
Latest comment: 23 days ago by Nardog in topic Respell



yes gggggggggrrrrrrrrrr lalala —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 11:55, 11 November 2006

At the risk of sounding like a humourless git, am I the only person here who thinks the lion picture on this page is excessively silly? Just wondering. The Singing Badger 20:32, 3 Aug 2004 (UTC)

It was changed recently. In my opinion the "grrrrrr!" balloon is a bit out of style on a scientific page. Seems like someone's joke in a wrong place. Paul Pogonyshev 23:30, 3 Aug 2004 (UTC)
The lion pic was vandalised by some joker. I have now put a completely different photo there. — Chameleon Main/Talk/Images 23:11, 6 Aug 2004 (UTC)

Weights of Mammals on Wikipedia (Carnivora)


Here's the table I made February 5 2023 for Carnivora species listed in Wikipedia (when searching from List of mammal genera, the linked genus pages from this page and the species page listed in the genus page).

Information on adult weight is not given in 63 species, two of these 63 have weights of newborns. Remark that Dog do not have any data on weight in the main page.

Carnivora (61 missing, 2 with newbown weights only)
Genus Scientific Name Common Name Information on Weight (yes/no)
Atelocynus microtis Short-eared dog No
Canis aureus Golden jackal Yes
dingo / c. familiaris dingo / c. lupus dingo / etc Dingo Yes
familiaris Domestic dog Not in main page
latrans Coyote Yes
lupaster African golden wolf Yes
lupus Grey / Gray wolf Yes
lycaon Eastern wolf Yes
rufus Red wolf Yes
simensis Ethiopian wolf Yes
Chrysocyon brachyurus Maned wolf Yes
Cuon alpinus Dhole Yes
Lupulella adusta Side-striped jackal Yes
mesomelas Black-backed jackal Yes
Lycaon pictus African wild dog Yes
Nyctereutes procyonoides Common raccoon dog Yes
viverrinus Japanese raccoon dog No
Otocyon megalotis Bat-eared fox Yes
Speothos venaticus Bush dog Yes
Urocyon cinereoargenteus Gray fox Yes
littoralis Island fox Yes
Vulpes bengalensis Bengal fox Yes
cana Blanford's fox Yes
chama Cape fox Yes
corsac Corsac fox Yes
ferrilata Tibetan sand fox Yes
lagopus Arctic fox Yes
macrotis Kit fox Yes
pallida Pale fox Yes
rueppellii Rüppell's fox Yes
velox Swift fox Yes
vulpes Red fox Yes
zerda Fennec fox Yes
Ailuropoda melanoleuca Giant panda Yes
Tremarctos ornatus Spectacled bear Yes
Helarctos malayanus Sun bear Yes
Melursus ursinus Sloth bear Yes
Ursus americanus American black bear Yes
arctos Brown bear Yes
maritimus Polar bear Yes
thibetanus Asian black bear Yes
Ailurus fulgens Red panda Yes
Conepatus chinga Molina's hog-nosed skunk No
humboldtii Humboldt's hog-nosed skunk Yes
leuconotus American hog-nosed skunk Yes
semistriatus Striped hog-nosed skunk No
Mephitis mephitis Striped skunk Yes
macroura Hooded skunk No (but see talk)
Mydaus marchei Palawan stink badger Yes
javanensis Sunda stink badger Yes
Spilogale gracilis Western spotted skunk Yes
putorius Eastern spotted skunk Yes
pygmaea Pygmy spotted skunk No
angustifrons Southern spotted skunk Yes
Eira barbara Tayra Yes
Gulo gulo Wolverine Yes
Martes americana American marten Yes
caurina Pacific marten No
martes European pine marten Yes
foina Beech marten Yes
flavigula Yellow-throated marten Yes
gwatkinsii Nilgiri marten Yes
zibellina Sable Yes
melampus Japanese marten Yes
Pekania pennanti Fisher Yes
Melogale everetti Bornean ferret-badger Yes
moschata Chinese ferret-badger No
subaurantiaca Formosan ferret-badger No
orientalis Javan ferret-badger Yes
personata Burmese ferret-badger Yes
cucphuongensis Vietnam ferret-badger No
Galictis cuja Lesser grison Yes
vittata Greater grison Yes
Ictonyx libycus Saharan striped polecat Yes
striatus Striped polecat Yes
Lyncodon patagonicus Patagonian weasel No
Poecilogale albinucha African striped weasel Yes
Vormela peregusna Marbled polecat Yes
