sites to it again and again, even after their changes are hastily reverted, so I thought it'd be better just to get rid of it, as was suggested further up the talk. I don't think all the links were horrible, mind, but I wasn't sure which ones were good enough to keep or not, so I just deleted them all. Dead 03:27, 2 March 2006 (UTC)

Movie tunes

We ever going to be able to buy the songs from Queen of the Damned recorded by Jon?

Um. You could always buy the soundtrack. If you mean the original versions, not as far as I can see. --Switch 11:55, 26 March 2006 (UTC)

renaming request

I noticed a proposal to rename this back to Korn, but instead, it should be renamed to KoRn since older computers can't read the backwards "R", but I also want Korn (disambiguation) to be renamed to Korn. --Nintendude 01:30, 7 April 2006 (UTC)

Read further up the page. It was decided to be 'Korn'. Not 'KoRn'. The article name should reflect what the actual article is about. Korn (band) is fine in that respect. Having a disambuig as the main Korn page really serves no purpose, though because a) most of the links on the disambig page are red links anyway (unless you're willing to fill them out) and b) the majority of people in the world, when they hear 'Korn', aren't thinking of the UNIX shell. They're thinking of the band, and that's the most common usage of the word, and also what they're probably looking for at Wikipedia. Therefore it should be moved back to plain old 'Korn'. At least I think so. Dead 02:33, 7 April 2006 (UTC)

Requested move

The following discussion is an archived debate of the proposed move. Please do not modify it. Subsequent comments should be made in a new section on the talk page. No further edits should be made to this section.

The result of the move debate was move. --Muchness 06:31, 6 May 2006 (UTC)

Korn (band)KornRationale: The band is certainly the most common use of the word Korn, so a primary topic would be appropriate. Other options would be to move Korn (disambiguation) to Korn and/or to move Korn (band) to KoRn. See Talk:Korn (band)#Naming, which seems to support having the article at Korn. TimBentley (talk) 01:58, 1 May 2006 (UTC)


Add *Support or *Oppose followed by an optional one-sentence explanation, then sign your opinion with ~~~~


The above discussion is preserved as an archive of the debate. Please do not modify it. Subsequent comments should be made in a new section on this talk page. No further edits should be made to this section.


Fixing many grammar mistakes in this article. Some of it is just horrendous. - Livingston May 16, 2006

Biggest Seller

Korn is not the biggest selling metal band of the last twelve years, either worldwide or in the US; Metallica is. Even Limp Bizkit has sold more than Korn. 05:16, 28 May 2006 (UTC)

Debatable. Metallica from memory have not released many albums in the past twelve years... and even though they make masses of money from their live shows, the title is based, I presume, on record sales alone. It's also questionable whether they're still 'metal' in the traditional sense. And it's doubtful that Limp Bizkit are metal in any form. Musikxpert 06:53, 30 May 2006 (UTC)

It's debatable whether Korn is metal. In a commercial sense they are, but that is really a moot point.

In any event Metallica has sold eight million copies of the Black Album since 1994; five million of Load; three million of Reload; five each of Garage Inc. and S&M; and two million of St. Anger, for a total of twenty eight million copies in the US alone. [1] Wangoed 13:53, 13 June 2006 (UTC)

Better Organization

Shouldn't we try to make it more organized and clear cut rather than this large block of text? It doesn't even correspond to the topical sub-list above.

Guest Appearances/Remixes

This area is kind of huge, with the guest appearances on songs, videos and in games. Games could be bundled into soundtrack contributions, I think, but I don't think the guest appearances section is really necessary, or the remixes section, as other bands don't list this information and neither should this article. I'm going to remove them, or merge them in, unless anyone has any objections? Dead 21:37, 9 June 2006 (UTC)

How about moving the discography onto a new article? Or even have a seperate article for guest appearences. --Bahamut 08:14, 10 June 2006 (UTC)
There was a different article for remixes, but I don't know what happened to that. They all just appeared on the main article again one day. I'll get to work on a 'List of Korn guest appearances', though, that's a good idea. I'm not sure about the remixes. Obviously they reappeared here for some reason, but I'd like to know why before I transplant them to a new article again. Dead 10:32, 10 June 2006 (UTC)


This article gets to look VERY listy near the end. This needs to be delt with.--SeizureDog 15:00, 12 June 2006 (UTC)

I've split most of the end lists into side articles. As you've identified that as the problem, I've also removed the 'too long' template. Musikxpert 23:40, 21 June 2006 (UTC)

Trivia Section

You ripped me off! Where's my Radio?

