Wikipedia:WikiProject Trains/ICC valuations/Lake Superior Terminal and Transfer Railway of the State of Wisconsin

The railroad of The Lake Superior Terminal and Transfer Railway Company of the State of Wisconsin, hereinafter called the carrier, is a standard-gauge terminal railway and union passenger station, located in the city of Superior, Wis. lt provides passenger and freight terminal facilities for the following carriers, which are hereinafter designated the controlling companies: Chicago, Saint Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha Railway Company, Northern Pacific Railway Company, Great Northern Railway Company, and The Duluth, South Shore & Atlantic Railway Company. The carrier owns no main line mileage. It owns and uses 23.719 miles of yard tracks and sidings.


The carrier was incorporated June 13, 1884, under the general railroad laws of Wisconsin for the purpose of owning and operating a railroad with terminal facilities in Douglas County, Wis. Its organization was effected October 27, 1884. The identical incorporators of the carrier also became incorporated on June 2, 1884, under the general railroad laws of Minnesota under the name "The Lake Superior Terminal and Transfer Railway Company of the State of Minnesota" for the purpose of owning and operating a railroad with terminal facilities in St. Louis County, Minn. No property has been acquired or operated under this incorporation.


The owned property of the carrier was all acquired by construction. The passenger station was constructed during 1885, about 15 miles of track were constructed during the period 1885 to 1890, and about 9 miles of track have been constructed since 1890. The passenger station was destroyed by fire on July 8, 1904, and was replaced during 1905 by the present structure.