• Someone's already referenced this information ("Meet the Internet's Two-Headed Wonder, Investors.com, 10 Sep 2004: On the daughter of Newton Minow, Nell Minow, who runs Yahoo's Movie Mom, and is author of The Movie Mom's Guide to Family Movies. "Minow's sharp rebuke angered the Hollywood community. To extract a measure of revenge, according to online encyclopedia Wikipedia, the creators of the inane but much-loved 1960s situation comedy "Gilligan's Island" named the doomed cruise ship the "S.S. Minnow, as a dig at Newton Minow.") Yet there are no references in this article to back up this fact! Can someone please do some fact checking for us and put in some references? - Ta bu shi da yu 12:58, 3 Oct 2004 (UTC)
  • In the Professor's own book ("Here on Gilligan's Island" by Russell Johnson with Steve Cox. New York: HarperCollins, circa 1993), he writes that Sherwood Schwartz told him the boat was indeed named for FCC Commissioner Newton Minow. You might try looking at Schwart's own book, "Inside Gilligan's Island" (Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland, circa 1988) for what he says about it--I checked my own notes on the latter and didn't record if he commented about the commissioner. Ave! PedanticallySpeaking 16:57, Oct 8, 2004 (UTC)
  • Newton Minow himself has heard and believes the story:

The S.S. Minnow has made me immortal. I had told my kids to put on my tombstone, "on to a vaster wasteland." I think I will amend it to say "on to a vaster wasteland on the S.S. Minnow."

Letter from Newton N. Minow, Esq., to Robert M. Jarvis Good stuff in that article. Wish I'd found it before rewriting the entry on Minow. Mykej 09:22, 7 Nov 2004 (UTC)