Please remove only when the content contains musical information. Please redirect places to [[Music of ...]]

  1. Philipp Franz le Sage de Richée - gebwp
  2. Philipp Habermann - gebwp
  3. Philipp Hafner - gebwp -- him; he wrote a popular play not mentioned in the article
  4. Philipp Herşcovici - gebwp
  5. Philipp Jakob Baudrexel - gebwp
  6. Philipp Jakob Böddecker - gebwp
  7. Philipp Jakob Ridler - gebwp
  8. Philipp Jakob Rittler - gebwp
  9. Philipp Joseph Frick - gebwp
  10. Philipp Joseph Frike - gebwp
  11. Philipp Joseph Hinner - gebwp
  12. Philipp Kandela - gebwp
  13. Philipp Meissner - gebwp
  14. Philipp Melanchthon - gebwp (no music)
  15. Philipp Mohler - gebwp
  16. Philipp Röth - gebwp
  17. Philipp Ryse - gebwp
  18. Philipp Schwarzerd - gebwp
  19. Philipp Ulhart - gebwp
  20. Philippus Royllart - gebwp
  21. Philipp Zindelin - gebwp
  22. Philip Tabane - gebwp
  23. Philip Tanner - gebwp
  24. Philipus Francis - gebwp
  25. Philip Welder - gebwp
  26. Phil Lee (musician) - gebwp (stub)
  27. Phillip Joll - gebwp (stub)
  28. Phillip Rhodes - gebwp (???)
  29. Philo - gebwp (no music)
  30. Philodemus - gebwp (some music, but Grove suggests much more can be written)
  31. Philolaus - gebwp (no music)
  32. Philology - gebwp (no music)
  33. Phineas Newborn Project - gebwp
  34. Phoebe (opera) - gebwp (Maurice Greene)
  35. Phoemipol Aduldej - gebwp
  36. Music of Phoenix - gebwp
  37. Phoenix Jazz - gebwp
  38. Phonikon - gebwp
  39. Phonotype - gebwp
  40. Phontastic - gebwp
  41. Phorbeia - gebwp
  42. Phorminx - gebwp (stub)
  43. Phrynis of Mytilene - gebwp
  44. Phthora - gebwp (fungus species; no music)
  45. Phyllis Bryn-Julson - gebwp
  46. Phyllis Heymans - gebwp
  47. Phylypps - gebwp
  48. Physharmonika - gebwp
  49. Music of Piacenza - gebwp
  50. Pianino - gebwp (redir to piano... could have more)
  51. Piano à prolongement - gebwp
  52. Piano à queue - gebwp
  53. Piano à sons soutenus - gebwp
  54. Piano carré - gebwp
  55. Piano droit - gebwp
  56. Piano duet - gebwp (stub)
  57. Piano éolien - gebwp
  58. Piano fantasies and transcriptions - gebwp
  59. Piano-luthéal - gebwp
  60. Piano music - gebwp (rd to piano; could probably use own article; MSC: agreed)
  61. Piano orchestrion - gebwp
  62. Piano-quatuor - gebwp
  63. Piano scandé - gebwp
  64. Piano score - gebwp
  65. Piano trémolophone - gebwp
  66. Piano-violon - gebwp
  67. Piazzola sul Brenta - gebwp (town; Music of Piazzola sul Brenta? or such a short article it could all go there)
  68. Picada - gebwp (bowing technique)
  69. Picard - gebwp (should disambig to Pycard, Biquardus, Anthonius Picardus)
  70. Piccola Scala - gebwp
  71. Pickelflöte - gebwp (should be pickle flute)
  72. Picqué - gebwp
  73. Pièce à machines - gebwp
  74. Pièce croisée - gebwp
  75. Pièce de circonstance - gebwp
  76. Pièce de sauvetage - gebwp
  77. Pieces of Time - gebwp (no music - jazz ensemble)
  78. Piede - gebwp
  79. Pie Meyer-Siat - gebwp
  80. Pieno - gebwp
  81. Pierement - gebwp
  82. Pier Francesco Valentini - gebwp (stub 4/17)
  83. Pier Jacopo Martello - gebwp (stub 4/17)
  84. Pierluigi Petrobelli - gebwp
  85. Pier Maria Monti - gebwp
  86. Piero degli Organi - gebwp (son of Bartolomeo degli Organi)
  87. Piero Faggioni - gebwp
  88. Piero Strozzi (composer) - gebwp (stub 4/17)
  89. Pierre-Adrien Pâris - gebwp (almost nothing on his opera connection)
  90. Pierre Alexandre Ducroquet - gebwp
  91. Pierre-Alexandre Moncini - gebwp
  92. Pierre Antesignanus - gebwp
  93. Pierre-Auguste-Louis Blondeau - gebwp (stub 3/17)
  94. Pierre Auguste Sarrus - gebwp
  95. Pierre-Augustin Beaumarchais - gebwp
  96. Pierre Bartholomée - gebwp
  97. Pierre Begrez - gebwp
  98. Pierre-Benoît de Jumilhac - gebwp
  99. Pierre Blondeau - gebwp
  100. Pierre Bonhomme - gebwp
  101. Pierre Bonnel - gebwp
  102. Pierre Bonnet - gebwp (dab, no music)
  103. Pierre Bonnet-Bourdelot - gebwp
  104. Pierre Bonomi - gebwp
  105. Pierre Borjon de Scellery - gebwp
  106. Pierre Boussaguet - gebwp
  107. Pierre Bouteiller - gebwp (stub)
  108. Pierre Braslavsky - gebwp
  109. Pierre Cavalli - gebwp
  110. Pierre Chevillard - gebwp
  111. Pierre Chopelet - gebwp
  112. Pierre Citron - gebwp (stub 4/17)
  113. Pierre Colin - gebwp
  114. Pierre Dagues - gebwp
  115. Pierre Dalvimare - gebwp
  116. Pierre D’Auxerre - gebwp
  117. Pierre Davantes - gebwp
  118. Pierre-David-Augustin Chapelle - gebwp
  119. Pierre De Bethmann - gebwp Pierre de Bethmann
  120. Pierre de Corbeil - gebwp (no music)
  121. Pierre de Denièle - gebwp
  122. Pierre de Jélyotte - gebwp
  123. Pierre de Niel - gebwp
  124. Pierre de Niert - gebwp
  125. Pierre de Nyert - gebwp
  126. Pierre de Rocourt - gebwp
  127. Pierre de Ronsard - gebwp (no music)
  128. Pierre de Roucourt - gebwp
  129. Pierre Du Camp Guillebert - gebwp
  130. Pierre Dutillieu - gebwp
  131. Pierre Emmanuel Verheyen - gebwp
  132. Pierre Favre - gebwp (no music)
  133. Pierre Febvrier - gebwp (perhaps Pierre Février ?)
  134. Pierre Francisque Caroubel - gebwp
  135. Pierre-François Godard de Beauchamps - gebwp (no music)
  136. Pierre François Laporte - gebwp
  137. Pierre-François-Léonard Fontaine - g (no music)ebwp
  138. Pierre Gabignet - gebwp
  139. Pierre Gabriel Gardel - gebwp
  140. Pierre Gailhard - gebwp
  141. Pierre Gautier - gebwp (there are 2 of them)
  142. Pierre Gossez - gebwp (stub 4/17)
  143. Pierre Goumas - gebwp
  144. Pierre Guédron - gebwp (stub)
  145. Pierre Guyenet - gebwp
  146. Pierre Hardouin - gebwp
  147. Pierre Haultin - gebwp
  148. Pierre Housset - gebwp
  149. Pierre Hugard - gebwp (stub)
  150. Pierre Iso - gebwp
  151. Pierre Jamet - gebwp (stub)
  152. Pierre-Jean Lambert - gebwp
  153. Pierre-Joseph Le Blan - gebwp
  154. Pierre-Joseph Roussier - gebwp
  155. Pierre Just Davesne - gebwp
  156. Pierre La Houssaye - gebwp
  157. Pierre Lamalle - gebwp
  158. Pierre Lauverjat - gebwp
  159. Pierre-Louis Deffès - gebwp
  160. Pierre Louis Deshayes - gebwp
  161. Pierre Louis Moline - gebwp
  162. Pierre Maillart - gebwp
  163. Pierre Maurice - gebwp
  164. Pierre Max Dubois - gebwp (stub)
  165. Pierre Menault - gebwp (stub)
  166. Pierre Meylan - gebwp
  167. Pierre-Michel Le Conte - gebwp
  168. Pierre Miroglio - gebwp
  169. Pierre Molu - gebwp
  170. Pierre Mortier - gebwp (no music)
  171. Pierre-Noël Gervais - gebwp
  172. Pierre Paquet - gebwp
  173. Pierre Pié de Dieu - gebwp
  174. Pierre Prowo - gebwp
  175. Pierre Sanserre - gebwp
  176. Pierre Santerre - gebwp
  177. Pierre Segond - gebwp
  178. Pierre Sellin - gebwp
  179. Pierre Senserre - gebwp
  180. Pierreson Cambio - gebwp
  181. Pierre Tabart - gebwp (stub)
  182. Pierre Tailhandier - gebwp
  183. Pierre Talon - gebwp (explorer; no music)
  184. Pierre Thibaud - gebwp
  185. Pierre Thorette - gebwp
  186. Pierre Trichet - gebwp
  187. Pierre Vallette - gebwp
  188. Pierre Vasson - gebwp
  189. Pierre Vellones - gebwp
  190. Pierre Verdier - gebwp
  191. Pierre Verheyen - gebwp
  192. Pierre Waschon - gebwp
  193. Pierre Werdier - gebwp
  194. Pierre Yso - gebwp
  195. Pierre Yzo - gebwp
  196. Piers Hellawell - gebwp
  197. Pieter Bordon - gebwp
  198. Pieter Joseph van den Bosch - gebwp
  199. Pieter Maessens - gebwp
  200. Pieter Rombouts - gebwp
  201. Piet Ketting - gebwp
  202. Piet Noordijk - gebwp (stub)
  203. Pietragrua - gebwp
  204. Pietr’Antonio Spalenza - gebwp
  205. Pietrequin Bonnel - gebwp
  206. Pietro Alberti - gebwp
  207. Pietro Aldobrandini - gebwp (important patron, little music)
  208. Pietro Alessandro Yon - gebwp
  209. Pietro Amadis - gebwp
  210. Pietro Amico Giacobetti - gebwp
  211. Pietro Andrea Bonini - gebwp
  212. Pietro Antonio Bianchi - gebwp
  213. Pietro Antonio Bianco - gebwp
  214. Pietro Antonio Filippo Morigi - gebwp
  215. Pietro Antonio Gallo - gebwp
  216. Pietro Antonio Tamburini - gebwp
  217. Pietro Auletta - gebwp (stub)
  218. Pietro Baldassari - gebwp
  219. Pietro Baratta - gebwp (sculptor, no music)
  220. Pietro Bonamico - gebwp
  221. Pietrobono de Burzellis - gebwp (also as Pietrobono del Chitarino; lots of recent scholarship)
  222. Pietro Cappi - gebwp
  223. Pietro Carlo Guglielmini - gebwp
  224. Pietro Casella - gebwp
  225. Pietro Cavatoni - gebwp
  226. Pietro Cecconcelli - gebwp
  227. Pietro Cesi - gebwp
  228. Pietro Comes - gebwp
  229. Pietro da Lodi - gebwp
  230. Pietro d’ Averara - gebwp
  231. Pietro Degli Antoni - gebwp
  232. Pietro degli Antonii - gebwp (same as above)
  233. Pietro de Mezzo - gebwp (also redir from Pietro DeMezzo)
  234. Pietro Eredia - gebwp
  235. Pietro Fux - gebwp
  236. Pietro Gianelli - gebwp
  237. Pietro Gianotti - gebwp
  238. Pietro Giovannini - gebwp
  239. Pietro Giuseppe Sandoni - gebwp
  240. Pietro Gomes - gebwp
  241. Pietro Gomez - gebwp
  242. Pietro Grassi Florio - gebwp
  243. Pietro Lappi - gebwp
  244. Pietro Lupato - gebwp
  245. Pietro Marcellino Orafi - gebwp
  246. Pietro Marchitelli - gebwp (stub 4/17)
  247. Pietro Maria Marsolo - gebwp
  248. Pietro Milioni - gebwp
  249. Pietro Millioni - gebwp
  250. Pietro Moggi - gebwp
  251. Pietro Molinari - gebwp
  252. Pietro Mongini - gebwp
  253. Pietro Morandi - gebwp
  254. Pietro Mozzi - gebwp
  255. Pietro Nacchini - gebwp
  256. Pietro Nachini - gebwp
  257. Pietro Nanchini - gebwp
  258. Pietro Oriola - gebwp
  259. Pietro Ottoboni - gebwp (pope, no music)
  260. Pietro Pace - gebwp (bishop, no music)
  261. Pietro Paci - gebwp
  262. Pietro Paolo Bencini - gebwp (stub 4/17)
  263. Pietro Paolo Benigni - gebwp
  264. Pietro Paolo Borrono - gebwp
  265. Pietro Paolo Cappellini - gebwp
  266. Pietro Paolo Laurenti - gebwp
  267. Pietro Paolo Meli - gebwp
  268. Pietro Paolo Melli - gebwp
  269. Pietro Paolo Mely - gebwp
  270. Pietro Paolo Paciotto - gebwp
  271. Pietro Paolo Quartieri - gebwp
  272. Pietro Paolo Ragazzoni - gebwp
  273. Pietro Paolo Torre - gebwp
  274. Pietro Pertici - gebwp
  275. Pietro Platania - gebwp (stub 4/17)
  276. Pietro Pompeo Sales - gebwp (stub 4/17)
  277. Pietro Pontio - gebwp (stub 4/17)
  278. Pietro Porfirii - gebwp
  279. Pietro Pulli - gebwp
  280. Pietro Reggio - gebwp (no music)
  281. Pietro Righini - gebwp (no music)
  282. Pietro Romani - gebwp
  283. Pietro Romulo Pignatta - gebwp
  284. Pietro Rossetti - gebwp
  285. Pietro Rosso - gebwp
  286. Pietro Rovelli - gebwp
  287. Pietro Sammartini - gebwp
  288. Pietro Sanmartini - gebwp
  289. Pietro Simone Agostini - gebwp
  290. Pietro Simone Augustini - gebwp
  291. Pietro Terziani - gebwp
  292. Pietro Tonolo - gebwp (needs work 4/17)
  293. Pietro Trinchera - gebwp
  294. Pietro Trossarello - gebwp
  295. Pietro Värdi - gebwp
  296. Pietro Vasoli - gebwp
  297. Pietro Verdi - gebwp
  298. Pietro Verdina - gebwp
  299. Pietro Vimercati - gebwp
  300. Pietro Vincenzo Chiocchetti - gebwp
  301. Pietro Vinci - gebwp
  302. Pietro von Abano - gebwp
  303. Piet Swerts - gebwp
  304. Pífano - gebwp - organ stop
  305. Piffet (Pifait, Pifay) - gebwp - French family of violinists
  306. Pigeon - gebwp = Puchon (soprano)
  307. Pigmalion - gebwp (opera by Rameau)
  308. Pigmy music - gebwp
  309. Pilcher - gebwp (family of organists)
  310. Pilgrimage - gebwp (long and fascinating Grove article on this)
  311. Pilsen - gebwp (should be Music of Plzeň)
  312. Pim Jacobs - gebwp (stub 4/17)
  313. Pinaire - gebwp (French late baroque composer)
  314. Pin block - gebwp
  315. Pincement - gebwp
  316. Pindar - gebwp
  317. Pinet - gebwp
  318. Pinkullu - gebwp
  319. Pinnosa - gebwp
  320. Pinn Peat - gebwp
  321. Pinocchio James - gebwp
  322. Pino Minafra - gebwp (stub 4/17)
  323. Pinto - gebwp (Sibilla)
  324. Pio Cianchettini - gebwp
  325. Pionne - gebwp
  326. Piotr Artomius - gebwp
  327. Piotr Baron - gebwp
  328. Piotr Krzesichleb - gebwp
  329. Piotr Maria Poźniak - gebwp
  330. Piotr Maszyński - gebwp
  331. Piotr Perkowski - gebwp (stub 4/17)
  332. Piotr Rodowicz - gebwp
  333. Piotr Rytel - gebwp
  334. Piotr Wojtasik - gebwp
  335. Pippo del Violoncello - gebwp
  336. Piquer - gebwp (bowing technique)
  337. Pirame et Thisbé - gebwp (stub 4/17)
  338. P'iri - gebwp (Korean reed pipe)
  339. Pirouette - gebwp (brass term)
  340. Pirro - gebwp (Paisiello opera)
  341. Music of Pisa - gebwp
  342. Pistoia - gebwp
  343. Piston - gebwp
  344. Pitch nomenclature - gebwp
  345. Music of Pittsburgh - gebwp
  346. Piva - gebwp
  347. Pivot - gebwp
  348. Pixérécourt Chansonnier - gebwp
  349. Pixis - gebwp - German family
  350. Pizza Express - gebwp (restaurant, no music - should be jazz group)
  351. Pjetër Gaci - gebwp
  352. P.J Tonger - gebwp
  353. Pla - gebwp (Spanish musical family)
  354. Placido Mandanici - gebwp (stub 4/17)
  355. Placidus von Camerloher - gebwp
  356. Placidus von Cammerlocher - gebwp
  357. Plagal mode - gebwp (stub as of 6/07)
  358. Plagiarism - gebwp
  359. Plain-chant musical - gebwp
  360. Plainsong and Mediaeval Music Society - gebwp
  361. Plaint - gebwp
  362. Plainte - gebwp
  363. Plamen Dzhurov - gebwp
  364. Plastische Form - gebwp (analysis term)
  365. Platagē - gebwp
  366. P. Latanzio - gebwp
  367. Plato - gebwp
  368. Plato Karayanis - gebwp
  369. Player organ - gebwp
  370. Playford - gebwp (family, still need one)
  371. Play of Magi - gebwp (Officium Stelle)
  372. Plaza Music Company - gebwp
  373. Plein jeu - gebwp
  374. Plenary mass - gebwp
  375. Pleno - gebwp
  376. Plessis - gebwp
  377. Pleven - gebwp
  378. Pleyel - gebwp (French family, several musicians)
  379. Plica - gebwp (lizard, no music)
  380. Music of Plovdiv - gebwp
  381. Plucked drum - gebwp
  382. Plunket Greene - gebwp
  383. Pluriarc - gebwp
  384. Plutarch of Chaeronea - gebwp (no music)
  385. Music of Plzeň - gebwp
  386. P Narantsogt - gebwp
  387. Pneuma - gebwp
  388. Pochettino - gebwp (small poco, redirects to a footballer, maybe add dab to glossary of musical terminology?)
  389. Pohjan neiti - gebwp (stub 4/17)
  390. Poïkilorgue - gebwp
  391. Point - gebwp (English term for a musical theme, and composer Poynt)
  392. Pointer - gebwp (ornamentation term)
  393. Music of Poitiers - gebwp
  394. Pokorny - gebwp (omnibus article about a bunch of dudes with this name)
  395. Pol - gebwp (=Policki below)
  396. Polewheel - gebwp
  397. Policki - gebwp (Polish composer)
  398. Poliphant - gebwp (instrument)
  399. Polish Jazz Society - gebwp
  400. Politeama - gebwp
  401. Pollard - gebwp (Australian impresarios)
  402. Pollet - gebwp (French family)
  403. Polo - gebwp
  404. Polo Barnes - gebwp (stub 4/17)
  405. Polskie Stowarzyszenie Jazzowe - gebwp
  406. Polymnestus of Colophon - gebwp
  407. Polyna Stoska - gebwp
  408. Polyplectron - gebwp (bird, no music - should be piano)
  409. Pompeo Cannicciari - gebwp (stub 4/17)
  410. Pompeo magno - gebwp
  411. Pompeo Natali - gebwp
  412. Pompeo Signorucci - gebwp
  413. Pompeo Stabile - gebwp
  414. Pompeyo Camps - gebwp
  415. Pompilio Pisanelli - gebwp
  416. Pompilio Venturi - gebwp
  417. Music of Ponape - gebwp
  418. Pongrác Kacsoh - gebwp
  419. Pongrác Kacsóh - gebwp
  420. Ponta - gebwp (nickname of Shuichi Murakami)
  421. Popular Concerts - gebwp (London concert series)
  422. Porphyry - gebwp (almost no music)
  423. Port - gebwp (Scottish harp prelude)
  424. Music of Port-au-Prince - gebwp
  425. Porteña Jazz Band - gebwp
  426. Porter la voce - gebwp
  427. Porte vente - gebwp
  428. Port Jackson Jazz Band - gebwp
  429. Music of Portland - gebwp (redir, Grove article is on opera in Portland, OR)
  430. Music of Porto - gebwp
  431. Portunal - gebwp
  432. Posse - gebwp (type of musical farce)
  433. Postage stamps - gebwp (crazily long Grove article on musicians paid tribute on stamps)
  434. Postal Coachmen at the Relay Station - gebwp
  435. Postlude - gebwp (wiktionary)
  436. post-structuralism - gebwp (in music)
  437. Post trumpet - gebwp (type of post horn)
  438. Potenzierung - gebwp
  439. Po Torch - gebwp (label, redir to one of the founders)
  440. Potter - gebwp (English family of instrument makers)
  441. Poul Christian Schindler - gebwp (substub 4/17)
  442. Poul Elming - gebwp (stub 4/17)
  443. Poul-Gerhard Andersen - gebwp
  444. Poul Rovsing Olsen - gebwp
  445. Poul Schierbeck - gebwp (stub 4/17)
  446. Pousser - gebwp
  447. Povest’ o nastoyashchem cheloveke - gebwp
  448. Povl Christian Schindler - gebwp
  449. Povl Hamburger - gebwp (stub 4/17)
  450. Power Bros - gebwp
  451. Poynt - gebwp
  452. Music of Poznań - gebwp
  453. Pozsony - gebwp (Music of Bratislava)
  454. Prades Festival - gebwp (redir)
  455. Praeambulum - gebwp
  456. Praeconium paschale - gebwp
  457. Praelegenda - gebwp
  458. Praelisauer - gebwp
  459. Praepunctus - gebwp
  460. Praestant - gebwp
  461. Music of Prague - gebwp needs redirect from Music of Praha as well
  462. Prallender Doppelschlag - gebwp
  463. Pralltriller - gebwp
  464. Prasit Thawon - gebwp
  465. Pratinas of Phlius - gebwp
  466. Pratolino - gebwp (no mention of opera)
  467. pre- and proto-historic Europe - gebwp (maybe Music of ancient Europe?)
  468. Pre-Classical - gebwp
  469. Preconium paschale - gebwp
  470. Predieri - gebwp (large family of Bolognan musicians)
  471. Predrag Milošević - gebwp - needs work 4/17
  472. Preface (liturgy) - gebwp (stub as of 6/07)
  473. Prefatory staff - gebwp
  474. Preghiera - gebwp
  475. Prelisauer - gebwp
  476. Prellmechanik - gebwp
  477. Prélude non mesuré - gebwp
  478. Premessa - gebwp (=Argomento)
  479. Premier Percussion - gebwp (stub 4/17)
  480. Premium - gebwp (Prooimion)
  481. Prem Lata Sharma - gebwp (stub 4/17)
  482. Premonstratensian canons - gebwp
  483. Prenkë Jakova - gebwp
  484. Prepositus Brixiensis - gebwp (stub 4/17)
  485. Presa - gebwp
  486. Presser - gebwp (American publishers)
  487. Pressus - gebwp
  488. Prestant - gebwp
  489. Preston & Son - gebwp
  490. Music of Pretoria - gebwp
  491. Preumayr - gebwp
  492. Prick-song - gebwp
  493. Prière - gebwp
  494. Příhody Lišky Bystroušky - gebwp
  495. Prima Donna - gebwp - opera by Arthur Benjamin
  496. Prima Materia - gebwp (Rashied Ali group)
  497. Primo Casale - gebwp (stub 4/17)
  498. Primo musico - gebwp
  499. Primous Fountain - gebwp
  500. Primous Fountain, III - gebwp
  501. Primrose (composer) - gebwp
  502. Primus Trubar - gebwp (little music)
  503. Prince Hoare (younger) - gebwp - stub 4/17
  504. Prince Nikolay Borisovich Yusupov - gebwp (no music)
  505. Prince of Prussia Louis Ferdinand - gebwp
  506. Prince of Saxony Anton - gebwp (more needed on music)
  507. Prince Pavel Ivanovich Dolgorukov - gebwp (no music)
  508. Prince Robinson - gebwp (stub 4/17)
  509. Princess of Saxony Amalie - gebwp
  510. Prince Yury Nikolayevich Golitsïn - gebwp
  511. Principal - gebwp
  512. Principale - gebwp
  513. Prinzipal - gebwp
  514. Prior imitation - gebwp
  515. Private Collections - gebwp
  516. Pröbstl - gebwp
  517. Processus - gebwp (same as Ambitus)
  518. Production book - gebwp
  519. Proemium - gebwp
  520. Profiat Duran - gebwp (no music)
  521. Prohemium - gebwp
  522. Prologo - gebwp
  523. Prometheus - gebwp - oratioro by Rudolf Wagner-Régeny
  524. Pro-Musica - gebwp
  525. Pronomus - gebwp
  526. Prooimion - gebwp
  527. Proper chants - gebwp
  528. Proper of the Saints - gebwp
  529. Proper of the Time - gebwp
  530. Prophecies - gebwp
  531. Prophetia - gebwp
  532. Proportional notation - gebwp
  533. Proportz - gebwp
  534. Proposta - gebwp
  535. Proprietas - gebwp
  536. Prosa - gebwp -- also Prose, medieval liturgical text