Wikipedia:WikiProject Trains/ICC valuations/Blytheville, Leachville and Arkansas Southern Railroad

The railroad of the Blytheville, Leachville & Arkansas Southern Railroad Company, hereinafter called the carrier, is a single-track standard-gauge steam railroad, located in Arkansas and Missouri. The owned mileage consists of a main line, Leachville to Riverdale, about 19 miles, with branches to North Shaw and South Shaw, about 7 miles, and a disconnected section in and near Blytheville, about 2 miles, all in the State of Arkansas. The carrier owns and uses 34.574 miles of tracks. In addition, the carrier has trackage rights over about 8 miles of track from Leachville, Ark., to Arbyrd, Mo., owned by the St. Louis-San Francisco Railway Company, and over about 22 miles from Arbyrd, Mo., to Blytheville, Ark., owned by the St. Louis Southwestern Railway Company. Because of these two trackage rights through operations were possible over the disconnected sections of its owned road.


The carrier was incorporated May 19, 1908, for a period of 50 years, under the general laws of the State of Arkansas, for the purpose of acquiring, owning, and operating a railroad from Blytheville to Glencoe, with branches to Lepanto and to Leachville.


Of the recorded owned mileage of the carrier, aggregating 28 miles, a total of 6.5 miles was acquired by purchase and 21.5 miles by construction. The following tabulation shows the elements of trackage that go to make up the mileage of road owned on date of valuation:

By purchase from Chicago Mill and Lumber Company:
In Blytheville 2.0
Leachville to Walters 4.5
Big Lake and Walker Spurs (8.5 miles abandoned in 1909).
By construction:
Walters to Lepanto Junction, 1910 14.5
Lepanto Junction to Riverdale, North Shaw, and South Shaw, 1915 7.0
Total recorded mileage owned (all in Arkansas) 28.000
Less difference by inventory .009
Mileage inventoried as of date of valuation 27.991

All of the construction work was done by forces of the railroad with the exception of a part of the grading, which was done by contractors.


Jointly used, but not owned, owned by—

St. Louis-San Francisco Railway Company, trackage 8 miles, Leachville, Ark., to Arbyrd, Mo., under agreement dated December 15, 1914, on basis of 50 cents per mile for each train. Rental per annum $1,096.00
St. Louis Southwestern Railway Company, trackage 22 miles, Arbyrd, Mo., to Blytheville, Ark., under agreement dated December 15, 1914, on basis of 50 cents per mile for each train. Rental per annum 3,073.60

[it apparently had an earlier agreement]