Wikipedia:Peer review/Gymnopaedia/archive1

See: Wikipedia:Featured article candidates/Gymnopaedia/archive1 (Peer Review suggested instead of FAC - that page contains comments regarding the original article, only "referencing" has been elaborated since the first remarks there).


  • It appears unclear when Ancient Greeks used the term gumnopaidia, whether they referred to a festival or to a dance. Depending on source, one get one definition or the other. As far as I could determine in the oldest times it was the festival that was meant; later Greek writers (from the Roman era) referred to it as a dance only. Would that be correct?
  • (No peer review issue, but nonetheless): I think the article would greatly benefit from an image from an antique Greek vase (or so) picturing some war-dancing ancient Greeks (or anything else related to a "gymnopaedia"-like dance setup). All my searches have not been able to come up with such image in public domain or copylefted compatible with Wikipedia. Anybody having a clue?
  • I wrote an e-mail (in Dutch) to Mr. Naerebout, drawing attention to the article (one never knows he'd be interested in becoming a wikipedian...). I'll leave a note on this page if I get any reaction to that outside the wiki medium.

--Francis Schonken 09:24, 7 Feb 2005 (UTC)