

Hello and welcome to Wikipedia! I noticed that you added Max Park's most recent 5x5 average WR to the Speedcubing-article. Thank you for that. But please, next time, wait until the records are on the WCA-homepage. On Wikipedia all information must be verified by sources, and pages like cubecomps and speedsolving.com do not count as reliable sources (someone could be mistaken, sometimes people forget a digit when entering into cubecomps, a potential record might be discussed for rule violations like touching a camera ... and so on...). So the WCA-homepage is the ultimate factor in what is and what isn't a record. Just be a bit patient. Thank you and happy editing, Judith Sunrise (talk) 08:04, 21 June 2018 (UTC)Reply



I'm sorry I was unaware of this I only added the record because Max park had posted the video of the average and I thought that was enough proof XXxSteelVenomxXx (talk) 10:28, 21 June 2018 (UTC)Reply

No problem. You also have to keep in mind that sources don't not only need to exist, but also be referenced in the article. It looks something like this: [1] (also look at the footnote below). So if you want to add information where a youtube video is the source, add a reference after the sentence.[2] (with the link to the exact video of course). Judith Sunrise (talk) 13:17, 22 June 2018 (UTC)Reply