Wikipedia:WikiProject Trains/ICC valuations/Thornton and Alexandria Railway

The Thornton & Alexandria Railway Company, hereinafter called the carrier, is a single-track standard-gauge steam railroad located in the south-central part of Arkansas. The owned mileage extends southerly from Thornton to Hampton, Ark., a distance of 22.623 miles, with a branch of 1.804 miles extending easterly from Rock Island Junction to Tinsman, Ark. The total length of the main line and branch is 24.427 miles. The carrier also owns yard and side tracks totaling 4.359 miles. Its road thus embraces 28.786 miles of all tracks owned. In Appendix 1 will be found a general description of the property of the carrier.

Corporate history.—The carrier was incorporated on May 13, 1904, under the general laws of the State of Arkansas for a period of 50 years. It was incorporated in the interest of the Stout–Greer Lumber Company for the stated purpose of constructing, owning, operating, and maintaining a railroad from Thornton, Calhoun County, Ark., southwesterly to a point in the northeast quarter of section 34, township 13 south, range 13 west, in Calhoun County, a total distance of about 20 miles. Its principal office is at Thornton, Ark. On May 13, 1904, the carrier purchased from the Stout–Greer Lumber Company a narrow-gauge logging road extending from Thornton in a southeasterly direction about 20 miles. During 1905 and 1906 the road was changed to standard gauge, and in 1912 was extended to a connection with the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railway at Tinsman. The carrier is controlled by William M. and Angelina W. Stout, who are also owners of part of the stock of the Stout–Greer Lumber Company.

History of corporate financing, capital stock, and long-term debt.—