Wikipedia:UK articles with co-ordinates but no image/Shetland Islands

Shetland Islands

  1. 1st meridian west in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  2. 2nd meridian west in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  3. 60th parallel north in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  4. Ancient Monuments Protection Act 1882 in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  5. Benie Hoose in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  6. Bluemull Sound in or near Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  7. Brei Holm in or near Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  8. Breiwick Burn in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  9. Bressay transmitting station in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  10. Burra Voe in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  11. Burwick in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  12. Burwick Holm in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  13. Busta Voe in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  14. Cheynies in or near Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  15. El Gran Grifón in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  16. Forsan, Shetland in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  17. Garrison Theatre in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  18. Green Holm in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  19. Gunnister in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  20. Hermaness in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  21. Keen of Hamar in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  22. Lerwick Power Station in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  23. Lerwick and Bressay Parish Church in or near Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  24. Linga, Muckle Roe in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  25. Linga, Vementry in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  26. List of Special Protection Areas in Scotland in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  27. List of United Kingdom locations: Aa-Ak in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  28. List of United Kingdom locations: As-Az in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  29. List of United Kingdom locations: Bab-Bal in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  30. List of United Kingdom locations: Bar in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  31. List of United Kingdom locations: Bas-Baz in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  32. List of United Kingdom locations: Bea-Bem in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  33. List of United Kingdom locations: Ben-Bez in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  34. List of United Kingdom locations: Bi in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  35. List of United Kingdom locations: Boa-Bot in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  36. List of United Kingdom locations: Bou-Boz in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  37. List of United Kingdom locations: Bra in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  38. List of United Kingdom locations: Bre-Bri in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  39. List of United Kingdom locations: Broo-Brt in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  40. List of United Kingdom locations: Bru-Bun in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  41. List of United Kingdom locations: Bur-Bz in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  42. List of United Kingdom locations: Ca-Cap in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  43. List of United Kingdom locations: Car-Cd in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  44. List of United Kingdom locations: Ce-Chap in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  45. List of United Kingdom locations: Cl-Cn in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  46. List of United Kingdom locations: Co-Col in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  47. List of United Kingdom locations: Com-Cor in or near Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  48. List of United Kingdom locations: Cov-Coy in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  49. List of United Kingdom locations: Cra in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  50. List of United Kingdom locations: Cre-Croc in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  51. List of United Kingdom locations: Cru-Cu in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  52. List of United Kingdom locations: Da-Dam in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  53. List of United Kingdom locations: Ds-Dz in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  54. List of United Kingdom locations: East A-East D in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  55. List of United Kingdom locations: East E-East L in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  56. List of United Kingdom locations: East M-East Y in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  57. List of United Kingdom locations: Ef-El in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  58. List of United Kingdom locations: Em-Ez in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  59. List of United Kingdom locations: Fa-Fe in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  60. List of United Kingdom locations: Ff-Fn in or near Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  61. List of United Kingdom locations: Fo-Foz in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  62. List of United Kingdom locations: Fr-Fz in or near Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  63. List of United Kingdom locations: Gao-Gar in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  64. List of United Kingdom locations: Ge-Gl in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  65. List of United Kingdom locations: Gm-Gq in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  66. List of United Kingdom locations: Gree-Gz in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  67. List of United Kingdom locations: Ha-Ham in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  68. List of United Kingdom locations: Han-Har in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  69. List of United Kingdom locations: Has-Hd in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  70. List of United Kingdom locations: He-Hem in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  71. List of United Kingdom locations: Hen-Hh in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  72. List of United Kingdom locations: Highs-Hn in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  73. List of United Kingdom locations: Ho-Hoo in or near Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  74. List of United Kingdom locations: Hop-Ht in or near Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  75. List of United Kingdom locations: Hu-Hz in or near Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  76. List of United Kingdom locations: In-Ir in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  77. List of United Kingdom locations: Is-Ix in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  78. List of United Kingdom locations: Ka-Key in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  79. List of United Kingdom locations: Kip-Kz in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  80. List of United Kingdom locations: La-Laz in or near Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  81. List of United Kingdom locations: Lea-Lei in or near Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  82. List of United Kingdom locations: Lel-Lez in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  83. List of United Kingdom locations: Lf-Litm in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  84. List of United Kingdom locations: Litn-Liz in or near Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  85. List of United Kingdom locations: Lol-Lov in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  86. List of United Kingdom locations: Lu-Ly in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  87. List of United Kingdom locations: Ma-Maq in or near Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  88. List of United Kingdom locations: Mar-Md in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  89. List of United Kingdom