Aonyx capensis African clawless otter Yes
congicus Congo clawless otter Yes
cinereus Asian small-clawed otter Yes
Enhydra lutris Sea otter Yes
Hydrictis maculicollis Spotted-necked otter Yes
Lontra canadensis North American river otter Yes
provocax Southern river otter Yes
longicaudis Neotropical otter Yes
felina Marine otter Yes
Lutra lutra Eurasian otter Yes
sumatrana Hairy-nosed otter Yes
nippon Japanese otter No
Lutrogale perspicillata Smooth-coated otter Yes
Pteronura brasiliensis Giant otter Yes
Arctonyx albogularis Northern hog badger No
collaris Greater hog badger Yes
hoevenii Sumatran hog badger No
Meles meles Eurasian badger Yes
canescens Caucasian badger No
leucurus Asian badger Yes
anakuma Japanese badger Yes
Mellivora capensis Honey badger Yes
Mustela altaica Mountain weasel Yes
lutreolina Indonesian mountain weasel No
erminea Stoat / Beringian ermine Yes
nivalis Least weasel Yes
aistoodonnivalis Missing-toothed pygmy weasel No
richardsonii American ermine No
haidarum Haida ermine No
eversmanii Steppe polecat Yes
furo Domestic ferret Yes
putorius European polecat Yes
itatsi Japanese weasel No
sibirica Siberian weasel Yes
kathiah Yellow-bellied weasel Yes
lutreola European mink Yes
nigripes Black-footed ferret Yes
nudipes Malayan weasel No
strigidorsa Back-striped weasel Yes
Neogale africana Amazon weasel No
felipei Colombian weasel Yes
frenata Long-tailed weasel Yes
vison American mink Yes
Taxidea taxus American badger Yes
Procyon lotor Raccoon / Common raccoon Yes
cancrivorus Crab-eating raccoon Yes
pygmaeus Cozumel raccoon Yes
Nasua narica White-nosed coati Yes
nasua South American coati Yes
Nasuella olivacea Western mountain coati No
Bassaricyon alleni Eastern lowland olingo Yes
gabbii Northern olingo Yes
medius Western lowland olingo Yes
neblina Olinguito Yes
Potos flavus Kinkajou Yes
Bassariscus astutus Ringtail Yes
sumichrasti Cacomistle Yes
Odebenus rosmarus Walrus Yes
Arctocephalus gazella Antarctic fur seal Yes
townsendi Guadalupe fur seal Yes
philippii Juan Fernández fur seal Yes
galapagoensis Galápagos fur seal Yes
pusillus Brown fur seal Yes
forsteri New Zealand fur seal Yes
tropicalis Subantarctic fur seal Yes
australis South American fur seal Yes
Callorhinus ursinus Northern fur seal Yes
Eumetopias jubatus Steller sea lion Yes
Neophoca cinerea Australian sea lion No
Phocarctos hookeri New Zealand sea lion Yes
Zalophus californianus California sea lion Yes
wollebaeki Galápagos sea lion Yes
japonicus Japanese sea lion Yes
Otaria flavescens South American sea lion Yes
Hydrurga leptonyx Leopard seal Yes
Leptonychotes weddellii Weddell's sea Yes
Lobodon carcinophaga Crabeater seal Yes
Ommatophoca rossii Ross's seal Yes
Mirounga angustirostris Northern elephant seal Yes
leonina Southern elephant seal Yes
Monachus monachus Mediterranean monk seal Yes
Neomonachus schauinslandi Hawaiian monk seal Yes
tropicalis Caribbean monk seal Yes
Cystophora cristata Hooded seal Yes
Erignathus barbatus Bearded seal Yes
Halichoerus grypus Grey seal Yes
Histriophoca fasciata Ribbon seal Yes
Pagophilus groenlandicus Harp seal Yes
Phoca largha Spotted seal Yes
vitulina Common seal Yes
Pusa caspica Caspian seal Yes
hispida Ringed seal Yes
sibirica Baikal seal Yes
Nandinia binotata African palm civet Yes
Neofelis diardi Sunda clouded leopard Yes
nebulosa Clouded leopard Yes
Panthera leo Lion Yes
tigris Tiger Yes
pardus Leopard Yes
uncia Snow leopard Yes
onca Jaguar Yes
Catopuma temminckii Asian golden cat Yes
badia Bay cat Yes
Pardofelis marmorata Marbled cat Yes
Caracal aurata African golden cat Yes
caracal Caracal Yes
Leptailurus serval Serval Yes
Leopardus pardalis Ocelot Yes
tigrinus Oncilla Yes
colocola Pampas cat Yes (newborns)
guigna Kodkod Yes
wiedii Margay Yes
geoffroyi Geoffroy's cat Yes
jacobita Andean mountain cat Yes
guttulus Southern tigrina Yes