Maybe the whole information on Jonathan's microphone stand and other misc. facts should be added to a trivia section

We don't need a trivia section. Dead 04:19, 16 June 2006 (UTC)
Says who? It can only add further information, thus improving the article. Dfrg.msc 07:10, 24 June 2006 (UTC)
Trivia sections get cluttered with information already mentioned in the article, added by people who haven't read the article properly. They also add things that probably wouldn't be appropriate - the mic stand thing is better suited for the Jon Davis article specifically, for example (which I rewrote at one point, sans trivia, but it ended up with one anyway). Anything notable about the band is better mentioned in the actual article text (which itself could use a clean up, but I'm not game to tackle a block of text that large). Dead 08:40, 24 June 2006 (UTC)

Korn logo in Wikipedia

Did anybody noticed that the Korn logo displayed here is not even the real logo, it's just that horrible font, I see it in every Korn related text or site, it's just plain ugly...anyways, I got the real logo, in FreeHand format and .Jpg and what not, it's the one with all the details and the one that is used to make cd covers, t-shirts, posters, etc..I'd love to upload my logo on this page, can somebody tell me how and so we can get rid of that horrible logo that's in here?.


That's true. There is a difference between the proper Korn logo and 'korn' being written in the korn font oddly enough. This needs to change.

I just fixed this issue, you can now enjoy the REAL Korn logo. :)

So, how is the compiling set-lists from live shows going?

Any news on that? I can help :)

Wouldn't that be a bit beyond the scope of what should be covered here... to actually list what songs they played at what shows? Wildnox 17:30, 24 June 2006 (UTC)

No, I don't think so...Just look at Coldplay, they have similar section... Broken soul 00:17, 25 June 2006 (UTC)

Beginning section

Why is the first section so long? I think someone should cut it down drasticly and then spread out all the information into coherent sections.

another new album?

i saw on here a couple months ago that korn was releasing a new album next year and that jon and david have already written 5 new songs. was it deleted cause its not true?

Korn Kovers

SO the article about Korn Kovers(making an album with a bunch of cover songs) is that gonna happen or does anybody no?

Rumoured, but still won't be here for a while, if it even happens. Acoustic album out in Feb 07.

Quite a mess

This article is in a bad state, i have sectioned the history now so it looks better but in needs a more i depth look over from someone with my knowledge of the band. I am now going to move all of the subpages of the discography into one page, so many pages cannot be warrented.--Childzy (Talk|Contribs) 13:38, 28 June 2006 (UTC)

How can I edit that box on the bottom?

Can anybody tell me how can I edit the contents of that box with singles, members, albums, etc.? I ask for it, because I created some articles for singles, but the names are different, i.e "Shoots and Ladders" while in this box is "Shoots & Ladders" (which isn't actual title). Thanks in advance

Find it here Template:Korn, when you edit it they all update, i should have said when i made but you know now. --Childzy (Talk|Contribs) 10:36, 13 July 2006 (UTC)

Backwards "R"

Is there a way to type letters backwards in Microsoft Word? Possibly with key combinations like ctrl, shift, colon for an umlaut? Tim Long 03:00, 31 July 2006 (UTC)

Nope.You gotta use the symbols box in the tools bar.

If you have a cyrillic font installed, you can use the backward R they use BennyD 05:23, 8 September 2006 (UTC)

Andy's death

It is disputed whether Andy was really in the mosh pit when he was attacked, leading to his death. According to a post by a member of korn's bbs, Andy and his mentally ahndicapped child, and pregnant girlfriend, were viewing the concert from lawn seats that were unusually low-priced, resulting in many concert-goers who normally would not be able to afford to see Korn perform. In addition, this BBS user claims that many attendees had been drinking since 8 or 9 AM (I don't know at what time Andy was hit) and that many fights had sprung up on the lawn, including an apparently racial fight between a white and black man, in which more white men joined to beat the black man, and more black men joined to beat the white men. Andy has recieved a lot of negative criticism from Internet-users for taking his pregnant girlfriend and mentally handicapped child into the "moshpit". However, this BBS user claims that not only was Andy not in the mosh pit, but that the lawn seats are generally much calmer and that Andy is a victim of circumstance and drunken idiocy. Another item suggested by this BBSer (possibly just a rumor) is that Andy left his hat behind, went to get it, and at first the two men (who evetually killed Andy) refused, afterwards, one threw the hat at Andy while the other killed him. The BBSer also speculates that he doesn't know how Andy could have fallen to his death at the level he was at, bvut rather fell from a short ledge after being punched.

