General edits


This is my first time editing Wikipedia. Here is a summary of what I did: 1. John A. Lejeune did not take command of the 2nd Division until after Belleau Wood; Omar Bundy commanded the division here. 2. AEF stands for American Expeditionary Forces, not "Force." (A common error.) 3. USMC casualties on June 6 were exceeded by the 1100 casualties suffered on Oct 4, 1918 at Blanc Mont Ridge (Allan Millet, Semper Fidelis: The History of the United States Marine Corps, p. 314) 4. The 2d Division's 3rd Brigade did not fight in Belleau Wood, but attacked Vaux (about 4km southeast). 5. Neither the 2d nor 3d Division fought at Cantigny; I corrected to say "US" victories.