Well, here it is (somewhat)


@Pdebee: Heyyyy, Patrick.

I'm finally well enough to do some work on this project. I got landed with the flu, so...(shrugs) (coughs)

But, my personal life aside (shoves large sign saying "MY PERSONAL LIFE" off-screen):

I've managed to look over about half of this article, and already I have some questions regarding some of the errors (because, unfortunately, I was unable to access the pdf you sent me, a file which would otherwise have been useful).

So, the places marked in bold are ones I HAVE corrected, but am unsure about whether or not they are correct. The underlined portions are ones which I couldn't make head-or-tail out of, despite my best efforts. I would appreciate it if you'd have another look at them (maybe when I finally looked over the entire article).

Also, I was thinking of adding an English translation next to the French names of the albums, (for example: "the album Un Vie Sans Lune (A Life Without Moonlight)"). Should this be done?

Thank you!

Respectfully (well, more like ill-fully) Yours

Maybelle. PigeonOfTheNight (talk) 01:34, 14 January 2016 (UTC)Reply

@PigeonOfTheNight: Hi, Maybelle;  
I am sorry to hear you're unwell. Take it easy and don't overdo things; your health is the most important consideration.
It's 1:45am here and I was just about to close my Wikishop when your message arrived. Well done, and I'll take a look at the current version tomorrow, as I must go to bed now.
Just one thing, though: I am able to click on Kornazov's original French biography (PDF) at his official website and view it directly, without having to do anything else. Please try once again to click on the PDF link I've added in the previous sentence, and then please send me an

update on your success in viewing that, or otherwise.

As for providing English translations of French titles: it's a good idea but a nice to have. I did some of that in the bibliography of Andre Breton but it can be tricky, especially when titles are poetic or made out of idiomatic expressions. In any case, feel free to have a go if you have the inclination, and we'll see what comes out.
Must go, but more tomorrow, OK? Meantime: look after yourself ...  
With kind regards;
Patrick. ツ Pdebee.(talk)(guestbook) 02:03, 14 January 2016 (UTC)Reply
@Pdebee: Hiya, Patrick!
Thank you for the kind words. Luckily, there's only a lingering cough left, so nothing too serious  . I kinda feel obligated to continue working on Wikipedia, since a Wiki-friend (is that even an official term?) of mine got reported to the administrators for using Wikipedia as a "social-networking site" (evidence consisting of having two or three friends and of doing little actual work on Wikipedia), and now I'm a little paranoid that the same will happen to me unless I get some work done XD. So here I am.
Nope. Still can't access the pdf. Damn.
Well, I suppose I'll try to add the translations, and then we'll have fun seeing what kind of garbage I came up with XD.
Dear me, I seem to be in a rather jovial mood today...
Respectfully Yours,
Maybelle. (a.k.a the sick and tired PigeonOfTheNight (talk) 20:00, 14 January 2016 (UTC))Reply
@PigeonOfTheNight: Hello again, Maybelle;  
I am pleased to know that you're on the mend. And yes, WikiFriend is a term I've come across here; in userboxes, for example, where it's linked to the article on Wikilove.
It's really bizarre that you can't access this PDF; I can't begin to fathom why that might be. Please let me ask you this: can you get to his website independently of Wikipedia, i.e. directly from Google or Firefox, for example? Once you've been able to access his website, all you'd need to do is click on his biography and that's where the PDF is located. Here is a step-by-step description of how I am able to view this PDF:
  1. Go to http://www.kornazov.com [don't try from within Wikipedia, but directly from your browser]
  2. Once you're in, select the French text option, by clicking on the French flag
  3. Click on 'BIOGRAPHIE', which is at the top of the menu of choices, on the left
  4. Scroll down to the very bottom of that biography page and locate the last line: "Biographie, en savoir plus ..."
  5. Click on "en savoir plus ...", which is shown in yellow and is clickable; this will open the PDF for you, containing his detailed biography (4 pages). Good luck!  
I am going to be around, on and off, for a couple of hours doing merges; so, feel free to touch base if you wish.
With kind regards for now;
Patrick. ツ Pdebee.(talk)(guestbook) 20:54, 14 January 2016 (UTC)Reply
@Pdebee: (sings) HELLOOOO, it's a beautiful MOOORNING...or evening, actually. But what does it matter to a person who's insane? As I am.
So, about that pdf...I tried accessing it through Kornazov's official website, and everything worked fine up to the point where I pressed on en savoir plus..., when it refused to work. So, either my computer is allergic to pdfs, OR my firewall/idiotic computer won't let me access pdfs FOR SOME WEIRD REASON UNKNOWN TO MANKIND. One of the two. Drat.
(And now for something completely different!) Unfortunately, I get headaches whenever I edit the Kornazov article for long periods of time, so I'll be flipping between editing this article and editing other random pages requiring copy-editing. So, if I don't happen to edit this page for a period of time/space, don't start assuming that I vanished into outer space with no companion other than a hedgehog  .
Off to edit an article!! (runs off)
Frivolously Yours,
Maybelle. PigeonOfTheNight (talk) 03:55, 16 January 2016 (UTC)Reply

