Wikipedia:WikiProject Portals/Vital portals level 4/Biology and health sciences

Biology and health sciences edit

Basics edit

Anatomy and morphology edit

Basics edit

  1. Portal:Dissection
  2. Portal:Organs (anatomy)
  3. Portal:Tissues (biology)
  4. Portal:Sexual dimorphism

Animal edit

Plant edit

Fungus edit

  1. Portal:Hypha
  2. Portal:Mycelium

Biochemistry and molecular biology edit

Biological processes and physiology edit

Botany edit

    1. Portal:Carnivorous plant
    2. Portal:Flowering plant
    3. Portal:Weed

Cell biology edit

Ecology edit

Zoology edit

Organisms edit

Animals edit

General classification edit

Cnidarians edit

Echinoderms edit

Mollusks edit

Porifera (1 article) edit

Arachnids edit

Crustaceans edit

Insects edit

Arthropoda, others edit

Invertebrata, others edit

Agnatha edit

Fishes edit

  1. Portal:Coral reef fish
  2. Portal:Deep sea fish
  3. Portal:Chondrichthyes
  4. Portal:Acanthodii
  5. Portal:Osteichthyes
    1. Portal:Actinopterygii
    2. Portal:Sarcopterygii
      1. Portal:Coelacanth
      2. Portal:Lungfish
  6. Portal:Placodermi
  7. Portal:Anglerfish
  8. Portal:Arapaima
  9. Portal:Chimaera
  10. Portal:Eel
  11. Portal:Electric eel
  12. Portal:Flying fish
  13. Portal:Milkfish
  14. Portal:Northern pike
  15. Portal:Oarfish
  16. Portal:Mullet (fish)
  17. Portal:Ophidiiformes
  18. Portal:Scorpaeniformes
  19. Portal:Stickleback


  1. Portal:Batoidea
  2. Portal:Stingray
  3. Portal:Manta ray
  4. Portal:Skate (fish)
  5. Portal:Sawfish
  6. Portal:Electric ray


  1. Portal:Characiformes
  2. Portal:Characidae
  3. Portal:Piranha


  1. Portal:Bichir
  2. Portal:Sturgeon


  1. Portal:Anchovy
  2. Portal:Herring
  3. Portal:Ilish
  4. Portal:Sardine
  5. Portal:Sprat


  1. Portal:Cypriniformes
  2. Portal:Cyprinidae
    1. Portal:Carp
    2. Portal:Goldfish
    3. Portal:Koi


  1. Portal:Cyprinodontiformes
  2. Portal:Guppy


  1. Portal:Alaska pollock
  2. Portal:Cod
  3. Portal:Haddock


  1. Portal:Galaxiidae
  2. Portal:Smelt (fish)


  1. Portal:Perciformes
  2. Portal:Barracuda
  3. Portal:Cichlid
    1. Portal:Tilapia
  4. Portal:Goby
  5. Portal:Mackerel
  6. Portal:Marlin
  7. Portal:Mahi-mahi
  8. Portal:Serranidae
    1. Portal:European bass
    2. Portal:Grouper
  9. Portal:Siamese fighting fish
  10. Portal:Swordfish
  11. Portal:Perch
  12. Portal:Remora
  13. Portal:Tuna
  14. Portal:Wrasse


  1. Portal:Flatfish
  2. Portal:Flounder
  3. Portal:Halibut
  4. Portal:Plaice
  5. Portal:Turbot


  1. Portal:Salmonidae
  2. Portal:Salmon
  3. Portal:Trout


  1.   Portal:Sharks
  2. Portal:Great white shark
  3. Portal:Hammerhead shark
  4. Portal:Tiger shark
  5. Portal:Nurse shark
  6. Portal:Whale shark


  1. Portal:Catfish
  2. Portal:Loricariidae


  1. Portal:Seahorse


  1. Portal:Ocean sunfish
  2. Portal:Tetraodontidae

Amphibians edit

Reptiles edit

Birds edit

Basic bird articles

  1. Portal:Seabird
  2. Portal:Bird of prey
  3. Portal:Palaeognathae
  4. Portal:Archaeopteryx
  5. Portal:Flamingo
  6. Portal:Hummingbird
  7. Portal:Loon
  8. Portal:Penguin
  9. Portal:Tinamou

Accipitriformes and Falconiformes

  1. Portal:Accipiter
  2. Portal:Eagle
    1. Portal:Golden eagle
  3. Portal:Falcon
    1. Portal:Peregrine falcon
  4. Portal:New World vulture
  5. Portal:Old World vulture
  6. Portal:Osprey
  7. Portal:Secretarybird


