Wikipedia:Wiki Ed/University of Colorado, Boulder/Introduction to Remote Sensing (Spring 2017)

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Course name
Introduction to Remote Sensing
University of Colorado, Boulder
John Adler
Wikipedia Expert
Ian (Wiki Ed)
Course dates
2017-01-17 00:00:00 UTC – 2017-05-04 23:59:59 UTC
Approximate number of student editors

This course page is where you will find all the necessary information to complete your Wikipedia project this term.

Student Assigned Reviewing
Katherinejarmstrong Orbiting Carbon Observatory 2
Kkresek Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite
Tannercho POES
Chdo2490 Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite
Blythe befus POES
Jakecantor Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite
Phantom2k10 Lidar
Nibr0574 POES
Mackjohnson77 Structure from motion
Ewoodard024 RADARSAT
Apsarnow Landsat program
Huntski270 Landsat program
AndresJimenezTirira Landsat program
Arilightsey Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite
Loganbarrett28 Lidar
Anna.bergstrom Structure from motion
Bquickbear POES
Madimamaghani Landsat program
Dillonragar POES
Gyutaek.c Lidar
Malcolmshepler RADARSAT
Bgivhan75 Orbiting Carbon Observatory 2
Wiac9120 POES
Ghammack Lidar
Jvsaghi Structure from motion
Ayden S Orbiting Carbon Observatory 2
Andreweaman Orbiting Carbon Observatory 2
Brendanrodman POES
Ben r.parsons Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite
Jeffcolburn Landsat program
Kwright1 Structure from motion
Tyler.reyes RADARSAT


Week 1

Course meetings
Tuesday, 7 February 2017   |   Thursday, 9 February 2017
In class - Finalize your group (due Feb 7)

Week 2

Course meetings
Tuesday, 14 February 2017   |   Thursday, 16 February 2017
In class - Finalize your topic (due Feb 16th)

Week 3

Course meetings
Tuesday, 21 February 2017   |   Thursday, 23 February 2017
In class - Introduction to the Wikipedia project (Feb 21)

 Welcome to your Wikipedia project's course timeline. This page will guide you through the Wikipedia project for your course. Be sure to check with your instructor to see if there are other pages you should be following as well. 

 Your course has also been assigned a Wikipedia Content Expert. Check your Talk page for notes from them. You can also reach them through the "Get Help" button on this page. 

 To get started, please review the following handouts: 

Assignment - Create your account & take Wikipedia trainings
  • Due before class on Thursday 2/23. 
  • Create an account and join this course page, using the enrollment link your instructor sent you. Before you pick your username, consider reading Wikipedia's username policy
  • It's time to dive into Wikipedia. Below, you'll find the first set of online trainings you'll need to take. New modules will appear on this timeline as you get to new milestones. Be sure to check back and complete them! Incomplete trainings will be reflected in your grade. 
  • When you finish the trainings, practice by introducing yourself to a classmate on that classmate’s Talk page. You can view a list of all the students in our class by visiting the Students tab above. 
  • Make sure you have your topic assigned to yourself on the Articles tab above. Both partners should assign themselves the same article (check spelling).

Assignment - Critique & evaluate the "Remote Sensing" article on Wikipedia

Individual assignment

It's time to think critically about Wikipedia articles. You'll evaluate the Wikipedia article about Remote Sensing, and leave suggestions for improving it on the article's Talk page. 

  • Due before class on Thursday 3/2/17. 
  • Complete the "Evaluating Articles and Sources" training (linked below).
  • During your critique, consider some of the following questions (but don't feel limited to these): 
    • Is each fact referenced with an appropriate, reliable reference?
    • Is everything in the article relevant to the article topic? Is there anything that distracted you?
    • Is the article neutral? Are there any claims, or frames, that appear heavily biased toward a particular position?
    • Where does the information come from? Are these neutral sources? If biased, is that bias noted?
    • Are there viewpoints that are overrepresented, or underrepresented?
    • Check a few citations. Do the links work? Is there any close paraphrasing or plagiarism in the article?
    • Is any information out of date? Is anything missing that could be added?
    • What other images or illustrations could be added to better visualize the content here?
  • Make a section in your sandbox space for your article critique. Leave notes for what you would improve and be ready to come to class on Tuesday to nominate a change. 
  • Optional: Choose at least 1 questions relevant to the article you're evaluating. Leave your evaluation on the article's Talk page. Be sure to sign your feedback with four tildes — John.adler (talk) 00:15, 2 March 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Week 4

Course meetings
Tuesday, 28 February 2017   |   Thursday, 2 March 2017
In class - In class on the 28th
Add to our article

Before class, take the "Sources & Citations" training. Make sure you come to class ready to discuss how we can improve the Remote Sensing article. Together, we will decide one or two small things to change about the article. 

