Draft:Bund freier Jugend

The Association of Free Youth (German: Bund freuer Jugend, BfJ) was an Austrian right-wing extremist youth organization with a nationalistic and neo-Nazi orientation. It existed until 2007. Officially it was the youth organization of the right-wing extremist party “Arbeitsggemeinschaft for Democratic Politics" (AFP)

The focus of BfJ activities was in Upper Austria. According to the Office for the Protection of the Constitution, their activities were of central importance for the development of right-wing extremism in Austria.

The League of Free Youth differed from the skinhead subculture both in its external appearance (sometimes in traditional costume) as well as in its self-image and through a decidedly ethnic blood-and-soil ideology. The agency saw the BfJ as a “contact point for young people who still want to defend themselves” and organized social activities such as solstice celebrations (Sonnwendfeier), distributed leaflets and organized training courses, lectures and trips to demonstrations.

The logo of the Federation of BfJ has a shape reminiscent of a coat of arms. There is a blue cornflower in broken script below the abbreviation of the organization's name. The cornflower was the identifying symbol of the NSDAP during its ban during Austrofascism.