  1. Portal:Duck
    1. Portal:Mallard
  2. Portal:Goose
  3. Portal:Swan
Apodiformes (95 articles) edit
  1. Portal:Swift


  1. Portal:Caprimulgiformes
  2. Portal:Nightjar


  1. Portal:Auk
  2. Portal:Gull
  3. Portal:Sandpiper
  4. Portal:Tern


  1. Portal:Heron
  2. Portal:Ibis
  3. Portal:Shoebill
  4. Portal:Stork


  1. Portal:Columbidae
    1. Portal:Dodo
    2. Portal:Passenger pigeon
    3. Portal:Rock dove


  1. Portal:River kingfishers
  2. Portal:Hornbill
  3. Portal:Hoopoe


  1. Portal:Cuckoo
  2. Portal:Hoatzin
  3. Portal:Turaco


  1. Portal:Galliformes
  2. Portal:Chicken
  3. Portal:Grouse
  4. Portal:Guineafowl
  5. Portal:Peafowl
  6. Portal:Common pheasant
  7. Portal:Common quail
  8. Portal:Domestic turkey


  1. Portal:Gruiformes
  2. Portal:Crane (bird)
  3. Portal:Bustard
  4. Portal:Rail (bird)


  1. Portal:Passerine
  2. Portal:Songbird


  1. Portal:Bird-of-paradise
  2. Portal:Corvidae
    1. Portal:Corvus
      1. Portal:Common raven
    2. Portal:Eurasian magpie
  3. Portal:Honeyeater
  4. Portal:Lyrebird
  5. Portal:Shrike


  1. Portal:Bulbul
  2. Portal:Cardinal (bird)
  3. Portal:Emberizidae
  4. Portal:Finch
  5. Portal:Icterid
  6. Portal:Lark
  7. Portal:Mockingbird
  8. Portal:New World warbler
  9. Portal:Old World flycatcher
    1. Portal:European robin
    2. Portal:Common nightingale
  10. Portal:Ploceidae
  11. Portal:Sparrow
    1. Portal:House sparrow
  12. Portal:Starling
    1. Portal:Common myna
    2. Portal:Common starling
  13. Portal:Sunbird
  14. Portal:Swallow
  15. Portal:Tit (bird)
  16. Portal:Thrush (bird)
    1. Portal:American robin
  17. Portal:Wren


  1. Portal:Antbird
  2. Portal:Ovenbird (family)
  3. Portal:Tyrant flycatcher


  1. Portal:Cormorant
  2. Portal:Darter
  3. Portal:Frigatebird
  4. Portal:Pelican
  5. Portal:Sulidae


  1. Portal:Honeyguide
  2. Portal:Toucan
  3. Portal:Woodpecker


  1. Portal:Procellariiformes
  2. Portal:Albatross
  3. Portal:Procellariidae


  1. Portal:Parrot
  2. Portal:Ara (genus)
  3. Portal:Budgerigar
  4. Portal:Cockatoo


  1. Portal:Cassowary
  2. Portal:Emu
  3. Portal:Kiwi
  4. Portal:Moa
  5. Portal:Common ostrich
  6. Portal:Rhea (bird)


  1. Portal:Owl
    1. Portal:Eurasian eagle-owl
    2. Portal:Barn owl


  1. Portal:Trogon
  2. Portal:Resplendent quetzal

Mammals edit

  1. Portal:Aardvark
  2. Portal:Armadillo
  3. Portal:Hyrax
  4. Portal:Pangolin
  5. Portal:Sirenia


  1. Portal:Bat
  2. Portal:Megabat
  3. Portal:Microbat
  4. Portal:Pteropus
  5. Portal:Vampire bat


  1. Portal:Carnivora
  2. Portal:Bear
    1. Portal:Brown bear
    2. Portal:Giant panda
    3. Portal:Polar bear
  3. Portal:Canidae
    1. Portal:Fox
    2. Portal:Coyote
    3. Portal:Gray wolf
    4. Portal:Jackal
  4. Portal:Felidae
    1.   Portal:Cats
    2. Portal:Cheetah
    3. Portal:Cougar
    4. Portal:Jaguar
    5. Portal:Leopard
    6. Portal:Lion
    7. Portal:Lynx
    8. Portal:Smilodon
    9. Portal:Tiger
  5. Portal:Hyena
  6. Portal:Mongoose
  7. Portal:Mustelidae
    1. Portal:European badger
    2. Portal:Honey badger
    3. Portal:Marten
    4. Portal:Otter
    5. Portal:Sea otter
    6. Portal:Stoat
    7. Portal:Weasel
    8. Portal:Wolverine
  8. Portal:Procyonidae
  9. Portal:Skunk


