Wikipedia:Encyclopaedia Biblica topics/mismatched

This is a temporary space for listing articles that are bluelinked but don't match up with the corresponding enc.bib. article. Links listed here should be adjusted as appropriate, then moved to Wikipedia:Encyclopaedia Biblica topics/linkcorrected.


  1. Bago (enc. bib.)
  1. Cap (enc. bib.)
  2. City of Destruction (enc. bib.)
  1. Dabda (enc. bib.)
  2. Daisan (enc. bib.)
  3. Day Star (enc. bib.)
  4. Debora (enc. bib.)
  5. Dekar (enc. bib.)
  6. Dimon (enc. bib.)
  7. Dodai (enc. bib.)
  8. Dragon well (enc. bib.)
  1. The Destroyer (enc. bib.)

