Wikipedia:WikiProject Trains/ICC valuations/Minter City Southern and Western Railroad

Interstate Commerce Commission, Valuation Reports, Volume 46

Minter City Southern and Western Railroad


Location and General Description of Property


The Minter City Southern and Western Railroad Company, hereinafter called the Minter City Southern and Western, is a single-track line extending southwesterly from Minter City, Miss., 3.739 miles.



The Minter City Southern and Western is a corporation of Mississippi, having its principal office at Chicago, Ill.

It is controlled by the Mississippi Valley Corporation through subscription to its entire authorized capital stock. The latter is in turn controlled by the Illinois Central. The records do not indicate that this company controls any common-carrier corporation.

The property of the Minter City Southern and Western has been operated by the Yazoo and Mississippi Valley since acquisition.

Corporate History


The Minter City Southern and Western was incorporated November 28, 1904, under the general laws of Mississippi to take over the railroad constructed by the Hoyt and Woodin Manufacturing Company.

Development of Fixed Physical Property


The railroad of the Minter City Southern and Western was acquired from the Hoyt and Woodin Manufacturing Company December 18, 1905. No details were obtained concerning the construction of the railroad, formerly a logging road.

Leased Railway Property


The entire property of the Minter City Southern and Western is leased to the Yazoo and Mississippi Valley for an indefinite period from May 4, 1911. The terms of the lease and the rent accrued for the year ended on date of valuation are given in the chapter on leased railway property in report on the Yazoo and Mississippi Valley.