@PigeonOfTheNight: Dear Maybelle;  
Thank you for your message above, which I enjoyed reading because you often (almost always) make me smile.  
I was sorry to learn that you couldn't access the PDF. However, since its page was not protected against cut'n paste, I was able to copy its contents into my sandbox4 for you to consult during your wikification. I have applied minimal formatting, simply adding paragraph spacing to make it look like it appears in the original PDF. I have not applied any other changes, except to add three bullets to the list of projects in 2013 to make that section easier to read. However, please feel free to remove these if you decide to completely re-model that text.
In any case, I am hopeful that enabling you to have access to the original French text will cure your headaches...  
When you return to this little project, I hope that you will enjoy bringing it to a successful completion; please don't hesitate to ping me if you get stuck and I'll do my best to assist you if I can. Good luck, Maybelle.  
With kind regards for now;
Patrick. ツ Pdebee.(talk)(guestbook) 11:14, 17 January 2016 (UTC)Reply

@Pdebee: Hello, Patrick!
Thanks for providing me with access to the material hidden within the pdf. Man, the Wikipedia article is so similar to the pdf...I have a lot of rewriting to do in order to comply with copy-right policies...
But onward! I must cease with the lamenting and desist with the morbid attitude! I WILL FIX THIS ARTICLE, OR DIE IN THE ATTEMPT!!! (runs off brandishing a laptop like a crazy person)
Respectfully Yours
Maybelle. PigeonOfTheNight (talk) 21:42, 17 January 2016 (UTC)Reply
@PigeonOfTheNight: Dear Maybelle;  
You're most welcome. I think you've got everything to be successful with this now, including the suggestions I'd initially put together for you, here. Take your time, and, as ever, please do enjoy this meaningful task of wikification.
I will leave you to it, hoping most fervently that you won't die in the attempt...  
With kind regards;
Patrick. ツ Pdebee.(talk)(guestbook) 21:50, 17 January 2016 (UTC)Reply

Small problem...which will change things...a lot.


@Pdebee: (shouts to the heavens) CONFOUND IT!!!! (throws self against wall, several times.)

(pants slightly)

(calms down (with difficulty))

(notices you giving me a confused look) Drat. I suppose I better start explaining...*takes deep breath*

The cruel humor of Fate (i.e. exams), combined with my temporary decrease of interest in this little project, combined with the need for me to catch up on some Wikiprojects/the Typo Team/the Guild, combined with the fact that I'm working on writing a few stories/books, and all nicely doused with my current battle with attempting to learn how to cook, are currently weighing like bricks on me. In other words, I am tremendously, horribly, confoundedly, brain-numbingly busy.

Due to this busy-ness of which I speak, I will be, unfortunately and sorrowfully, forced to delay work on improving the Kornazov article.. TO SUMMARIZE: Due to piles of Horribly Boring Real-Life Work I have to do, it will be quite a while before I continue working on this article.

(Crowd boos, and a few rotten tomatoes are sent my way) I know, I know! And I'm extremely sorry, as well as upset! But I'm afraid it's unavoida--(suddenly, a tomato hits me in the face) OW! Okay, who threw that?!?!


Whoever did it better own up, because I am getting very impatient--(suddenly, a huge number of rotten tomatoes come in from all sides, burying me)

(muffled) Ouch.

Busily Yours,

The Very Ashamed-Of-Self Maybelle. PigeonOfTheNight (talk) 04:40, 31 January 2016 (UTC)Reply

@PigeonOfTheNight: Dear Maybelle;  
Thank you very much for taking the time and trouble of composing your very amusing message above (so full of dynamic fun  ), given all the other demands on your time. It's always nice to hear from you, and I hope you are keeping well. Please don't worry at all about having to take a Wikibreak: we all have to give top priority to important aspects of our lives and it would be simply irresponsible not to. Even retired people like myself, with seemingly "all the freedom and time in the world" have other solicitations away from the lovely Wiki. In my case: playing my instruments, learning new pieces, notating scores using Sibelius, reading, writing (mainly poetry and asimovian science fiction), walking on the beach, helping in the kitchen (making salads or soup), washing up (= "doing the dishes"), learning Portuguese or studying the differences between European and Canadian French, etc. etc. More generally, I spend much time supporting family & friends and, of course, relaxing too! I often take a Wikibreak and come back refreshed and rearing to go again.  
So, all the activities you mentioned in your own list are far more important than Wikipedia and you are quite justified in relegating to a lower priority the time & effort you can devote here. I send you my best wishes of success as you turn your attention to your important activities, especially your exams.
I look forward to communicating with you again in due course, and if/when you feel like it. I remain available to extend assistance to you whenever you might need it. Until then, good luck and please keep well and joyful.  
With kindest regards for now;
Patrick. ツ Pdebee.(talk)(guestbook) 14:56, 31 January 2016 (UTC)Reply