  1.   Portal:Cetaceans
  2. Portal:Whale
  3. Portal:Blue whale
  4. Portal:Dolphin
  5. Portal:Humpback whale
  6. Portal:Killer whale
  7. Portal:Porpoise
  8. Portal:Sperm whale
Erinaceids (103 articles) edit
  1. Portal:Hedgehog

Even-toed ungulates

  1. Portal:Even-toed ungulate
  2. Portal:Alpaca
  3. Portal:Wild boar
  4. Portal:Bovidae
    1. Portal:African buffalo
    2. Portal:American bison
    3. Portal:Antelope
    4. Portal:Aurochs
    5. Portal:Capra (genus)
    6. Portal:Gazelle
    7. Portal:Gaur
    8. Portal:Goat
    9. Portal:Impala
    10. Portal:Muskox
    11. Portal:Sheep
    12. Portal:Water buffalo
    13. Portal:Wildebeest
    14. Portal:European bison
    15. Portal:Domestic yak
  5. Portal:Camel
    1. Portal:Bactrian camel
    2. Portal:Dromedary
  6. Portal:Deer
    1. Portal:Elk
    2. Portal:Moose
    3. Portal:Red deer
    4. Portal:Reindeer
  7. Portal:Llama
  8. Portal:Giraffe
  9. Portal:Guanaco
  10. Portal:Hippopotamus
  11. Portal:Peccary
  12. Portal:Domestic pig
  13. Portal:Pronghorn
  14. Portal:Vicuña


  1. Portal:Lagomorpha
  2. Portal:Hare
  3. Portal:Rabbit


  1. Portal:Marsupial
  2. Portal:Diprotodontia
    1. Portal:Kangaroo
    2. Portal:Koala
  3. Portal:Dasyuromorphia
    1. Portal:Tasmanian devil
  4. Portal:Opossum
  5. Portal:Peramelemorphia


  1. Portal:Monotreme
  2. Portal:Echidna
  3. Portal:Platypus

Odd-toed ungulates

  1. Portal:Odd-toed ungulate
  2. Portal:Donkey
  3. Portal:Equidae
  4. Portal:Rhinoceros
  5. Portal:Tapir
  6. Portal:Zebra


  1. Portal:Anteater
  2. Portal:Sloth


  1. Portal:Pinniped
  2. Portal:Eared seal
  3. Portal:Earless seal
  4. Portal:Walrus


  1.   Portal:Primates
  2. Portal:Monkey
  3. Portal:Ape
    1. Portal:Chimpanzee
      1. Portal:Common chimpanzee
      2. Portal:Bonobo
    2. Portal:Gibbon
    3. Portal:Gorilla
    4. Portal:Orangutan
  4. Portal:New World monkey
    1. Portal:Capuchin monkey
    2. Portal:Spider monkey
  5. Portal:Old World monkey
    1. Portal:Baboon
    2. Portal:Macaque
    3. Portal:Rhesus macaque
  6. Portal:Strepsirrhini
    1. Portal:Slow loris
    2. Portal:Galago
    3. Portal:Lemur
  7. Portal:Tarsier


  1. Portal:Proboscidea
  2. Portal:Elephant
  3. Portal:Mammoth


  1. Portal:Rodent
  2. Portal:Capybara
  3. Portal:Coypu
  4. Portal:Beaver
  5. Portal:Dormouse
  6. Portal:Guinea pig
  7. Portal:Hamster
  8. Portal:Marmot
  9. Portal:Mouse
  10. Portal:Muridae
  11. Portal:Muskrat
  12. Portal:Porcupine
  13. Portal:Rat
    1. Portal:Brown rat
  14. Portal:Squirrel


  1. Portal:Shrew
    1. Portal:Mole (animal)

Animal breeds and hybrids edit

Plants edit

Non-flowering plants edit

Monocots edit

Non-monocots edit

Edible fruits edit

Edible seeds, grains, nuts (pulses) edit

Vegetables edit

Fungi edit

Other organisms edit

Health, medicine and disease edit

Health and fitness edit

Drugs and pharmacology edit

Medicine edit

See also "Biology" for e.g. anatomy

Morbidity edit