

This is actually an unblock request for my friend Phoenixpinion who was blocked indefinitely by Cyde for 'claiming I am dead'. If you think he should be punished, then so be it, however an idefinite block is completely unwarranted. He is a regular dedicated contributor to wikipedia. And you (Cyde) did not even leave a note on his talk page after blocking him indefinitely. -- Me

Declined : They've made more edits to this and another users user/talk pages than articles, I also see some nonsense articles and realistically for the time they have been here very few edits. Regardless if the user wants to be unblocked they can request it themself. -- Pgk

What you say is true, but a permanent ban on his account/IP is still a bit harsh. He has also made (probably just as many) contribuations as an anonymous ip, (pre 2005). --The Raven is God 16:33, 15 August 2006 (UTC)Reply

This issue is now resolved. --The Raven is God 02:41, 18 August 2006 (UTC)Reply

Other Stuff


If something needs to be said, say it here.

Very well, and so I shall. -- PhoenixPinion




Lots of vandals...

Don't you not want to be no vandal?

What is it you want?

To be a not necessarily, non-negative, nowhere differentiable, nowhere Lebesgue integrable, non-set function vandal.



There is a discussion involving you at this page. JohnnyBGood t c VIVA! 00:37, 18 August 2006 (UTC)Reply

Thanks for letting me know, I'll add my comments. --The Raven is God 01:00, 18 August 2006 (UTC)Reply