Borders/Confini is a project, born in 2008, which aims to collect stories, memories and testimonies on migration, to document the African routes and border migrants and to provide information on their processes and outcomes, using the procedures at Wikipedia and the participation network on Internet. Borders/Confini aims to create a network of human resources capable of enhancing cooperation and sharing knowledge amongst all the organizations, operators and people involved in migration processes.

  • The section Destinations, routes and migrations aims to trace a map of the migration movements, collecting real-life stories, and to provide knowledge and information concerning places, journeys, migration routes and the organizations that support migrants to and from Africa. In this section curated by Fortress Europe, the attention is placed on migration territories: the cities, the regions, detention centers, departure, transit, arrival. Here are distance, affection and the precarious frailty of those who leave but also of those who remain. From these elements the section endeavours to generate a social network whose aim is to sustain all the actors involved.

  • The section Education and reception for migrants, refugees and asylum seekers supports the activity of Asinitas Associazione association of Rome in favour of migrants, refugees and asylum seekers. The organization manages two experimental schools: one for asylum seekers and refugees and the other for resident women immigrants.The linguistic and IT learning activity is carried out through art and theatre laboratories, through the making and distribution of videos that document the learning process of the students. The crux of Asinitas's teaching method is the direct confrontation of the many personal histories collected though story telling and testimonies of personal experiences of migration, to spread and conserve the memory and awareness of exile and forced expatriation. Asinitas also helps the migrants with the administrative documents work necessary for the recognition of refugee status and thus helps them to mantain and retrieve their personal identity and integrity.

  • The section Commonplaces/ short migrant stories : an anthology of stories, written by several authors in several languages, and distributed in Italian cities. Short stories collected by a group of psychologists, researchers and journalists during the interviews with migrants of different ages, coming from 21 countries all over the world.

Commonplaces The project The short stories on Flickr

  • The Audiovisual section, curated by Giulio Cederna and Angelo Loy, covers communication and documentary activities of the Confini project. This section has already realized the film documentary Come un Uomo sulla terra and it wants to cover in particular the production of documentary on the singular experience of Asinitas Association and on the multicultural Pisacane School of Rome.

Confini is on Wikipedia to enrich voices of WikiAfrica project and to add elements for an archive of migrant memory.