Lynx canadensis Canadian lynx Yes
lynx Eurasian lynx Yes
pardinus Iberian lynx Yes
rufus Bobcat Yes
Puma concolor Cougar / Mountain lion / Puma Yes
Herpailurus yagouaroundi Jaguarundi Yes
Acinonyx jubatus Cheetah Yes
Prionailurus bengalensis (Mainland) leopard cat Yes
javanensis Sunda leopard cat Yes
planiceps Flat-headed cat Yes
viverrinus Fishing cat Yes
rubiginosus Rusty-spotted cat Yes
Otocolobus manul Pallas's cat Yes
Felis catus Domestic cat Yes
silvestris European wildcat Yes
chaus Jungle cat Yes
lybica African wildcat Yes
nigripes Black-footed cat Yes
margarita Sand cat Yes
bieti Chinese mountain cat Yes
Prionodon linsang Banded linsang Yes
pardicolor Spotted linsang Yes
Viverricula indica Small Indian civet Yes (Newborns)
Viverra zibetha Large Indian civet Yes
tangalunga Malayan civet No
civettina Malabar large-spotted civet Yes
megaspila Large-spotted civet Yes
Civettictis civetta African civet Yes
Poiana leightoni West African oyan No
richardsonii Central African oyan No
Genetta genetta Common genet Yes
tigrina Cape genet Yes
felina South African small-spotted genet No (Page inexistant)
maculata Rusty-spotted genet Yes
pardina Pardine genet No
abyssinica Abyssinian genet No
poensis King genet No
servalina Servaline genet No
angolensis Angolan genet No
victoriae Giant forest genet No
thierryi Hausa genet No
letabae Letaba genet No
johnstoni Johnston's genet No
piscivora Aquatic genet Yes
cristata Crested servaline genet No
schoutedeni Schouteden's genet No (Page inexistant)
bourloni Bourlon's genet No
Cynogale bennettii Otter civet No
Chrotogale owstoni Owston's palm civet No
Hemigalus derbyanus Banded palm civet Yes
Diplogale hosei Hose's palm civet Yes
Macrogalidia musschenbroekii Sulawesi palm civet No
Paradoxurus hermaphroditus Asian palm civet Yes
zeylonensis Golden palm civet No
jerdoni Brown palm civet Yes
Paguma larvata Masked palm civet Yes
Arctogalidia trivirgata Small-toothed palm civet Yes
Arctictis binturong Binturong Yes
Proteles cristata Aardwolf Yes
Crocuta crocuta Spotted hyena Yes
Hyaena hyaena Striped hyena Yes
Parahyaena brunnea Brown hyena Yes
Crossarchus alexandri Alexander's kusimanse Yes
ansorgei Angolan kusimanse Yes
obscurus Common kusimanse Yes
platycephalus Flat-headed kusimanse Yes
Liberiictis kuhni Liberian mongoose No
Suricata suricatta Meerkat Yes
Dologale dybowskii Pousargue's mongoose No
Helogale hirtula Ethiopian dwarf mongoose No
parvula Common dwarf mongoose Yes
Mungos mungo Banded mongoose Yes
gambianus Gambian mongoose No
Atilax paludinosus Marsh mongoose Yes
Xenogale naso Long-nosed mongoose No
Herpestes ichneumon Egyptian mongoose Yes
sanguineus Common slender mongoose Yes
pulverulentus Cape gray mongoose Yes
ochraceus Somalian slender mongoose Yes
flavescens Angolan slender mongoose No
Cynictis penicillata Yellow mongoose Yes
Paracynictis selousi Selous's mongoose Yes
Bdeogale crassicauda Bushy-tailed mongoose Yes
nigripes Black-footed mongoose No
jacksoni Jackson's mongoose Yes
omnivora Sokoke dog mongoose No
Ichneumia albicauda White-tailed mongoose Yes
Rhynchogale melleri Meller's mongoose Yes
Urva edwardsii Indian grey mongoose Yes
javanica Javan mongoose No
vitticolla Stripe-necked mongoose Yes
auropunctata Small Indian mongoose No
urva Crab-eating mongoose Yes
smithii Ruddy mongoose Yes
brachyura Short-tailed mongoose Yes
fusca Indian brown mongoose Yes
semitorquata Collared mongoose No
Cryptoprocta ferox Fossa Yes
Eupleres goudotii Eastern falanouc No
major Western falanouc No
Fossa fossana Malagasy civet Yes
Galidia elegans Ring-tailed vontsira Yes
Galidictis fasciata Broad-striped Malagasy mongoose No
grandidieri Grandidier's mongoose Yes
Mungotictis decemlineata Narrow-striped mongoose No
Salanoia concolor Brown-tailed mongoose No
durrelli Durrell's vontsira Yes

