Wikipedia:Bots/Requests for approval/BHGbot 7/BHGbot-7-AWB-module

public string ProcessArticle(string ArticleText, string ArticleTitle, int wikiNamespace, out string Summary, out bool Skip)
    Skip = false;
    Summary = "";
    string myRedirectTarget = "";

	// Skip if title doesn't contain the whole word "Organi[sz]ation(s)"
	Match titleCheck = Regex.Match(ArticleTitle, @"^(.*?\b[oO]rgani)([sz])(ations?\b.*)$");
	if (!titleCheck.Success) {
		Skip = true;
		return ArticleText;
	// First see if this page is OrganiSations (i.e. spelt with a "S")
	titleCheck = Regex.Match(ArticleTitle, @"^(.*?\b[oO]rgani)s(ations?\b.*)$");
	if (titleCheck.Success) {
		// create the new title by relacing S with Z
		myRedirectTarget = Regex.Replace(ArticleTitle, @"^(.*?\b[oO]rgani)s(ations?\b.*)$", "$1z$2");
		if (myRedirectTarget == ArticleTitle) {
			// Something went wrong.  The redirect target is the same as the page title.
			// We don't want a self-redirect, so skip this page
			Skip = true;
			return ArticleText;
		Summary = makeEditSummary(myRedirectTarget);
		return makeRedirectMarkup(myRedirectTarget);

	// Now  see if this page is OrganiZations (i.e. spelt with an "Z")
	titleCheck = Regex.Match(ArticleTitle, @"^(.*?\b[oO]rgani)z(ations?\b.*)$");
	if (titleCheck.Success) {
		// create the new title by relacing Z with S
		myRedirectTarget = Regex.Replace(ArticleTitle, @"^(.*?\b[oO]rgani)z(ations?\b.*)$", "$1s$2");
		if (myRedirectTarget == ArticleTitle) {
			// Something went wrong.  The redirect target is the same as the page title.
			// We don't want a self-redirect, so skip this page
			Skip = true;
			return ArticleText;
		Summary = makeEditSummary(myRedirectTarget);
		return makeRedirectMarkup(myRedirectTarget);

   // If we get here, something weird has happened, so skip this page
    Skip = true;
    return ArticleText;

public string makeRedirectMarkup(string s)
	return "{{Category redirect|" + s + "|bot=BHGbot}}";

public string makeEditSummary(string s)
	return "[[WP:BHGbot 7]]: create soft category redirect to [[:" + s + "]] ... to resolve the s/z [[WP:ENGVAR]] variation in the spelling of "organisation"/"organization""; 