User talk:NIHKZ/Additional Papers

hang on I am trying to figure how to link these additional refs to Chrousos home page

  • Chrousos, G.P., Renquist, D., Brandon, D., Eil, C., Pugeat, M., Vigersky, R., Cutler, G.B., Loriaux, D.L., Lipsett, M.B. (1982) Glucocorticoid Resistance and Primate Evolution: Receptor-mediated Mechanisms. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 179: 2036-2040. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
  • Chrousos, G.P., Vingerhoeds, A., Brandon, D., Pugeat, M., Eil, C., Loriaux, D.L., Lipsett, M.B. (1982) Primary Cortisol Resistance in Man: A Glucocorticoid Receptor-mediated Disease. J. Clin. Invest. 69: 1261-1269. Journal of Clinical Investigation
  • Chrousos, G.P., Schulte, H.M., Oldfield, E.H., Gold, P.W., Cutler, G.B. Jr., Loriaux, D.L. (1984) The Corticotropin Releasing Factor Stimulation Test: An Aid in the Differential Diagnosis of Cushing's Syndrome. N. Engl. J. Med. 310: 622-627. New England Journal of Medicine
  • Gold, P.W., Gwirtzman, H., Avgerinos, P., Nieman, L.K., Gallucci, W.T., Kaye, W., Jimerson, D., Ebert, M., Rittmaster, R., Loriaux, D.L., Chrousos, G.P. (1986) Abnormal Hypothalamic-pituitary-Adrenal Function in Anorexia Nervosa: Pathophysiologic Mechanisms in Underweight and Weight-corrected Patients. N. Engl. J. Med. 314: 1335-42.
  • Udelsman, R., Gallucci, W.T., Ramp, J., Goldstein, D.S., Lipford, R., Norton, J.A., Loriaux, D.L., Chrousos, G.P. (1986) Adaptation during Surgical Stress: A Reevaluation of the Role of Glucocorticoids. J. Clin. Invest. 77: 1377-1381.
  • Luger, A., Deuster, P., Kyle, S.B., Gallucci, W.T., Montgomery, L.C., Gold, P.W., Loriaux, D.L., Chrousos, G.P. (1987) Acute Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal Responses to the Stress of Treadmill Exercise: Physiologic Adaptations to Physical Training. N. Engl. J. Med. 316: 1309-1315.
  • Calogero, A., Gallucci, W.T., Gold, P.W., Chrousos, G.P. (1988) Multiple Regulatory Feedback Loops on Hypothalamic Corticotropin Releasing Hormone Secretion. J. Clin. Invest. 82: 767-774.
  • Hurley, D., Accilli, D., Stratakis, C., Karl, M., Vamvakopoulos, N., Rorer, E., Constantine, K., Taylor, S., Chrousos, G.P. (1991) Mutation of the Glucocorticoid Receptor Gene in Familial Glucocortcoid Resistance. J Clin Invest 87:680-686.
  • Karalis, C., Sano, H., Redwine, J., Listwak, S., Wilder, R., Chrousos, G.P. (1991) Autocrine or Paracrine Inflammatory Actions of Corticotropin Releasing Hormone In Vivo. Science 254:421-423. Science
  • Vamvakopoulos, N.C., Chrousos, G.P. (1993) Evidence of Direct Estrogen Regulation of Human Corticotropin Releasing Hormone Gene Expression: Potential Implications for the Sexual Dimorphism of the Stress Response and Immune/Inflammatory Reaction. J. Clin. Invest. 92:1896-1902.
  • Tsigos, C., Arai, K., Hung, W., Chrousos, G.P. (1993) Hereditary Isolated Glucocorticoid Deficiency is Associated with Abnormalilties of the Adrenocorticotropin Receptor Gene. J. Clin. Invest. 92:2461-2485.
  • Magiakou, M.A., Mastorakos, G., Oldfield, E.H., Gomez, M.T., Doppman, J.L., Cutler, G.B. Jr., Nieman, L.K., Chrousos, G.P. (1994) Cushing Syndrome in Children and Adolescents: Presentation, Diagnosis and Therapy. N. Engl. J. Med. 331:629-36.
  • Bamberger, C.M., Bamberger, A.M., De Castro, M., Chrousos, G.P. (1995) Glucocorticoid Receptor- Beta, a Potential Endogenous Inhibitor of Glucocorticoid Action in Humans. J. Clin. Invest. 95:2435-2441.
  • Latronico, A.C., Anasti, J., Arnhold, I.J.P., Rapaport, R., Mendonca, B.B., Bloise, W., De Castro, M., Tsigos, G., Chrousos, G.P. (1996) Testicular and Ovarian Resistance to Luteinizing Hormone Caused by Homozygous Inactivating Mutations of the Luteinizing Hormone Receptor Gene. N. Engl. J. Med. 334:507-512.
