Wikipedia talk:Wiki Ed/Eastern Michigan University/CRM620 Controversies in Policing (Fall)

Assignment 3c: potential intervention into Community Policing



Josh S

  • Common methods of community-policing
  • Being more specific on the types of methods ie: give examples of programs, community resource officers, community needs
  • Specific resources available to the community or those on probation and parole
  • Provide more information on Broken Windows theory, why or why not this does or doesn't work
  • Add more to the historical information, most importantly bring it more current
  • Talk about the lack of funding for programs to assist people that are on probation/parole, and funding issues

Dylan R


Adding more information on the creation of the police and the desire to have them a separate entity both in appearance and operational design. More information comparing the "traditional" sense of policing and how it has become a topic for controversy as of late would be beneficial to understand why community policing is a step to repair the policing image. Information on police living in the community versus commuting to the area they serve.

DeMarco J


1."traditional policing", I would assist in adding a link explaining traditional policing.

2. Evaluation under the section Evaluation they mention "determining whether police or policies are effective or not can be done by evaluating the crime rate for a geographic area." this gets back to the notion of one of early class readers of policing being able to actually lower crime or fight crime being part of the impossible mandate. I would assist in adding that article to be utilized as a source in this area. (Manning, Peter K. 1978. “The Police: Mandate, Strategies, and Appearances.” In Policing: A View from the Street, edited by Peter K. Manning)

3. Adding a section to this article entitled "historical problems with some communities based off racial tensions" could be necessary. Some communities will not be to accepting to working with the police based on history accouterments of being misused. Some of these tensions has emblemed the black community to teach their off springs to avoids the police for their safety. Two article that will be valuable are (Chambliss, William J. 1994. “Policing the Ghetto Underclass: The Politics of Law and Law Enforcement.” Social Problems 41 (2): 177–94. doi:10.1525/sp.1994.41.2.03x0433q.)and

Smith, Christen A. 2016. “Facing the Dragon: Black Mothering, Sequelae, and Gendered Necropolitics in the Americas.” Transforming Anthropology 24 (1): 31–48. doi:10.1111/traa.12055.

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Links to an external site. — Preceding unsigned comment added by MarkyMark162 (talkcontribs) 23:12, 18 October 2018 (UTC)Reply

Jo S

  • The evaluation portion could use some work. There is quite a bit of information out there about how community policing could be improved, this could probably become its own section or subsection under the evaluation section.
  • We could talk more about the differences between reactive policing and community policing.
  • Needs more current information.
  • The community alienation section is a good start. We may need to add to it.

Tiffany K


Potential Changes to Community Policing article

  • Mentions Broken Windows theory in the 2nd paragraph as a way to support community policing. On the talk page and under the history section, it is said that community policing is derived from this theory. Is this true? If not, we should fix that.
  • In general, there could be more added to the "History" section on how community policing came to fruition.
  • Not much current information or many current statistics shown on the success or failure of this policing strategy.

Dr. K


Assignment 3d



Josh S


Dylan R


I added a citation to the community policing section on the comparison to traditional policing with the Brogden source to add to the notion of community policing being a rehash of past ideas.

DeMarco J


Added citation of "politics of vocation",

Adding sentence that declares a different notion of community based on the racial background of the community due to historic encounterments with the police. 

Smith, Christen A. 2016. “Facing the Dragon: Black Mothering, Sequelae, and Gendered Necropolitics in the Americas.” Transforming Anthropology 24 (1): 31–48. doi:10.1111/traa.12055.

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added citations from the following

1. Wilson, James Q, and George L Kelling. 1982. “Broken Windows.” Atlantic Monthly 249 (3): 29–38

2. "Sir Robert Peel's Policing Principles | Law Enforcement Action Partnership".