Gimly24 (talk) 12:48, 5 February 2023 (UTC)Reply

Two closing curly braces before chapter 'Classification of the extant carnivorans'


I don't see what they are good for. (talk) 13:08, 5 March 2023 (UTC)Reply

I've removed them. The curly braces are used for a series of nested {{clade}} templates that are used to create the cladogram. An extra closing double brace was inadvertently left when editing the cladogram. —  Jts1882 | talk  13:26, 5 March 2023 (UTC)Reply
And, to clarify my own earlier edit, that was because you inadvertently deleted the wrong set of brackets. Obviously an innocent mistake, but it had to be fixed. Anaxial (talk) 13:27, 5 March 2023 (UTC)Reply

Duplication in lead section


"The caniforms include the dogs, bears, raccoons, weasels, and seals. Members of this group are found worldwide and with immense diversity in their diet, behavior, and morphology." Is this necessary after it has already been mentioned above in "the Caniformia, containing the true canids (such as wolves and dingos) and many somewhat "dog-like" forms such as sea lions and bears." Many miles to go (talk) 04:00, 11 September 2023 (UTC)Reply



I believe per respell rules that kar-NIV-ər-ə is incorrect. The correct respell should be kar-NIH-vər-ə because the checked I is in an accented, not unaccented, syllable. @Anaxial: do you agree? - UtherSRG (talk) 11:32, 24 August 2024 (UTC)Reply

