Dylan's Done It!
Bob Dylan, a most awesome musician/warrior/poet, is the recipient of the 2016 Nobel prize in literature!

Egyptian sculpture of a sitting cat Cleocatra sez!:
Be on a MISSION !
head of giraffe

W I K I P E D I A   R O C K S !
Make it YOURS?
Going somewhere?  Go with all your red animated beating heart!
Anything else just wastes your time, doesn't it?

Indelibly yours, Paine Ellsworth

Jimbo peeking out

old man standing on top of stepladder in library with very tall shelves

Women lead, men archive
(just kidding – I believe in no division of labor/duty except that which men and women choose for themselves).

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11 = Visual Editor 1
11a = Visual Editor 2
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Poms archive
My preference is for Kitten Tales rather than pigeon holes!