3. Manning, Peter K., "Aspects of the Anglo-American Police Organization", Policing Contingencies, University of Chicago Press, pp. 32–58, ISBN 9780226503516, retrieved 2018-11-01

Makes a stronger claim of the use of police force to meet their aims or goals with an actual source or evidences to back it up. The author makes a lot of claims with out any supporting evidence.

Jo S


I added a quote from Jauregui to the Community policing page.

Jauregui, Beatrice. 2013. “Cultures of Legitimacy and Postcolonial Policing: Guest Editor Introduction.” Law & Social Inquiry 38 (3): 547–52. doi:10.1111/lsi.12026.

Tiffany K

edit "Police Innovation and Crime Prevention: Lessons Learned from Police Research over the Past 20 Years," Braga, Anthony A., Wiesburd, David L., 2006.

Here is the citation I added to the Community Policing page.

Dr. K


Class Bibliography



  • Braga, Anthony A, and David L Weisburd. 2006. “Police Innovation and Crime Prevention: Lessons Learned from Police Research over the Past 20 Years.” In National Institute of Justice (NIJ) Policing Research Workshop: Planning for the Future. Washington, DC.
  • Greene, Jack R. 2014. “New Directions in Policing: Balancing Prediction and Meaning in Police Research.” Justice Quarterly 31 (2): 193–228. doi:10.1080/07418825.2013.840389.[1]
  • Loftus, Bethan. 2010. “Police Occupational Culture: Classic Themes, Altered Times.” Policing and Society 20 (1): 1–20. doi:10.1080/10439460903281547.[2]
  • Martin, Jeffrey T. 2018. “Police and Policing.” Annual Review of Anthropology 47: 133–48. doi:10.1146/annurev-anthro-102317-050322.[3]

Police, Before and After the Police


·      Hunter, Virginia. 1994. “‘Introduction’ & ‘Policing Athens: Private Initiative and Its Limits.’” In Policing Athens- Social Control in the Attic Lawsuits, 420-320 BC, 3–8, 120–53. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.

·      Mcdowell, Meghan G., and Luis A. Fernandez. 2018. “‘Disband, Disempower, and Disarm’: Amplifying the Theory and Practice of Police Abolition.”Critical Criminology 26: 373–91. doi:10.1007/s10612-018-9400-4. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

·      Roberts, Simon. 1979. “‘Introduction’ & ‘Order and Continuity in Everyday Life.’” In Order and Dispute: An Introduction to Legal Anthropology, 11–16, 30–44. New York: St. Martin’s Press.

·      Zedner, Lucia. 2006. “Policing Before and After the Police The Historical Antecedents of Contemporary Crime Control.” British Journal of Criminology46 (1): 78–96. doi:10.1093/bjc/azi043. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

The Idea of Police: Governmentality


·      Caduff, Carlo, and Paul Rabinow. 2007. “Security, Territory, Population.” ARC Concept Note 8 (8): 1–12. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

·      Dodsworth, F.M. 2008. “The Idea of Police in Eighteenth-Century England: Discipline, Reformation, Superintendence, c. 1780–1800.” Journal of the History of Ideas 69 (4): 583–605. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

·      Pasquino, Pasquale. 1991. “Theatrum Politicum: The Genealogy of Capital.” In The Foucault Effect: Studies in Governmentality, edited by Graham Burchell, Colin Gordon, and Peter Miller, 105–18. London: Harvester Wheatsheaf.

·      Valverde, Mariana. 2007. “Genealogies of European States: Foucauldian Reflections.” Economy and Society 36 (1). Routledge: 159–78. doi:10.1080/03085140601089911. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

The Institution of Police: the organization of state violence


·      Bittner, Egon. 1970. “The Capacity To Use Force As The Core Of The Police Role.” In The Functions of the Police in Modern Society, 36–47. Chevy Chase, Maryland: Institute of Mental Health, Center for Crime and Delinquency.

