Welcome! It looks as though you've just decided to register, or you've picked things up pretty quickly! Anyway, I'll just leave my standard tips. By the way, you don't work at a Bank in Manchester, do you? (OK ... I know there are thousands of Owen Jones's, but I thought I'd ask anyway!  :-) )

As it happens, my first signed contribution was to Evolutionary stable strategy, which is why I noticed your question. The general tip here is be bold, so if you think something is missing, then add it yourself!

There are many things to learn here: if you want a few pointers then come and visit me at User: Noisy, or leave a message on my talk page. Otherwise, the only tips I give are

   * that you sign your name with three tildas (~~~), and leave name and timestamp with four tildas.
   * <nowiki> </nowiki> around text will stop it being interpreted.
   * Play around with your 'preferences' to change the way that your screen is displayed.
   * And finally ... I recommend that you use the 'Show preview' button as a matter of habit before saving your edits.

[[User:Noisy|Noisy | Talk]] 17:00, 24 Sep 2004 (UTC)

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