Harry Potter


The problem is that it is original research. There is no evidence that this connection exists, except for the literary similarities. When it comes to literary influences, I prefer cited material rather than speculation (see Harry Potter influences and analogues), since it is a touchy subject at the best of times and likely to get people riled up. The number of people using Wikipedia as a sounding board to proclaim to the world that "JK Rowling ripped off [insert name of favourite author here] and I HAVE PROOF!" would fill a phone book. Serendipodous 07:26, 31 March 2008 (UTC)Reply

It still would be speculation. If you could find another source making that comparison, then maybe it could be included. But looking for one would be a lot of research for a fairly minor issue. Serendipodous 13:35, 2 April 2008 (UTC)Reply