VoluMill is Computer Aided Manufacturing software developed by Celeritive Technologies that produces a toolpath designed for High Speed Machining applications. These applications include all 2-axis and 3-axis rough milling tasks, from simple prismatic parts to complex freeform molds. VoluMill is offered as a standalone version called VoluMill Universal, which is designed to work with any CAM system, and also as integrated versions that run inside hyperMILL, GibbsCAM,[1] BobCAD-CAM, SigmaNEST, Mastercam, and NX (Unigraphics), RTM (Lemoine Technologies)
VoluMill was created to address the four problem areas of traditional toolpaths:[2]
- The initial full cut into the material
- Stepping over between cuts
- Feeding into new areas of the part
- Overloading in corners