Wikipedia:Bay Area WikiSalon September 2018

Bay Area WikiSalon series
Bay Area WikiSalon
September 2018
Wikimedia community logo
Vital info
dateWednesday, September 26, 2018
time6 to 8:30 p.m.
venueWikimedia Foundation's Chip Deubner Lounge: 120 Kearny Street., STE 1600, San Francisco, California 94108
directions & parkingGoogle Map view near Montgomery BART/Muni station (Post St. Exit), bike parking on the street, limited auto parking
registerRSVP here
More info!
sponsorWMF Rapid Grant
contact organizers
Connect online
edit summary hashtag#bawikisalon
IRC channel#bayarea-wikisalon

Mark your calendars! The September 2018 Bay Area WikiSalon will take place on Wednesday the 26th (1800 hours / 6:00 p.m.) at the Wikimedia Foundation's Headquarters. The focus topic will be Did you know ...?.


(note: you are very welcome to silently edit on your own during any announcements, talks, or the presentation, and loudly edit before or after them!)
  • Doors open: 6:00 p.m.
  • Meet, greet, mingle and munch: 6:00–6:20 p.m. (okay to munch and edit throughout the event!)
  • General announcements: 6:20–6:25 p.m.
  • Announcements from the floor: 6:25–6:30 p.m.
  • 3-minute lightning talks: 6:30–6:36 p.m. (please advise the facilitators if you wish to do one)
  • Brief presentation – Wikipedia:Did you know ... ?: 6:36–6:51/7:06 p.m. (including Q&A)
After that, we will have time to edit Wikipedia/Wikimedia together or by ourselves. If you want some help with issues you are facing, this is an excellent opportunity to get some help from other editors! Otherwise, it is also a nice opportunity to meet some fellow Wikimedians. Maybe somebody will nominate an article for Did you know ... ?
  • Break-out into small groups: 6:51/7:06 p.m. to close
  • More mingle and munch: 6:51/7:06 p.m. to close
  • Adjourn: 8:30/9:00 p.m.
  • Cleanup: We can always use help with recycling/composting/trashing the leftovers and putting up the dirty dishes/stools/etc.

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FIX: ICS file: Need updated link

See also
