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[[User:Meelar|Meelar (talk)]]

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Hi Neria :)


Nice to see you around on wikipedia :)--Josiah 00:11, 22 Oct 2004 (UTC)

Thanks :-). --Neria

Question 4 You


Are you Hakham Masuda's grandson?--Josiah 05:43, 24 Oct 2004 (UTC)

See E-mail. --Neria 19:47, 25 Oct 2004 (UTC)

Hello Neria


Hello Neria. Just curious, were you born into a Karaite family, or did you adopt its halakha at a later time? Do you live in a Karaite community and, if not, how is it possible to live life in accordance with its views in such a location?

I find the topic very interesting, but I am having a hard time finding actual Karaites to discuss these matters with.

Yogensha 23:51, 9 Feb 2005 (UTC)

Yes I was born into a karaite family (egyptian origion). I am Israeli, but now I live in San Farancisco.
I live in a Karaite community, Here and at home in Israel.
It is possible to live life accordance with its views even if you don't live in a karaite community. Tell me where do you find the problem?
You also can write to my e-mail. I give it to you if you want. --Neria 00:22, 10 Feb 2005 (UTC)

Well, I would find it difficult to practice Karaite halakha in solitude due to the fact that many of the communal festivities and the like would be unable to be observed. I've noticed that Judaism is very community- and tradition-oriented, which would make it difficult to be a practicing Jew, whether Rabbinic or Karaite, by oneself. Though I suppose that because Karaites have never been very numerous, many have been forced to live outside of an established community.
Yes, I think we could discuss these and other similar matters much better through email, if you don't mind.
Thanks again for your response.
Yogensha 00:34, 10 Feb 2005 (UTC)
You can e-mail me via "E-mail this user". I think that this is the best way.
What you say is true becouse Judaism is not just religion it is also Nationality. By the way, Where do you live? --Neria 00:38, 10 Feb 2005 (UTC)

Oddly enough, none of my emails seem to have gotten through. Anyhow, this is the essential body of what I was trying to ask you:

Regarding custom and tradition, it seems to me that Karaite Judaism is very ecclectic; that is, each Karaite determines for himself the halakha to follow from his own interpretation of the Torah. However, I've also heard that traditional Karaites have their own customs and traditions which do not contradict the Torah. Which view is the most correct; or, perhaps, it is a mixture of both? In the same vein, where may I find a traditional Karaite siddur and more information about the way in which they perform their prayer? I've simply been pointed to the on-line Siddur from Karaite Korner, but it seems somewhat lacking due to the fact that it provides no more information other than quotations from the Torah and the Tehillim.

Thanks again, Yogensha 00:52, 12 Feb 2005 (UTC)

See your e-mail. I answere you there. --Neria 19:47, 14 Feb 2005 (UTC)

Shalom Neria!


Shalom Neria,

I'm dropping you off a message to let you know I've returned to wikipedia and the online world. My old email addresses won't work anymore. If you'd like to talk sometime, send me an email using this link: [1] --Josiah 00:53, July 13, 2005 (UTC)



Hello! Can we upload this image to commons? → Image:Karaite Tsitsit.jpg --Sheynhertzגעשׁ״ך 15:00, 21 February 2006 (UTC)Reply

Yes you can. --Neria 20:54, 27 February 2006 (UTC)Reply
but,, where is the source? Can you show the information tag? --Sheynhertzגעשׁ״ך 11:07, 15 March 2006 (UTC)Reply
Also, you need to specify license, such as GFDL or CC, or make it public domain. Stan 13:41, 17 March 2006 (UTC)Reply



Hello Neria, Could you explain why you don't think Seraya Shapshal should be mentioned on the Firkovich page? Cheers, TewfikTalk 05:03, 2 April 2007 (UTC)Reply

Why should he???
They said different things!
They have no connection! --Neria 13:34, 17 April 2007 (UTC)Reply



Former Karaite from Sacramento area... Looking to reconnect. Looking for any information on Hakham Abraham Qanai's community. Also looking for a siddur in book form. I have one that is handwritten which my father made me write in my youth, but it is only Shabat, Hal, Habdalah and a hagadah for hag hamasot. Any and all information on obtaining one would be great. I am looking into moving to Albany (The nearest community) as I have been rather non religious for the last 16 years. HaLewyTalk 05:03, 9 April 2007 (EST)

You have a nice hand write.
Your father made you write a siddur on by your own? you wrote the name of god in ancient script. why?
Well, I don't know allot about Abraham Qanai's community, When I have been to the USA he invited me, but it didn't worked out.
I can find some information about him, if you wish.
DO you know about the KJU?
Tell me how can I help. --Neria 13:45, 17 April 2007 (UTC)Reply



"You have a nice hand writing"

Thank you! I don't write as well anymore, but I do my best.

"Your father made you write a siddur on by your own? you wrote the name of god in ancient script. why?"

Yes, my father felt that my writing it would help to etch it into my mind. He believed that it was necessary to know Tanakh and all prayer formulations by heart. The name of God is written in an ancient script because that is the tradition that he received. More on its reasoning I do not know. I also no longer write the name of God like that, rather I use the regular script.

