THE NEED FOR GOVERNMENT IN A SOCIETY[edit] The Government impact in a society is very vital and important to every citizen living in that society, the Government provides clothing, food,shelter,security,support,defence,maintenance of law and order,restoring balance in a society. Let's ask ourselvs this question CAN A SOCIETY EXIST WITHOUT A GOVERNMENT? CAN A SOCIETY EXIST WITHOUT A GOVERNMENT? Throughout history, the vast majority of people have believed that government was a necessary part of human existence…and so there have always been governments. People have believed they had to have a government because their leaders said so, because they always had one, and most of all because they found the world unexplainable and frightening and felt a need for someone to lead them. Mankind’s fear of freedom has always been a fear of self-reliance of being thrown on his own to face a frightening world, with no one else to tell him what to do. But we are no longer terrified savages making offerings to a lightning god or cowering Medieval serfs hiding from ghosts and witches. We have learned that man can understand and control his environment and his own life, and we have no need of high priests or kings or presidents to tell us what to do. Government is now known for what it is. It belongs in the dark past with the rest of man’s superstitions. That would be libertarianism. If there's no government, people don't have to pay any tax to the government and they can do whatever they want. Sounds great, eh? But no! Without the government, fundamental services like police, firefighting, healthcare, education etc will all be not available. Also, due to not having to pay any taxes, the rich will become more rich and the poor will become more poor without the help of the government, this widens the gap between the rich and the poor. Last but not least, the law and order will be demolished. No one will have to compensate for what they have done and people may start a massive killing spree. That’s not the worst. People may resort to their own methods to deal with these criminals, such as execution or torture. chaos. No schools, no hospitals, no police, no firemen. The infrastructure you have (roads, rail, transportaion, lighting) would eventually fail with no one to repair them. Gangs would rule areas, like Somalia. The gang that is most ruthless will win every time. They want what you have they take it. And if you object, they kill you.No one would distribute anything because there is no certainly of being paid for it. No gasoline, no bananas, no imported anything. There would be no investment in almost anything because again there is no certainly that once the project is complete you will be allowed to own it. No electrical or distribution buildings, no roads,no rail, not even needed improvements to a port. Banks would open and for a few months everything would be normal, until one day the bank simply closes and walks away with your life savings, and there would be NOTHING you could do about it. Everybody would have to pay in cash, and robberies would be common. In Conclusion every very society needs a system of justice responsible for the protection of the sanctity and property of its members. And every system of justice needs a separate body to govern the administration of justice (i.e., to define the scope of its jurisdiction, the meaning of "agreement" and "contract", and the meaning of "enforcement" and "punishment"). And, naturally, this body of "governors" needs a selection process to select members to its ranks (to avoidabuse). This tripartite division of "government" of democratic selection, "political administration of justice" and justice itself dates back to ancient times even if. historically, the existence and separation of these functions has not always been present. Families, clans, tribes, monarchies, leagues, federations, countries, etc. all have them (even if democratic selection and separate administration of justice are not present or obvious). Additionally, if some common goal is to be adopted by the society (e.g., building a road or mill or other common facility) then some mechanism needs to be in place to co-ordinate, communicate and implement that goal. So "no" ... No society can exist (or has ever existed) in which a rudimentary "government" does not exist. Oladipo Alli (talk) 20:15, 8 July 2018 (UTC)Reply