·      Chambliss, William J. 1994. “Policing the Ghetto Underclass: The Politics of Law and Law Enforcement.” Social Problems 41 (2): 177–94. doi:10.1525/sp.1994.41.2.03x0433q. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

·      Manning, Peter K. 1978. “The Police: Mandate, Strategies, and Appearances.” In Policing: A View from the Street, edited by Peter K. Manning and John Van Maanen, 7–31. Santa Monica, Calif.: Goodyear Pub. Co.

·      Weber, Max. 1958. “Politics as a Vocation.” In From Max Weber, edited by C Wright Mills and Hans Heinreich Gerth, 77–128. New York: Oxford University Press. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Colonialism: Unfortunate Legacy or Persistent Central Feature?


·      Brogden, Mike. 1987. “The Emergence of the Police--The Colonial Dimension.” The British Journal of Criminology 27 (1). Oxford University Press: 4–14. doi:10.2307/23637268.

·      Brucato, Ben. 2014. “Fabricating the Color Line in a White Democracy: From Slave Catchers to Petty Sovereigns.” Theoria 61 (141): 30–54. doi:10.3167/th.2014.6114103. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

o  alternative link

·      Jauregui, Beatrice. 2013. “Cultures of Legitimacy and Postcolonial Policing: Guest Editor Introduction.” Law & Social Inquiry 38 (3): 547–52. doi:10.1111/lsi.12026.

·      Steinmetz, Kevin F., Brian P. Schaefer, and Howard Henderson. 2017. “Wicked Overseers: American Policing and Colonialism.” Sociology of Race and Ethnicity 3 (1): 68–81. doi:10.1177/2332649216665639. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

The Structuring Power of Police Violence


·     Martin, Jeffrey T. "Police culture: What it is, what it does, and what we should do with it." In The Anthropology of Police, pp. 34-53. Routledge, 2018.

·     Prokos, Anastasia, and Irene Padavic. 2002. “‘There Oughtta Be a Law Against Bitches’: Masculinity Lessons in Police Academy Training.” Gender, Work and Organization 9 (4): 439–59. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

·     Ralph, Laurence. 2013. “The Qualia of Pain: How Police Torture Shapes Historical Consciousness.” Anthropological Theory 13 (1–2): 104–18. doi:10.1177/1463499613483403. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Exceptions and Outsides: the problem of territory, jurisdiction and sovereignty

  • Feldman, Ilana. 2007. “Observing the Everyday.” Interventions 9 (3): 414–33. doi:10.1080/13698010701618653. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
  • Inda, Jonathan Xavier. 2006. “Border Prophylaxis: Technology, Illegality, and the Government of Immigration.” Cultural Dynamics 18 (2): 115–38. doi:10.1177/0921374006066695. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
  • Bosworth, Mary, Katja Franko, and Sharon Pickering. 2018. “Punishment, Globalization and Migration Control: ‘Get Them the Hell out of Here.’”Punishment & Society 20 (1): 34–53. doi:10.1177/1462474517738984. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
  • Ticktin, Miriam. 2005. “Policing and Humanitarianism in France: Immigration and the Turn To Law As State of Exception.” Interventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies 7 (3): 346–68. doi:10.1080/13698010500268148. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.



Changes planned for the criticism section


Jsayles1 (talk) 23:25, 8 November 2018 (UTC)Reply

  1. ^ Greene, Jack R. (2013-10-29). "New Directions in Policing: Balancing Prediction and Meaning in Police Research". Justice Quarterly. 31 (2): 193–228. doi:10.1080/07418825.2013.840389. ISSN 0741-8825.
  2. ^ Loftus, Bethan (2009-11-20). "Police occupational culture: classic themes, altered times". Policing and Society. 20 (1): 1–20. doi:10.1080/10439460903281547. ISSN 1043-9463.
  3. ^ Martin, Jeffrey T. (2018-07-20). "Police and Policing". Annual Review of Anthropology. 47 (1). doi:10.1146/annurev-anthro-102317-050322. ISSN 0084-6570.