@UtherSRG: As discussed on your talk page and in English phonology#Phonotactics, linguists usually syllabify a stressed checked vowel and the following consonant together (or regard the latter as ambisyllabic), as checked vowels are never found at the end of a word and theories of syllabification are informed by observations on what is a possible word in the given language. That's why the OED, American Heritage Dictionary, Random House Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, Cambridge English Pronouncing Dictionary, and Longman Pronunciation Dictionary identify the stressed syllable in carnivora or carnivorous to be /nɪv/.
The whole reason the respelling key has ih as an alternative to i, as discussed in the footnotes there, is that sometimes syllabifying it with the following consonant indicates an incorrect pronunciation. Respelling e.g. guitar as ghit-AR falsely implies the /t/ is not aspirated and may be flapped or glottalized, so we respell it as ghih-TAR. This is a compromise—something we do only reluctantly—because, since no English word ends in a stressed /ɪ/, ghih is susceptible to being misinterpreted as /ɡ/ (and ghi as /ɡ/). But unlike ghit-AR vs ghih-TAR, kar-NIV-ər-ə and kar-NIH-vər-ə imply no difference, so there's no reason to choose the latter which more prone to being misinterpreted as having /iː/. That's why we have hundreds of articles with respellings like HURT-sə-GOV-in-ə, NAV-ə-hoh, LUV-əl, ə-LIV-ee-ay, and LIV-ee, and not HURT-sə-GO-vin-ə, NA-və-hoh, LUH-vəl, ə-LIH-vee-ay, or LIH-vee. If we're going to respell carnivora any differently, you have to give us a reason. (Pinging also Bananah20 who added the respelling.) Nardog (talk) 01:38, 16 September 2024 (UTC)Reply
You know I countered all of your arguments on my talk page, including pointing out how each of the Repell notes doesn't apply as written. For instance, that note 1 only applies to unstressed syllables, and in carnivora the syllable in question is stressed. - UtherSRG (talk) 10:49, 16 September 2024 (UTC)Reply
Countered? You're the one who stopped replying to my questions and proceeded to reinstate your preference. Note 1 is carving out an exception for when syllabifying a checked vowel and the following consonant together leads to the wrong pronunciation; the implicit corollary is that of course you're going to syllabify them together when it doesn't. For the nth time, what is the basis for your preferred syllabification, and what makes carnivora different from the hundreds of other words we respell with a checked vowel and the following consonant together? Nardog (talk) 12:46, 17 September 2024 (UTC)Reply
Note 1 is about an unstressed checked vowel. In this case, it is a stressed vowel. That is what makes the difference. - UtherSRG (talk) 14:45, 17 September 2024 (UTC)Reply
So you're just not going to answer my questions? And what does the note (which I wrote, by the way, to document what was already common practice) not being about stressed syllables have to do with this anyway? Sure, it doesn't directly pertain to the question at hand; that means it doesn't validate or reinforce your position either. Nardog (talk) 04:41, 18 September 2024 (UTC)Reply
Shouldn't we follow the sources? As both forms are found in reputable dictionaries, I suggest using both, with the more common one first.  —  Jts1882 | talk  05:50, 18 September 2024 (UTC)Reply
What difference do you think is conveyed by kar-NIV-ər-ə and kar-NIH-vər-ə? Nardog (talk) 07:13, 18 September 2024 (UTC)Reply
Unfortunately, Jts1882, the OED and MW are split on which to use. - UtherSRG (talk) 10:49, 18 September 2024 (UTC)Reply
I'd agree with kar-NIV-ər-ə; there's no aspirated 'h' sound in the middle of the word - MPF (talk) 11:21, 18 September 2024 (UTC)Reply
Per WP:RESPELL: the 'h' indicates a short or checked vowel. - UtherSRG (talk) 11:24, 18 September 2024 (UTC)Reply
Except, I'd say it should be kar-NIV-or-ə; it's Carnivora, with an -or- sound, not "Carniver-a" ;-) MPF (talk) 11:27, 18 September 2024 (UTC)Reply
And MW is alone in syllabifying that way, as seen above. Nardog (talk) 13:58, 18 September 2024 (UTC)Reply

Dictionary entries:

  • OED: kar-NIV-uh-ruh[1]
  • MW: had something closer to kar-NIH-vər-ə but they no longer support respell it seems[2]

- UtherSRG (talk) 11:38, 18 September 2024 (UTC)Reply

"karnivuhruh" sounds just plain weird!! Like someone wheezing with seriously bad asthma . . . 😳😱 – but seriously, why do we give any pronunciation thing at all? Seems rather prescriptive, at odds with peoples' freedom to pronounce how they see fit - MPF (talk) 13:05, 18 September 2024 (UTC)Reply
