Round 5


The winner of Round 5 is... Gkhan! Congratulations! -- AllyUnion (talk) 08:54, 19 Mar 2005 (UTC)

Round 5 will be similar to the previous round: 20 questions will be posted, all at once. The first ten questions correctly answered are worth one point each for the poster of the first correct answer. The next five questions answered are worth two points. The last five questions to be answered are worth three points. (Note: it's the order in which questions are answered correctly that determines the number of points awarded for a question, not the numbering below!) In case of a tie, there will be a tie-breaker, to be answered only by those tied. Hopefully the questions are difficult (or mean, if you like :-) enough to let the contest last for a few days...

This round was prepared by: AllyUnion (talk) 11:01, 14 Mar 2005 (UTC)

The Questions


These are the questions for round 5. If you have found the answer to one of them, use the "Answer this question" links below the questions. You have to specify where on Wikipedia you found the answer, and I would like to know too how you found that location.

There can be more than one individual to answer a question, as the first may be wrong. Remember to place your timestamp to ensure your place. When all questions are answered, the winners will be posted in chronological order (that is if their answers are right). The individual with the most correct answers will be contacted and asked to assist in the next task line-up.

AllyUnion (talk) 11:01, 14 Mar 2005 (UTC)

Note: there are two rule changes, compared to the third round:

  • the last five questions to be answered are now worth 3 points;
  • Wikipedia (and sister project) pages in other languages than English are now off-limit.

Question 1


All your base are belong to us

What is the most unusual known numbering system and which ancient civilization used it?

Answer this question

Question 2



This particular user created a mathematical featured picture that resembles like a religious icon. Who is the user and what is the featured picture, and what is the picture a special rendering of?

Answer this question

  • This is the eighth question answered correctly by Gkhan. 1 point to Gkhan.

Question 3


I meant to use this redirect...

Out of all the Wikipedia shortcuts, which two shortcuts are confused the most?

Answer this question

  • This question was the first question answered correctly by Thryduulf. 1 point to Thryduulf.

Question 4


"The theater is so endlessly fascinating because it's so accidental. It's so much like life." -- Arthur Miller

What theatre was closely associated with Celtic revival in its early years?

Answer this question

Question 5


"Jellicle Cats come out tonight; Jellicle Cats come one, come all..."

What fictional cat character survived the Votes for deletion process?

Answer this question

Question 6


"If you wish upon a star..."

What feature article's subject was observed by another feature article's subject in 1610?

Answer this question

  • This is the eleventh question to be answered correctly by Circeus. 2 points to Circeus. Due to a mistake, 1 point is awarded to Grue.

Question 7


One picture means a thousand words...

What high resolution featured picture has the words Ville Candidate on it?

Answer this question

Question 8


"For every power in the universe, there is one greater." -- Albert Sweener

On February 18, 2005, this eye surgeon from Germany found what power? And why was it important?

Answer this question

  • This is the twelveth question to be answered correctly by Grue and Circeus. 1 point to Grue. 1 point to Circeus.

Question 9


"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." -- Albert Einstein

Alva's list of jokes.

Answer this question

  • This is the fourteenth question answered correctly by Grue. 2 points to Grue.

Question 10


"Bubble, bubble, toil and trouble. Fire burn and Caldron bubble." -- MacBeth, Shakespeare

This bubble refers to something that helps cleans and orders things by "bubbling" things to the top.

Answer this question

  • This question is the third to be answered correctly by Gkhan. 1 point to Gkhan.

Question 11


Where did my Wikipedia go?

On February 21, 2005, all Wikimedia Foundation servers went down due to tripped circuit breakers inside the colocation facility. What major power related event occurred two years prior to this event?

Answer this question

Question 12


When asked to name the chief qualification a politician should have. "It's the ability to foretell what will happen tomorrow, next month, and next year --- and to explain afterward why it didn't happen." --Sir Winston Churchill

This logical, pragmatic and clear-sighted individual served for his country three times and is the fourth in total time in office.

Answer this question

Question 13


My little town

This small town has population under 10,000 and a density of 77.59 persons per kilometers squared as of 2004.

Answer this question

  • This question was left unsolved. The answer for this question is: Naie, Hokkaido. No points awarded to anyone.

Question 14


Fun with numbers

  1. Take the largest prime number that is less than 20 whos digits add up to 8.
  2. Then multiply by that number (the result in 1) by 100.
  3. Find a dead poet/playwright and take the year that person was born and subtract it by the previous number (result in 2).
  4. Take that number (result in 3) and find the end of the Saros number of the solar eclipse series and multiply it by the result in 3.
  5. Add all the digits from the resulting number.
  6. What is the atomic element cooresponding to the final number?

Answer this question

  • Due to the amount of time this question took to answer, this question is worth 4 points. This question was answered correctly by FreplySpang. 4 points are awarded to FreplySpang.

Question 15


Clever searching

  1. This paper reached (this number) of circulation in a certain year.
  2. On November 20, the Wikipedia reached this milestone with (this number) articles.
  3. There are over (this number) of a ___________ people living in Mexico.
  4. Restricting ourselves to the last (this number) years, the ice core record shows that the a) _______________ in b)___________ are periodic, with the same periodicity as various orbital variations.

Name all the articles, the number that is common to all the articles, and fill in all the blanks.

Answer this question

  • This is the sixteenth question answered correctly by Gkhan. 3 points for Gkhan.

Question 16


To be bold and improve articles where no article has gone before!

This article passed through COTW but sadly remained primarily a list of links.

Answer this question

Question 17


Picture time! Say Cheese!

What picture is this from?

Answer this question

Question 18


Who, what, where?!?!? I spy with my eye...

DeLucas prescribes them, Carl or John would give them to you. All I can see is that these men all relate to each other much like a pharmacist is to a physician.

Answer this question

Question 19


Last one to the door is a rotten egg!

15 sections, previous COTW nomination, currently a FA, deals with the United States and another country. What article am I talking about?

Answer this question

  • This question is the fourth question to be answered correctly by Grue. 1 point to Grue.

Question 20


Hippy, hoppy, an article hunting we go...

Name all articles

  1. This city shares the same name as a famous character who chases a white rabbit. (2 articles: Name the city, name the story)
  2. This movie made a reference to the said above character (1 article)
  3. The actor who stars in the same movie also starred in a movie about a runaway bus (2 articles: Name the actor, name the movie)
  4. That movie used what freeway in California? (1 article: Name the freeway)
  5. The freeway's nickname has what type of value? (0 articles, just give the value)
  6. What famous place is celebrating half of the above value's birthday? (Hint: The characters from the story from part 1 also are here at this place)

Answer this question

  • This question is the fifth question to be answered correctly by Gkhan. 1 point to Gkhan.

Final Standings

  1. Gkhan, 6 points
  2. Grue, 5 points
  3. FreplySpang, 5 points
  4. Thryduulf, 4 points
  5. Circeus, 3 points
  6. Gareth Hughes, 3 points
  7. Eugene van der Pijll, 3 points
  8. Marnen Laibow-Koser, 3 points
  9. Johnleemk, 2 points