locations: Me-Mic in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  90. List of United Kingdom locations: Mid-Mig in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  91. List of United Kingdom locations: Mo-Mor in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  92. List of United Kingdom locations: Mos-Mz in or near Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  93. List of United Kingdom locations: Na-Nev in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  94. List of United Kingdom locations: Ni-North G in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  95. List of United Kingdom locations: North H-Nz in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  96. List of United Kingdom locations: Old H-Om in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  97. List of United Kingdom locations: On-Oz in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  98. List of United Kingdom locations: Pab-Pap in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  99. List of United Kingdom locations: Po-Poz in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  100. List of United Kingdom locations: Q in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  101. List of United Kingdom locations: Ra-Ray in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  102. List of United Kingdom locations: Re-Rh in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  103. List of United Kingdom locations: Ri-Ror in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  104. List of United Kingdom locations: Ros-Rz in or near Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  105. List of United Kingdom locations: Saa-Sanc in or near Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  106. List of United Kingdom locations: Sand-Say in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  107. List of United Kingdom locations: Sb-Sf in or near Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  108. List of United Kingdom locations: Si-Sm in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  109. List of United Kingdom locations: Sn-Souts in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  110. List of United Kingdom locations: South in or near Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  111. List of United Kingdom locations: Sow-Stao in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  112. List of United Kingdom locations: Stap-St N in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  113. List of United Kingdom locations: Sto-St Q in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  114. List of United Kingdom locations: Str-Stt in or near Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  115. List of United Kingdom locations: Stu-Sz in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  116. List of United Kingdom locations: Ta-Tha in or near Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  117. List of United Kingdom locations: The-Thh in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  118. List of United Kingdom locations: Ti in or near Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  119. List of United Kingdom locations: To-Tq in or near Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  120. List of United Kingdom locations: Tr-Tre in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  121. List of United Kingdom locations: Tri-Tz in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  122. List of United Kingdom locations: U-Uppen in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  123. List of United Kingdom locations: Upper A-Upper H in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  124. List of United Kingdom locations: Upper I-Upper W in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  125. List of United Kingdom locations: Uppi-Uz in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  126. List of United Kingdom locations: V in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  127. List of United Kingdom locations: Wa-Wal in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  128. List of United Kingdom locations: Wam-Way in or near Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  129. List of United Kingdom locations: Wd-West End in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  130. List of United Kingdom locations: West M-Wey in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  131. List of United Kingdom locations: Weste-West L in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  132. List of United Kingdom locations: Wha-Whitc in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  133. List of United Kingdom locations: White in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  134. List of United Kingdom locations: Wi-Win in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  135. List of United Kingdom locations: X-Z in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  136. List of extreme points of the United Kingdom in or near Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  137. List of listed buildings in Bressay in or near Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  138. List of listed buildings in Nesting, Shetland Islands in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  139. List of listed buildings in Northmavine, Shetland Islands in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  140. List of listed buildings in Sandsting in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  141. List of listed buildings in Walls And Sandness, Shetland Islands in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  142. List of onshore wind farms in the United Kingdom in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  143. List of shipwrecks in March 1940 in or near Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  144. List of shipwrecks in September 1916 in or near Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  145. List of shipwrecks in September 1917 in or near Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  146. List of solar eclipses in the 15th century BC in or near Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  147. List of solar eclipses in the 22nd century in or near Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  148. List of solar eclipses in the 28th century in or near Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  149. List of solar eclipses in the 9th century in or near Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  150. Little Havra in or near Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  151. Little Linga in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  152. MT Gustaf E. Reuter in or near Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  153. Maiden Stack in or near Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  154. Mailand, Shetland in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  155. Mareel in or near Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  156. North Haven (harbour) in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  157. North Havra in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  158. Papa Little in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  159. Park Hall (laird's house) in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  160. Pettigarths Field Cairns in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  161. Pier House Museum in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  162. Quarff Primary School in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  163. RAF Sullom Voe in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  164. RAF Sumburgh in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  165. SM UC-55 in or near Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  166. Shetland Gas Plant in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  167. Shetland Islands Council in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  168. Sodom, Shetland in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  169. Stroms Hellier in or near Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  170. Time Team (series 10) in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  171. Tingwall Airport in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  172. Viking Wind Farm in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  173. Voe of Cullingsburgh in or near Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  174. West Head of Papa in or near Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
  175. Whalsay Airstrip in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph