Wikipedia:GLAM/NHMandSM/3rd Month Report

Due to time off and attending a workshop, time in the museum working at the residency was reduced to 2 weeks.

Projects delivered within the past month

  1. A presentation to a United Nations International Seabed Authority workshop on Wikipedia, open licensing images and my work at the museums. The workshop was attended by 23 people made up of taxonomists, government contractors and an ISA representative.
Chart showing breakdown of participants of Imperial College Wikipedia presentation
  1. A presentation of Wikimedia projects at Imperial College with two Imperial lecturers and one student given to a mix of 31 university students and staff.
  2. A joint presentation to Science Museum Medical team with Lane Rasberry, the Wikipedian in Residence with Consumer Reports using Skype.
  1. As far as I am aware this is the first time Wikimedia projects have been presented to a representative of the United Nations.
  2. Making people aware of the work of Wikimedia and the benefits of releasing content under an open license.
  3. Giving people the tools and knowledge to be able to contribute to Wikimedia projects through training and presentations.

Projects in development

  1. Reports on the value of open licensing of images for the Natural History Museum and Science Museum, working with people from different departments.
  2. Releasing 50 images from the Science Museum collection under an open license, currently in the process of surveying the Wikimedia community to guage which would be most useful and impactful.
  3. Continuing to develop a multilingual museum guide using Wikipedia.
  4. Working with the Natural History Museum video team to release videos under an open license.

Planned projects

  1. Working with researchers in the Natural History Museum to set up a citizen science transcription project for scans of specimens.
  2. Working with the Natural History Museum video team to create educational content to be released under a Wikimedia compatible open license.
  3. Presentation to be used in conjunction with the value of open licensing report