Wikipedia:WikiProject Trains/ICC valuations/Pecksport Connecting Railway

The railroad of Pecksport Connecting Railway Company, herein referred to as the Pecksport Connecting Railway, is a single-track, standard-gauge, steam railroad, located in the central part of New York. The owned mileage extends northeasterly from Pecksport to Whites Corners, N. Y., a distance of 3.70 miles. The Pecksport Connecting Railway also owns yard and side tracks totaling 1.212 miles. Its road thus embraces 4.912 miles of all tracks owned.

Corporate history.—The Pecksport Connecting Railway was incorporated April 29, 1886, under the general laws of New York. It is controlled by the carrier, through ownership of all of the outstanding capital stock. The detailed facts as to the development of the fixed physical property are given in Appendix 2.


The Pecksport Connecting Railway was built by the carrier, which furnished the necessary funds. Construction was begun shortly after the carrier's incorporation, and the road was completed and opened to traffic on September 13, 1896.

The Pecksport Connecting Railway reports the original cost of all lands owned as [...]