  • Webster, E.L., Lewis, D.B., Torpy, D.J., Zachman, E.K., Rice, K.C., Chrousos, G.P. (1996) In Vivo and In Vitro Characterization of Antalarmin, a Nonpeptide Corticotropin-Releasing Hormone (CRH) Receptor Antagonist: Suppression of Pituitary ACTH Release and Peripheral Inflammation. Endocrinology 137:5747-5750. Endocrinology
  • Vgontzas, A.N., Papanicolaou, D.A., Bixler, E.O., Kales, A., Tyson, K., Chrousos, G.P. (1997) Elevation of Plasma Cytokines in Disorders of Excessive Daytime Sleepiness: Role of Sleep Disturbance and Obesity. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 82:1313-1316. [1]
  • Kino, T., Gragerov, A., Kopp, J.B., Stauber, R.H., Pavlakis, G.N., Chrousos, G.P. (1999) The HIV-1 Virion-associated Protein Vpr is a Coactivator of the Human Glucocorticoid Receptor. J. Exp. Med. 89:51-61. Journal of Experimental Medicine
  • Vgontzas, A. N., Papanicolaou, D. A., Bixler, E. O., Lotsikas, A., Zachman, E.K., Kales, A., Prolo, P., Wong, M., Licinio, J., Gold, P. W., Hermida, R. C., Mastorakos, G., Chrousos, G.P. (1999) Circadian Interleukin-6 Secretion and Quality and Depth of Sleep, J. Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 84:2603-2607.
  • Vgontzas, A., Bixler, E.O., Lin, H.-M., Prolo, P., Mastorakos, G., Vela-Bueno, A., Kales, A., Chrousos, G.P.(2001) Chronic Insomnia is Associated with Nyctohemeral Activation of the Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal Axis. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab.86: 3787-3794
  • Makrigiannakis, A., Zoumakis, E., Kalantaridou, S., Coutifaris, C., Coukos, G., Rice, K., Gravanis, A., Chrousos, G. P. (2001) Corticotropin-releasing Hormone (CRH) Promotes Blastocyst Implantation and Early Maternal Tolerance. Nature Immunology 2:1018-24 [2]
  • Charmandari, E., Kino, T., Souvatzoglou, E., Vottero, A., Bhattacharayya, N., Chrousos, G.P. (2004) Natural Glucocorticoid Receptor Mutants Causing Glucocorticoid Resistance: Molecular Genotype, Genetic Transmission and Clinical Phenotype. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab.89: 1939-1949.
  • Kino, T., Ichijo, T., Tiulpakov, A., Chheng, L., Kozasa, T., Chrousos, G.P. (2005) The GTP-binding (G) Protein β Interacts with the Activated Glucocorticoid Receptor and Suppresses Its Transcriptional Activity in the Nucleus. J Cell Biol 20;169(6):885-96. [3]
  • Pervanidoua, P., Gerasimos Kolaitisb, G., Charitakib, S., Lazaropoulouc, C., Papassotiriouc, I., Hindmarshd, P., Bakoulaa, C., Tsiantisb J., Chrousos, G.P.(2007) The Natural History of Neuroendocrine Changes in Pediatric Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) After Motor Vehicle Accidents: Progressive Divergence of Noradrenaline and Cortisol Concentrations Over Time. Biological Psychiatry 62:10, 1095-1102
  • Kino, T., Ichijo, T., Amin, N.D., Kesavapany, S., Wang, Y., Kim, N., Player, A., Garabedian, M.J., Kawasaki, E., Pant, H.C., Chrousos, G.P. (2007) Cyclin-dependent Kinase 5 Differentially Regulates the Transcriptional Activity of the Glucocorticoid Receptor through Phosphorylation: Clinical Implications for the Nervous System Response to Glucocorticoids and Stress. Mol Endocrinol. 21(7):1552-68.
  • Nader, N., Chrousos, G.P., Kino, T. (2009) Circadian rhythm transcription factor CLOCK regulates the transcriptional activity of the glucocorticoid receptor by acetylating its hinge region lysine cluster: potential physiological implications. The FASEB Journal, 23:1572-1583
  • Sakka, S.D., Loutradis, D., Kanaka-Gantenbein, C., Margeli, A., Papastamataki, M., Papassotiriou, I., Chrousos, G.P. Fertil Steril. (2009 Dec 31). Absence of insulin resistance and low-grade inflammation despite early metabolic syndrome manifestations in children born after in vitro fertilization. [Epub ahead of print] [4]
  • Kino, T., Hurt, D.E., Ichijo, T., Nader, N., Chrousos, G.P. (2010) Noncoding RNA Gas5 Is a Growth Arrest– and Starvation-Associated Repressor of the Glucocorticoid Receptor Sci. Signal., 3:107, p. ra8