User talk:Randfan/Archive/Archive 02

Latest comment: 17 years ago by Why1991 in topic Vandalism
You have new messages (last change)..
This user supports the fight against breast cancer.
This user does not appreciate tobacco smoke.

User:Tachikoma/Userboxes/Stuffed animals

Welcome to this archive page!

An interesting article


this really cool (its about real life "invisibilty cloaks")

Randfan 21:20, 24 October 2006 (UTC)Reply

heres another: [[1]] Randfan 22:15, 25 October 2006 (UTC)Reply
aother: [[2]]

Chicken Egg


Which do you think cae first the chicken or the egg? Why?





I'm pro-egg because the genetic material doesn'tchange from egg to its older form. Therefore the first chicken as we know it would have come from an egg (some pre-chicken bird layed the egg with a mutation in it that later turned into the our chicken). Randfan 00:32, 19 October 2006 (UTC)Reply

mole day


cool and fav. article: Mole Day

Worms(from the Coffee Lounge)

Justice Worm knows what I did.
Thanks Worm thinks this is funny, too
I'm addicted to this worm!

Pointless stuff, as of now...


Audemus jura nostra defendere || (Latin, "We dare to defend our rights") North to the future || Ditat Deus || (Latin, "God enriches") Regnat populus || (Latin, "The people rule") Eureka || (Greek, "I have found it") Nil sine numine || (Latin, "Nothing without Providence" or "Nothing without the Deity") Qui transtulit sustinet || (Latin, "He who transplanted sustains") Liberty and independence || In God we trust || Wisdom, justice, and moderation ||

Ua Mau ke Ea o ka Aina i ka Pono || (Hawaiian, "The life of the land is perpetuated in righteousness")
Esto perpetua || (Latin, "Let it be perpetual")
State sovereignty, national union ||
The crossroads of America ||

Our liberties we prize and our rights we will maintain Ad astra per aspera || (Latin, "To the stars through difficulties") |- || English: United we stand, divided we fall
Latin: Deo gratiam habeamus ||
(Latin, "Let us give thanks to God"; adopted in 2002) Union, justice, and confidence ||

Dirigo || (Latin, "I direct")

Fatti maschi, parole femmine (Italian, "Manly deeds, womanly words") Ense petit placidam sub libertate quietem (Latin, "By the sword we seek peace, but peace only under liberty") Si quaeris peninsulam amoenam circumspice / Tuebor|| (Latin, "If you seek a pleasant peninsula, look around you") / (Latin, "I will be defended") L'étoile du Nord (Official state motto) / Quae sursum volo videre (Territorial motto never repealed)|| (French, "The star of the North") / (Latin, "I long to see what is beyond") Virtute et armis || (Latin, "By valor and arms") Salus populi suprema lex esto || (Latin, "Let the good of the people be the supreme law") Oro y plata || (Spanish, "Gold and silver") Equality before the law ||

All for our country ||
Live free or die ||
Liberty and prosperity 

Crescit eundo || (Latin, "It grows as it goes") Excelsior! || (Latin, "Ever Upward!") |- | North Carolina || Esse quam videri || (Latin, "To be rather than to seem") |- | North Dakota || Liberty and union, now and forever, one and inseparable / Strength from the soil || Daniel Webster quote used on the Great Seal / motto used on the Coat of Arms |- || Labor vincit omnia || (Latin, "Labor conquers all things") |- || The Union, and Alis volat propriis || (Latin, "She flies with her own wings")

Virtue, liberty, and independence ||
Hope  Dum spiro spero || (Latin, "While I breathe, I hope")

Under God the people rule ||Agriculture and commerce Friendship Industry Freedom and Unity Sic semper tyrannis || (Latin, "Thus always to tyrants") || Al-ki (Chinook Jargon, "By and by" || Montani semper liberi || (Latin, "Mountaineers are always free") || Equal rights ||

Jurisdiction !! Motto !! Translation (If applicable) American Samoa || Samoa, Muamua Le Atua  (Samoan, "Samoa, Let God be First")
District of Columbia Justitia Omnibus (Latin, "Justice for all")

Joannes Est Nomen Eius (Latin, "John is his name") Where America's Day Begins

Randfan 19:49, 20 October 2006 (UTC)

Am I dead?



borrowed from: Llama man (but its still true!)

Randfan 19:49, 20 October 2006 (UTC)



Hooray for the following reasons:

found at my friend: Llama man's page

Randfan 19:49, 20 October 2006 (UTC)




Kraken make great pets.


