Wondered what needs done before nomination to featured status. DAVODD 08:57, Jan 5, 2005 (UTC)

  • I'd be interested in reading more about the various species and why, at one point, there were more species recognised than there are now. After a bit of Googling, I came across this interesting FAQ, which suggests one alternative use(!). It suggests that the Wikipedia article could be expanded somewhat. A few extra photos (such as the closeup of the hairs and leaf in the FAQ) would be good, too. The FAQ also contradicts our article in some places, "Depending on individual opinion there are some 50 to 100 species of Stinging Nettle in the world." and "Various substances have been claimed as being the active principles of nettle venom, based on speculation and supposition. In fact the venom is a cocktail of three substances, each highly dilute: histamine, acetylcholine and serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine)." — we probably need to cite sources. — Matt Crypto 09:36, 5 Jan 2005 (UTC)
I've made some style edits and broken the article into several sections. I did this not because there's enough material there now to justify it, but because I'd like to see each of those topics developed more fully. In general, it feels like there's a lot of missing information and inconsistencies; hopefully the sections will help you develop the article more fully. Here's some starting points:
    • What subspecies is native to Asia? Which have been introduced to South America? Does the European subspecies exhibit such agressive invasiveness in N. America as it shows in its native Europe?
    • What environments could it potentially thrive in? Does it withstand frost? Is it a perennial? Annual? Does it flower? When / how? Picture? What is its range in Europe? Asia? S. America? What are the biological limits on its range?
    • Biology of plant in general could be greatly expanded; also, a more thorough discussion of its stinging organs (a diagram would be especially helpful here). How does the plant grow? Propagate? How big is it? Is any animal resistant to its sting? Does it affect other plants?
    • Not sure on the appropriateness of including a recipe (others have well-developed opinions on this; I'll let them step in on the issue)
    • Would like to see more historical context on uses. What is it believed to cure as an herbal remedy? What cultures use it that way? How long ago did they start doing it? Have any modern medicines been developed based on / using nettles? Dietary supplements? Are the uses based on the stinging property, or in spite of it?
Of course, the facts need to be accurate, which it sounds from Matt's comment above that there may be some questions on. Sources sources sources. A pain in the neck, but vital when there is a disputed or commonly mistaken fact. I think the article has a lot of potential, but there's lots left to write! Bantman 06:31, Jan 9, 2005 (UTC)