"Well, I don't know allot about Abraham Qanai's community, When I have been to the USA he invited me, but it didn't worked out."

I am sorry to hear that it did not work out. From what little contact I have had, he seems to be a very decent and knowledgable hacham. I wish to meet him one day.

"I can find some information about him, if you wish."

Not necessary, he was open and honest in our communications, and I have grown to trust him on only two emails.

"DO you know about the KJU?"

I have looked at the Karaite Jewish University, however, I was dismayed that most of its leaders are former Rabbanites. I saw a few familiar names, however I prefer to learn from a hacham rather than online from a computer.

"Tell me how can I help."

Which community are you from? Daly City? If you want to help, I merely wish to contact anyone that can help me learn. That is all I want. I would not mind finding family, but unless you know of persian Karaites form around the Nahar Prat that moved to Spain until they were forcibly expelled between 980 and 100 CE. My family went from there to Italy and Tunis, where they remained until the 1800's. My brief geneology is available on my user page, but I can provide a more detailed one to researchers.

--HaLewy 11:45, 17 April 2007 (EST)

Sect is ok


Shalom. After making sure by checking several dictionaries, I readded the word sect in Karaite Judaism. Sect does not have any negative connotations in modern non-Christian religions. It is the accepted word for referring to the branches of Islam, for example. Also, Karaites use the word to refer to themselves: "Of all the Jewish sects that appeared during the long history of Judaism and they were many - none was able to have as serious an effect on the Jewish mainstream as the sect of Karaism" [2].

Also, I noticed you were on the verge of an edit war with another editor. Before reverting a change, it is better to pause and look for good sources to help support your claim, then discuss thee issue on the talk page. Kol tuv. nadav 22:39, 17 April 2007 (UTC)Reply

שלום. עמדתי על מקור חוסר ההבנה. באמריקה, המקום בו אני גר, המילה תמימה וחסרת קונוטציות שליליות. אבל קראתי עכשיו שישנם מדינות באירופה בהן זו מילה נרדפת ל"cult", וכמובן המילה הזאת רעה מאוד. על כן, תסכים למילה "movement" שהיא גם מילה שמופיעה בספרות אך ללא הדו-משמעות?

nadav 13:19, 18 April 2007 (UTC)Reply

לפי מיטב הידוע לי, כולל משיחות עם קראים מארה"ב, למילה "sect" יש משמעויות שליליות מסויימות גם בארה"ב.
גם בעברית המודרנית דהיום, יש למילה "כת" משמעויות שליליות, בעוד שבעבר לא היו לה משמעויות כאלה.
אני אמרתי בעבר, שאין מקום להפלות בין הזרמים השונים ביהדות, בשימוש במילה זו, וזאת נראית לי דרישה הגיונית לחלוטין.
אני כבר אמרתי שאין לי בעיה עם המילה "movement", שלא נושאת בחובה דו-משמעות.
בברכה, Neria 20:10, 18 April 2007 (UTC)Reply

Neria 20:10, 18 April 2007 (UTC)Reply

בעברית יש פחות מילים מאנגלית, וזה מענין לראות איך מילים קיימות מקבלות משמעויות נוספות עם הזמן כדי לחפות על המחסור. "כת" שבעבר פרושה היה "sect" עכשיו קיבלה קיבלה את המשמעות של "cult", שהיא מילה שלילית מאוד. nadav 23:47, 18 April 2007 (UTC)Reply



Shalom, Neria

I am currently translating he:יהדות קראית to fr:karaïsme. Though featured, this article does not cite its sources, especially for saying from Hakhamim. Would you please provide me some ? Yours -- 'Inyan

P.S : you can answer me in hebrew without problem, it is only because I cannot type in Hebrew that I write in English

אני מניח שאתה מתכוון לכך שהמאמר לא מביא מראי מקום, בציטוטים שהוא מצטט מדברי חכמים כמו למשל בציטוט מאליהו בשייצ'י או בציטוט מטוביה לוי בבוויץ'?

תראה, המאמר הזה נכתב לפני יותר משנתיים, ואז לא היה מקובל כמו היום לצטט מקורות. בנוסף, לא היו אופציות של "קישורים למראי מקום" או דברים בסגנון. אני יכול לעבוד על המאמר ולנסות לשפר אותו מבחינת מראי מקום. האם לזאת הכוונה שלך?

אגב, למרות שאין לי מושג בצרפתית, הבנתי שיש במאמר בצרפתית הרבה חוסר דיוקים שהוכנסו על ידי קבוצות שונות. האם זה נכון?--Neria 17:18, 29 July 2007 (UTC)Reply

Shalom, yes, this is my intent
Concerning the french entry, hineni metapel bo mipne shee'had mishtamesh:Karay (Chacham Benny Yakubovski, kfi shehu metaer atzmo) katav 'al asherism vetalmidism, zramim karayim al shem zqeno Asher ben Yoshua, "ben Tzadoq" al mi davar lo noda. Because many if not all of his assertions were unsourced, that the site about talmidism is not functionnal anymore, all entries were considered for speedy deletion. This is why I am taking care of fr:Karaïsme, and need sources to sayings of the karaite chachamim. Without these, the citations would be deleted and what remains untue of karaism.
YoursYours -- 'Inyan