Wikipedia:Rice University/Human Development in Global and Local Communities, Section 2 (Spring 2014)/Peer Review 1

Assignment 6: Peer Review Workshop Assignment


Due Date: 9 pm Wednesday, March 19

  1. Complete one copy of the Workshop Peer Review Rubric for each other member of your Workshop group. Print your group members’ pages, read through each entry, and edit and comment as you see fit. Pay particular attention to readability, sentence clarity, and strong referencing. Provide a detailed explanation for each score.
  2. Please type your comments for each article by members of your Workshop group onto a copy of the attached form. Label the file with your name and that of the workshop member as follows: <YourLastName> WikiWorkshop<PeerLastName>.doc.
Upload the completed forms to the relevant assignment tab on OWL-Space AND email the relevant, filled-out forms to each peer group member by 9 pm Wednesday, March 19.

Please take care to provide detailed, constructive comments that will help your classmates improve their entries so that their final grade is higher. Constructive suggestions can only help your classmates and they will not be penalized if you provide useful critiques.

Note that the chart with instructions and information does not paste well to OWL-Space so you must download the attached document for the full assignment. Also see handout from class.