-- wikipedia user, pyrox02, not logged in at the moment...

Pyrox02 22:03, 3 August 2006 (UTC)


Since when was Korn considered anything metal? Industrial/funk metal? When I think of industrial metal, I think of Red Harvest or Godflesh or even Ministry but Korn? Someone explain how Korn is even metal; not every low tuned, "heavy" sounding band is metal you know. Someone explain.

They are metal by the riffs, chord progressions, time signature, and song structure. Industrial metal uses more samples and synthesizers, which Korn definetely does. You can also hear some hip-hop elements in their music. Because of all this, it is widely considered Nu-metal, or even industrial or funk metal. BennyD 05:26, 8 September 2006 (UTC)
The problem is that nu-metal is not metal,but I believe we would have to re-write the entire Wiki article on nu-metal in order to state that here. Ours18 08:40, 16 September 2006 (UTC)

Agreed Ours18, Korn is NOT metal in any sense. "Heavy" sounding guitar riffs don't make a band metal at all; we might as well classify anything with a heavy tone metal then but that's not the case. Korn has more to do with hip hop, funk and above all nu-metal than actual heavy metal.

But some critics consider korn metal. As you can see in the List of awards and nominations for Korn the have received some "Best Metal Performance" Grammy nominations. Thats why I think that they can be classified as metal.--Stranhorox 23:22, 22 October 2006 (UTC)stranhorox

Right, because MTV and MuchMusic are definitely great representatives of the metal community...

I know that MTV definetely does not know what is metal and i agree that korn is not metal. However, does nu-metal really exists? Why AMG does not known it? So korn genre should be "Korn Genre". Genres should not exists... every band makes different kind of music and try to agrupatye them in genres is ridiculous. We should just put "Debated" in genre and makes links to what AMG says, what MTV says, what grammy says, what korn says. Also, Is Metal the same of Heavy Metal? If not, korn can be metal. If yes, korn is not metal in any sense.

The "Follow The Leader" link on the Korn page is a link to a disambiguation page. I have no idea how to edit wiki, and don't want to find out how to do it now (and don't want to mess up things). So if someone who knows what to do could fix it, that'd be nice.

Fixed. --jh51681 03:56, 18 September 2006 (UTC)

Korn ripping off Morbid Angel riff

If no one knew yet, many people have claimed that Korn ripped off a riff from Morbid Angel. Their song off of their debut album "Ball Tongue" borrows an Morbid Angel "Angel of Disease" (from the album Covenant) main riff throughout the song when the song starts and through the chorus of the song. The riff is as well from the chorus part of "Angel of Disease". Morbid Angel's songIt's never been actually verified but the sound of the two songs are too good to be true. A quick note: Morbid Angel released that song 1993, Korn released their song 1994, once again too good to be true and Jonathan Davis has cited some death metal bands, like Cannibal Corpse and Morbid Angel as influences to his song writing ironically.

My question is does anyone think this is necessary to add to their entry? I think it would be interesting to place in, seeing that "Angel of Disease" and "Ball Tongue" are popular songs among both bands fans.

It's mentioned in the Self-titled album article near the end, either before or in the "detractors" section.AnthonyG 20:39, 20 September 2006 (UTC)


I'd just like to say that whoever changed the first paragraph to say that korn is a "hard rock" band is a complete moron. I'm not even going to try to revert or change it because i have a feeling whoever put it there will just keep putting it back: The curse of Wikipedia. Static3d 08:30, 15 October 2006 (UTC)

Favorite Fan...?

Anyone noticed that at the beginning it says "Their favorite fan is Arnold something.. "?


I have deleted the lovely additions that the vandal made to the page. I dont have an image of korn for the infobox though, and i dont know what the one previous was.