A man sitting on a park bench, and his dog.

found at User:Husond\this page

Some random short story I didn't make up


Wikipedia is the place where you are an evil oatmeal cookie plotting to take over the world, and, ultimately, the universe! Of course, I, the Great Llama, defend the world with the help of my llama friends. I will defeat the evil oatmeal cookies with mustard of doom in their chocolate chips! Eventually.

Randfan 19:49, 20 October 2006 (UTC)




Randfan 19:49, 20 October 2006 (UTC)

more moods


these are my moods at any given (random) time.


[purge] [edit]
Randfan 19:49, 20 October 2006 (UTC)


# Meaning/Link
-10 Explosive
-09 Violent
-08 Enraged
-07 Hostile
-06 Ornery
-05 Frustrated
-04 Distressed
-03 Upset
-02 Depressed
-01 Withdrawn
00 Neutral
+01 Calm
+02 Receptive
+03 Content
+04 Happy
+05 Cheerful
+06 Enthusiastic
+07 Zealous
+08 Crazy
+09 Wild
+10 Runaway

I found this to help show all the wikimoods. — Randfan ( Talk ) 14:36, 29 January 2006 (UTC)Reply

Random thoughts

  • Isn't it rather rude not to care whether or not Jimmy cracks corn?
  • If someone had a cat named Llama, would they have a llama named Cat?
  • Am I the walrus?
  • In Santa Claus Conquers the Martians, Santa Claus doesn't really conquer the martians.
  • Never forget Chicken Man!
  • When do fish go to bed? Can they drown? (I didn't make this one up)

found at: Llama man

Randfan 19:49, 20 October 2006 (UTC)

How to design the box


There are a number of box types to select from when deciding to make a userbox. The most commonly used design is the "Standard box". It has one square shaped area on the left ("id") and a rectangular area on the right ("info").

For ease of use, userboxes are made using maker-templates that have a number of parameters. Once the maker-template is saved, it is automatically transformed to HTML.

Template Parameters Meaning Value type
border-c The border colour of the userbox CSS colour value (#hex or colour name)
border-s The border size of the userbox Width in pixels
id-c The background colour of the id box CSS colour value
id-s The font size of the id box Size in PostScript points
id-fc The font colour of the id box text CSS colour value
info-c The background colour of info box CSS colour value
info-s The font size of info box Size in PostScript points
info-fc The font colour of info box CSS colour value
id This is the content of the id box Text
info This is the content of info box Text

Randfan 19:49, 20 October 2006 (UTC)

Potato user box!

  This user would never harm a potato.



By the way, vandalism creates spiritual turbulence, resulting in misfortune from: .

or else you may fancy this at Esperanza coffee lounge. I'll pay that for you! Thank you most graciously!!!

Randfan 19:49, 24 October 2006 (UTC)Reply

archive of user boxes

This talk page is automatically archived by Werdnabot. Any sections older than 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 days are automatically archived to User: Randfan/Archive/User box archive 1. Sections without timestamps are not archived.



This page has been vandalized 0 times since I installed this. If you feel the need to vandalize something on my page, please do it here...and for testing you may use my Sandbox or the regular Wikipedia Sandbox.


I got this picture from here [[3]]:


Flee, vandals!!!!

Hello, vandals (again)

File:Five different rubber ducks.jpg

If you must vandalize, please follow this link, and whatever you write will show up in the box below.

Hello! Use this box to vandalize and as long as its in here, but not this writing, (and within reason) I will not count it as vandalization. Remember, it is my box so even if it follows all the above "rules" I may still call it vandalization. Randfan 20:24, 20 Oct. A.D. 2006t (U.T.C.)

  • you will be dead soon dude. gimme the answers now. Alexhaavisto 17:43, 19 October A.D. 2006t (UTC)

Alex you should have put this in the box... I had to move it.Randfan 20:30, 20 Oct. A.D. 2006t (U.T.C.)



Great userpage!

Thanks! Randfan 14:56, 22 Oct. A.D. 2006t (U.T.C.)


Is it popular, now? :) —¡Randfan! 21:18, 28 November 2006 (UTC)Reply

Maybe if you had a page for Ostrogothism it would. ;-) | AndonicO Talk | Sign Here 18:55, 29 November 2006 (UTC)Reply

ummmm, no. I must say that this is a great idea! You're attempting to lead vandals to one central vandalism box so that they won't vandalize articles!--Ed ¿Cómo estás? 23:49, 4 December 2006 (UTC)Reply

PENIS vamdalizm rox dude, whos gay now dude dont i sound like some annoying ip? GAYDUDEROCKONCUNTVANDALIZMROXGOWIKI!!!!! $PЯINGrαgђ  Always loyal! 23:40, 6 December 2006 (UTC)Reply