Assignment - Wikipedia change detection

Due before class on Thursday 3/02.

Individual assignment

Pick one of the following topics 

For the one you choose, go to the "View History" tab and look at the very first version of the article. Then pick 2 other random years or edits and compare MAJOR revisions. Think about what kinds of larger themes have changed (we're not worried about small edits here.) Come to class on the 2nd ready to discuss what you see. 

Week 5

Course meetings
Tuesday, 7 March 2017   |   Thursday, 9 March 2017
Tips for working in groups
  • Make sure everyone in the group is assigned to the same Wikipedia article on the Students tab of this course page. 
  • Select one group member whose Sandbox space you'll all share to draft your article. Each person should link to that shared Sandbox from their own Sandbox page. A sandbox is like any other page on Wikipedia, and anyone can edit it. 
  • Wikipedia doesn't allow multiple people to edit from different devices at the same time. If you're working together in person, one person should add the work to the Sandbox. If you are all working independently, make small edits and save often to avoid "editing conflicts" with classmates. Make sure that you're logged in under your own Wikipedia account while editing in your classmate's sandbox to ensure your edits are recorded. 
  • Don't create a group account for your project. Group accounts are prohibited. 

Assignment - Draft your article

Group assignment

Due before class on Tuesday March 7th.

You've picked a topic. Now it's time to start finding your sources & writing your draft.

  • In your group sandbox, write a few sentences about what you plan to contribute to the selected article. What section can you add or what information is missing? 
  • Think back to when you did an article critique. What can you add? Post some of your ideas to the article's talk page, too. 
  • Compile a list of relevant, reliable books, journal articles, or other sources. Post that bibliography to the talk page of the article you'll be working on, and in your sandbox. Make sure to check in on the Talk page to see if anyone has advice on your bibliography. 
  • Write up a draft of exactly what you want to include. 

Keep reading your sources, too, as you prepare to write the body of the article.

Resources: Editing Wikipedia pages 7–9

Week 6

Course meetings
Tuesday, 14 March 2017   |   Thursday, 16 March 2017
In class - Receive feedback & move your work live (March 14th)

Group assignment

Once you've made improvements to your article based on instructor feedback, it's time to move your work to Wikipedia proper - the "mainspace." 

Editing an existing article?

  • NEVER copy and paste your draft of an article over the entire article. Instead, edit small sections at a time.
  • Copy your edits into the article. Make many small edits, saving each time, and leaving an edit summary. Never replace more than one to two sentences without saving!

Week 7

Course meetings
Tuesday, 21 March 2017   |   Thursday, 23 March 2017
Assignment - Optional
Illustrate an article

Field trip: March 21 - Visiting NEON.

Individual or Group assignment

During the field trip, you can take a photo or video to help improve Wikipedia. Consider adding your photos to the article about NEON, the twin otter, or to another topic we learn about. 

If you don't want to take photos during the field trip, you can also find another article (perhaps the article you're working on for your group project) to add an image or media file to. Just make sure it's relevant to our course. Here are some tips: 

  • Before you start, review the Illustrating Wikipedia handbook, or see Editing Wikipedia pages 10–11. 
  • When you've reviewed those pages, take the training linked below.
  • When you're ready to start finding images, remember: Never grab images you find through an image search, or those found on Instagram, Tumblr, Reddit, Imgur, or even so-called "Free image" or "free stock photo" websites. Instead, you'll want to find images with clear proof that the creator has given permission to use their work. Many of these images can be found on
  • If you want to create a graph, take a photo, or create another type of media, don't just upload your image to Wikipedia. Instead, upload it to Wikipedia's sister site for images, Wikimedia Commons & then add it into the main Wikipedia article space. For instructions, read through the Illustrating Wikipedia handbook. 

Week 8

Course meetings
Tuesday, 28 March 2017   |   Thursday, 30 March 2017
Assignment - Final article improvements

Group assignment

It's the final week to develop your article.

  • Look back at your article and see if you've had any feedback after you moved it live.
  • Read Editing Wikipedia page 12 to see how to create links from your article to others, and from other articles to your own. Try to link to 3–5 articles, and link to your article from 2–3 other articles. 
  • Read Editing Wikipedia page 15 to review a final check-list before completing your assignment.
  • Don't forget that you can ask for help from your Content Expert at any time!